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Everything posted by momto3innc

  1. I take the pit out, add a little coconut oil and an almond (or other nut) to the middle and eat. Although I like them just as well plain.
  2. Order him a new ornament tonight and return or re-gift all else. Maybe hide the personalized gift away for a bit if you want but I'd make your home a place where he doesn't have to have visible reminders if he doesn't want them.
  3. A photo album of their pictures from this year (they had to download for me so lost the element of surprise but they are thrilled). They travel a lot so they love getting this and don't want to do it themselves. Penzeys spices Fun treats from Trader Joe's
  4. I'd add rolls and something with the pie...either whipped cream or ice cream. Assuming you'll have cold drinks too? As far as getting rid of them, just keep a good flow. Eat fairly soon after arrival, after some clean up and digesting, have coffee and pie. Shoot for those two to be done in 2 hours or so and that's leaves some to hang out but no activity to go with it. Also have something you need to leave for if you need an excuse.
  5. Definitely #3. Or even better, let him carpool with a friends family.
  6. So very sorry. I hope it can be a wonderful time for you and your kids. Sounds like a great idea that will give wonderful memories to your two kids going.
  7. Have you heard of stick-let's? Let's you easily turn sticks into a teepee or fort. Plastic connector things https://stick-lets.com/ You could get these, fill a box with sticks, material to go over the top and have a fun fort kit.
  8. I'll type more later if I can but quick note if you're starting now on doxy. The sun sensitivity is no joke. Like for me beyond what I could even imagine (fully covered with clothes with a hat and spf 70) and the knuckles of fingers (guess I didn't sunscreen there) blistered in about 20 minutes. And I got sun poisoning. So please be careful!! Plus I had to eat with food.
  9. So sorry that was so exhausting. You certainly worked hard!!! To give a different perspective. My kids have been/are in all sorts of activities. I hate fundraising with a deep, dark passion. Hate it. When possible, I do whatever the buy out is to not participate. When I can't, I do participate and do my part, but I want it as simple as possible. Life is busy. I just don't have it in me to give huge amounts of time to one activity. We have 3 kids, each in a couple things. No way I can do anything like you've described for one of those activities. So when I can't buy out the fund raiser, I am looking simple. If I heard what you were planning, I would, honestly, be frustrated to have to join in to something I would never ever choose. Not because it's not great. It's just totally too much for me. I appreciate the people like you that want to do these large, amazing things. I just simply want utterly nothing to do with them. I want to pack a bunch of food, bring it, and enjoy the day with my family at the event after having paid what I needed to. And all the friends I have in all the different activities are all the same. Now, I wouldn't sign up and then not show up but I would do all in my power to never sign up for something like that. So you may want to just consider that others in these events could feel the same as me and be desperately wishing for a simple basic low key thing to do. Like....lots of bottled waters and gatorade in coolers. Pizza sold by the slice. Just buying from Subway and adding chips and drinks. Again, you've done great. Just a different perspective.
  10. I had that happen about 6 months ago during a blood draw in my arm. The initial pain when she pricked it was awful (besides the fact she kept reassuming me it was normal...ah...no...take the needle out of my arm now). It was pretty bad for about 2-3 weeks then gradually better. Totally healed by about 5-6 weeks out from hitting the nerve.
  11. I will be honest and say I don't see the issue. They realized they owed you a refund you didn't even know about. Then they paid you. I'd just use it for groceries this week and call it done. I'd prefer that to a check I needed to deposit. Well, not that I would care if it was a check either but can't really see the issue with the card. Just use it to buy something you would buy anyway and call it good. Really "found" money is always a win in my opinion :)
  12. I love Julia. Then you'd have two J names and two M names. Maybe Julia Rose?
  13. Hah! I saw this today and seriously do not remember this at all. I actually can't even remember which kid it was! So...I guess it resolved??? :) Tomorrow morning I'm making each kid show me the bottom of their feet so I can see what happened to it. I feel this may be a low point of parenting. Very, very far in the recesses of my memory I feel like I remember a child with a blood blister. Which child? No idea. But that's my best guess for what it was.
  14. Awesome...thanks! Sheets needed washing anyway so not a loss either way. I have a full container of cetaphil so I'll so that tomorrow. Off to google it. Thanks!
  15. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. We were at a friend's house yesterday. They just found one louse on one of their kids...that was playing with my youngest two for a couple hours yesterday. How much should I panic? So far, I had all kids plus me wash and condition and added tea tree oil to the shampoo. Then we stripped the beds and put on new sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. Everything is getting washed. (can I just dry blankets on high or do I have to wash those too?) Putting stuffed animals from bed in bags. Is that enough? Would you do other things? We've never had them. We may very well be fine so I don't want to totally freak out, but...I really really don't want lice. My kids have a little bit of dandruff and I'm just clueless for what I'm looking for if I started checking their hair. Help!! WWYD?
  16. I don't typically do meals, just snacks. I put a few things out on the counter and tell them they can get a mix of things, or just one thing, or nothing :) I don't ask for suggestions but usually I feel like there's a good mix. The other day when a bunch of kids were here I put out grapes, strawberries, pretzels, and yogurts. Cups for water. Bowls to put things in. If there's allergies I would accommodate those of course but otherwise that's my usual plan. Then kids can get what they like and leave the rest. If they complain, I tell them they're free to bring something along next time for themselves but this is what we have in our house. Take it or leave it. And sometimes I don't do that but just make a huge bowl of popcorn in the air popper and everyone gets their own bowl of it. That is always a hit and easy and cheap.
  17. Heat index was 116 this week. The other night the heat index was 95 at 11:00 at night. Seriously so miserable.
  18. I am going through these this summer (preparing to teach this fall). They have been so helpful...couldn't do it without them. No, he doesn't cover everything but enough to really help and then be able to dig in from there. He does talk fast for the recitation section but not the rest of the time. (And you could slow him down on computer). Very fun, entertaining, and helpful.
  19. I went to a vascular Doctor. At that point my insurance required a referral from primary but that would totally depend on your insurance. My procedures were both covered by insurance but I had really good insurance back then...don't know that it would be covered by my current. All things you would have to look into for your specific insurance. The treatment wasn't painful...they knocked me out for the removal and numbed the area when they collapsed them. Yes, It's a new vein (veins) that are vericose. It's frustrating they came back. Again, just kind of done at this point unless they get really painful. If they do I'll go back in.
  20. I had a bad section of vericose veins in my lower right leg. First I had shots in them to collapse them. That was probably about 1999. Worked for a while but came back. Then I had the main one removed. This was 2003. It stayed gone for awhile but then I had 3 pregnancies. Came back part way through the each pregnancy and then never left after the third: it's gotten really bad again. At this point, I've given up and just think it appears I'm meant to have varicose veins there :( So my experience hasn't been the best.
  21. Mine would like: Fun coloring book or journal with cool pens or pencils Gift card (like Starbucks or iTunes) plus something small like gum Fun nail polish/lotion/hair things
  22. We had this happen with emergency surgery on our middle son (when he was a year old). My husband just honestly would not back down, called and called, asked for superiors, wrote to them, and finally (after a lot of pushing back on his part) they gave us in network as it was an emergency and you know...his life was at risk. Silly us not to ask about the network as he's being held down for an IV. Seriously just the most ridiculous thing. For us the hospital was in network but the surgeon and anesthetiologist were not (which is a whole other level of crazy to be aware of).
  23. Here are some answers, not necessarily in order: -yes, we pick up after our dog in the backyard, maybe once or twice a week. It's truly no big deal. I use plastic grocery bags as "gloves". Quick and painless. -our dog does go out in the rain...just towel her off afterwards. --we have a poodle mix. Love the non-shedding but need to think through grooming. Either need to pay (not cheap and needed frequently) or learn how to yourself (what I did). --we started off crating but our dog truly hated it. We no longer crate but we didn't stop til we knew for certain (or as much as you can) that she would not have issues. She just sleeps when we are gone :) You just have to get to know your dog for how long they can go. Ours has never made a mess and we've left her 8-9 hours. --we do some walks (more when she was younger) but we run her around a lot in the house and in the yard to wear her out. --as far as expense, food can be so varied based on the quality. What you also need to think of is basic get exams/shots, heart worm/flea/tick mess (can get pricey), and grooming. Plus boarding if you're out of town. Good luck! We love our dog but there is a lot to think through.
  24. Kids Bowl Free Art projects from Michaels/Hobby Lobby Weekly cooking project My kids love Active Life Explorer for the Wii (if for some reason you had a Wii). Good, fun workout inside. Vacation Bible School Summer movies You tube art videos Some fun educational apps to do for a bit everyday?
  25. Could be make something cool and sell on etsy or the like? My daughter has thought of doing this for doll clothes.
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