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Everything posted by QueenCat

  1. The front of my head is grey, the back is brown. I will continue to have it colored for the foreseeable future. I can't imagine that changing for another decade. I have root touch-ups done every 5 weeks. I have it cut at the same time. Those things, along with a smoothing treatment, cost me around $180 with the tip, every 5 weeks. Dh knows that it's a non-negotiable part of the budget until I decide differently. And I don't argue about keeping cable tv.
  2. Listen to what Gardenmom is saying. She doesn't need people telling her she or her dd are wrong. She doesn't need that at all.
  3. Thank you for updating us. I'm glad it's going well. I hope that people here take care in their responses to you.
  4. In Nashville, Don't miss Parthenon or McKays bookstore.
  5. Gift cards and cash are common at this age.
  6. When I taught, I always appreciated gift cards. Just make sure the gift card is for a high enough amount to cover the experience. It shouldn't cost the recipient money to use it. Most gift cards I received were great. Once, I was given one for an expensive restaurant. It was for $25. Entrees started in the $20+ range. Not so great. I personally wouldn't put pictures of my students around my home. A picture would end up in a box with other school memories.
  7. One that is truly self-driving and safe. That would give me more independence as I age.
  8. I'd try to figure out why so many are getting in the house. We have a lot of mosquitos here but have not had them in the house.
  9. 2nd graders are fun! And a break from teaching a testing grade is always a good thing.
  10. Ds really only flies if he's coming to see me. He'll text me from the gate IF there are any delays. Otherwise, I don't hear from him until he lands. That gives me an idea of when I can expect to head to baggage claim. I suppose he would contact me if there was an issue that he thought I could help with. Dh will text me from the gate area if he's bored and wants to text chat. He'll also let me know about delays on his return trip. He doesn't text when he lands as he drives & parks at the airport, so I don't need to go get him. For both, I can always check the flight status if I want an update.
  11. I'd ask the parents or the athlete what they can have.
  12. When mine were younger and we had that kind of life, we cooked extra protein on the weekend. Dh would grill enough chicken to use for other things during the week. Things like quesadillas, sandwiches, spaghetti, tacos, etc. We'd usually do one night of deli meat sandwiches.
  13. I used to hear that, but haven't heard that in years.
  14. We definitely hand the cash to each person. On our last move, we had the same crew on both ends (a first). They got tipped $50 at the start and another $75 at finish. And the lead got more.
  15. We tip on both ends. Last move, we gave the lead $100 and the others $50-75. On each end. We also supplied lunch, snacks, and beverages each day. We always have a great rapport with our movers and they seem to take extra good care of us. The workers aren't the ones making those big bucks.
  16. A minimum of one week... gets me into full relaxation mode. Two weeks would be better.
  17. Baked goods... brownies or cookies.
  18. I don't like other people driving my car. I'd drive. I'd ask the fiancee where she would like to sit. Then I'd ask ds where he wants to sit. Both of my boys have long legs and would be uncomfortable in the back, but it'd be up to them. No matter where everyone sits, everyone needs to be included in conversation.
  19. The price you quote would be in the middle of the normal range around here, for that size of a house, for the basics. My main levels are approximately 3900 square feet. For that, I paid $200. It was for two people, for approximately 2.5 hours. This included dusting (including ceiling fans/vents), all flooring, kitchen, and bathrooms. If I had them do the basement, it would be another $75. The basement is around 1100 square feet (finished). Add-ons, like window cleaning and baseboards, cost more. I paid on the lower end for around here. I just stopped a couple of months ago but am having a hard time keeping up with things. I will probably go back sooner rather than later... or at least do a deep clean every 3-4 months.
  20. I concur 100%. And for me, anyone who voted for the politicians that put this legislation in to place is also culpable.
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