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Everything posted by momto3innc

  1. When my daughter was in the hospital she got a TON of stuff from the hospital gift shop from out of town guests. Things like: snack baskets, balloons, stuffed animals, fuzzy socks, etc… they were more super kind to be remembered gifts than super practical. When she was on high dose pain meds, there was no reading. She just couldn’t focus. She watched endless movies on the hospital TV (they had amazing choices) or we watched shows we liked from prime/Netflix on my laptop. We brought books, crosswords, crafts but she truly could not handle it with the meds. He may be different. Weeks later, once she was off all the meds, she did appreciate lots of books/kindle books. She also liked a new comfy blanket, robe, and easy to put on sweats. Our biggest help once she was home was lots and lots of meal help. She really doesn’t remember the time very much but all the dinners saved my sanity. So they may be a thought once they’re settled wherever they will be to help your daughter. Amazon gift cards for movies, kindle books, etc… would be great.
  2. Looks like I’m the outlier. I love scented body lotions (specially the thicker ones from bath and body works). I use one after every shower. Rarely do I use a hand lotion—just don’t seem to need it after using the body lotion once a day. So for me, scented body lotions (or shower gels/sprays) are welcome as gifts. If it’s not a scent I love, my daughter often does so she gets it.
  3. “Thanks so much for thinking of me! I’m heading out for a fun lunch for my birthday. I hope you’re doing well—how is (something neutral like a job or class) going? I hope (pet or roommate or significant other) is well. Love you—have a great day!” I’d do something like this. Upbeat, cheerful, small question that she can respond to if she chooses. Lots of simple kindness over time with hopes that there can be reconciliation in the future.
  4. Definitely GF pasta and key spices you’ll use. if there’s a microwave, I’d bring those bags of ready rice/beans/etc… that are out there that can be microwaved in 60-90 seconds. Those are great for me when I’m traveling. Plain microwave popcorn? Enjoy Life chocolate, Eat to Live cookies (or other sweet treats you like). I love Bobo bars but I’m not sure how many of you could eat them (but they’re filling).
  5. I am a vice principal so regularly send information to large numbers of families. We work hard to limit the number of emails and only send when necessary with clear, bullet point info and only to who absolutely needs it. I’d be shocked if 50% of parents read them. Then they can’t believe I didn’t tell them about field day/pizza day/new pick up plan/play tryouts, etc… They definitely don’t want phone calls (like we would call every parent). We reserve texts for snow days or wildly urgent info plus we’d definitely get complaints for texting them. They don’t want to read the website or have to have a particular social media. So email is what we have. They want the info, but are unwilling to read the info. It really doesn’t upset me. It’s just annoying.
  6. My separate tub in the master bath? Very rarely. We just never use it and it only collects dust. My da who cleans the bathrooms generally wipes the dust down once every week or two. My kids’ bath has a tub/shower combo. That gets cleaned weekly and generally needs a better clean once a month due to my son not being awesome at the weekly clean. There is a bottle of daily shower cleaner in both bathrooms that is supposed to be sprayed on after the last shower of the day. My family is not super successful at this but when they are, cleaning is extremely minimal.
  7. I ran a fever and I can’t think when that has happened to me before with a flu shot. Started about 4 hours after and continued for about 12 hours, on and off. Low grade. No other issues, other than a lot of fatigue, and then totally normal after that.
  8. Could it have ended up in the fast food bag and gotten thrown out? Inevitably when I can’t find something it’s in the trash. It’s embarrassing how many times I’ve had to go through the trash. Most significantly…for my wedding ring.
  9. Got mine today! Very sore arm tonight but thankful to walk into Kroger today (no appointment) and get the shot 5 minutes later. One son had his flu shot about a month ago—need to get the rest of the family taken care of this weekend. Thanks for the reminder!
  10. Now I want several of these that others have posted! What about this? https://www.mobstub.com/d/Soft-Comfy-Plush-Pea-Coat-12-Colors
  11. For the AM snack, I’d just do assorted bars (like granola bars, kind bars, etc…) or muffins, plus coffee and bananas/clementines. Quick to grab and go.
  12. In my experience as a teacher, lining up by height is fraught with other problems. You have children that are embarrassed that they are short/tall and this draws greater attention to it. A co-teacher had a parent terribly upset with her about doing this very thing (her son was a very late bloomer and sensitive about his height).
  13. 1. You’ve got this. 2. This is happening to you because you’re so strong. Or really any phrase when something bad is happening but the person talking to me MUST find what’s positive about it. No, just mourn with me. That’s enough. It has helped me learn how to mourn with others. For that, I am grateful.
  14. I stand corrected. My apologies for misunderstanding.
  15. I can’t really fathom keeping an entire room full of crafting supplies unless I (or someone in the house) was actively using them. I would keep a nice amount for your daughter, let her have a blast, and then give all the rest to siblings/cousins so everyone could enjoy. For the record, I don’t keep things that no one in the house uses, so that very much guides my answer.
  16. This solves nothing but keep in mind most 11th grade students in my school are 16 turning 17. Some of this may simply be an age thing and feelings of overwhelm that she’s possibly not quite ready for what she’s doing. For my 11th grade child, he struggled with this when he was 14/15 (9th grade). We basically had natural consequences from his teachers/work place plus added consequences from me where appropriate. This was along with some scaffolding provided to help him succeed. This scaffolding looked like: clearing out his room of unused/unwanted things to make it easier to keep clean/not lose things. Regularly cleaning out locker and backpack. Requiring all things for the morning to be fully ready the night before. Sitting down once a week to talk through the week. Making him explain how he was going to get things done, what his plan was (and then discussing holes in it). Now, at 16 (almost 17), 11th grade, he’s much better but these are things he will likely always struggle with (he’s just like my husband who continues to work on executive function in his 40’s).
  17. I absolutely love St. Simon’s Island. I’d pick that for a quieter, scenic place to walk\relax.
  18. I really prefer a hot, easy lunch so I always bring a thermos to work. Generally it’s just leftovers from dinner the night before. I heat it nice and hot while I grab my coffee, put it in the thermos and…done! I’ve also made something simple I really like (like an easy vegetable soup) over the weekend and just heat a portion each morning. All I have to do is add a napkin and a fork or spoon.
  19. No, that’s not forgiveness. But it’s also not unforgiving/holding a grudge. To me it’s just…different. It’s being aware of how someone has hurt you and that that person doesn’t feel safe. And so you put up some barriers/guard yourself. And perhaps, it seems, for quite a good reason. If the offender in this, over time, has different behaviors, those barriers start to come down. But that takes a lot of time, many steps down the road, and trust restored. It’s a hard road for sure and one I’m somewhat wrestling with myself.
  20. Same exact thought!! I always consider that a safe one with my allergies. Not after this.
  21. Differin and proactiv worked very well here for my two kids who struggled somewhat with acne as long as they were used diligently. Both ended up with totally clear skin. Diet also made a huge difference too as did lots of water.
  22. I don't think further apology is correct here, even to make peace. And honestly, I think that too much apology has already happened. I totally get feeling bad that your child feels bad. BUT this continued apology is legitimizing her feelings, in what seem to me to be unhealthy ways. Apologizing for not letting her have closure makes this feel like such a bigger deal than it is. She could have come over any time from when she got engaged and to when she got married. She could have apologized at the wedding for running out of time and ask if she could come over the week after they got back. She can STILL have closure by coming over and getting all the boxes today and lingering over them for weeks! It is so crazily dramatic and she is ensnaring everyone else in the drama. I would stop apologizing completely. Be kind. Be loving. Ask about fun things in her day. But do not apologize when she is in the wrong for her reaction to a simple, small thing. Her pain is so overblown in this situation that continually pacifying or apologizing for it gives it legitimacy I don't think it should have. And that doesn't give her the space to possibly realize that her feelings are way overblown. It just keeps reinforcing that she is correct. That will not help her future mental health.
  23. I would NOT send that long text. It feels like pacifying them while throwing your DH under the bus (agreeing with cat woman here). If they want to solve the issue, they can reach out to your DH themselves or he can reach out to them. I’d be inclined to disengage, at least for awhile, and let them think things over for themselves. Basically I would be trying to disentangle myself from all the drama they’re hoisting upon your house. I mean, I wouldn’t be unkind in any way. And if they texted or call or came by, I would be friendly and kind. But it feels like you just keep apologizing again and again first for yourself and now for your husband while they claim no responsibility whatsoever. Adding an edit: I think the issue I see is as you continually apologize and explain, it creates the impression that you and your husband are the sole offenders here. Which is just not the case. It lets them totally off the hook.
  24. This is exactly the same for me. In my bad ear, no amount of amplification will help. I have a cross system that feeds sound from my bad ear into my other ear that is not impaired. My ent said that if anyone ever offered me a hearing aid for my impaired ear to run—that they didn’t know what they were doing. They do need to be cleaned fairly frequently so I’d also check that.
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