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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was the best thing that happened to me at college!
  2. I would apologize to dd and friend. I think both you and the other mom did't follow through. Since you had the information already, there's no reason to think there was any intent to leave dd out. A few days before you could have called to confirm.
  3. Sometimes the most kind and loving thing is to tell people straight out what's wrong. But you don't have to yell and scream or lose your temper to get your point across, even if you are mad.:grouphug:
  4. Butterflymommy, I was very much struck by your story too-- best wishes for the rest of your journey.
  5. Overall there were some good suggestions, which I've incorporated, but sometimes I did not care for the authors' tone, either.
  6. This is years ago-- but I was the clinician assigned to the local Jobcorp kids when they came to our community health center for health issues... They impressed me as troubled kids in a very loosely supervised program. This was not in your state, and it may have been that particular center or that particular time, but I've been a little leery of that program ever since.
  7. It wouldnt bother me that we disagree about something-- it would bother me that I found out about it on her blog and not from her. I would want to talk about it in person in some way.
  8. She values YOU-- she calls you a good friend right in that very post. I might say, I'm sorry you didn't like the book I recommended.:grouphug:
  9. Overstepped? No way! I would have called 911 myself, immediately, and sat wih the poor child until they came. Never mind someone's ridiculous 'procedures'. And I'd be writing to the director of the daycare center too.
  10. EO. Tithing means something a bit different to us-- not necessarily 10 percent exactly, but that you ought to be a steward of the church and give something, in a regular, planned, way, considering your own circumstances.
  11. I'm not sure I can put this coherently, but a deep sense of connectedness and mutual affection, combined with a wish to be obedient. I don't think I can really explain it because I think it's kind of a mystery. So maybe it's OK if you can't really explain or define it?
  12. Op, my DS is a little like this too. He is also 7 and gifted. :grouphug:
  13. I'm not sure what that is, but have fun!:001_smile:
  14. It's so hard to tell when it's generalities. If someone is saying, 'you are self-centered, you fall short,' that's not very illuminating... it's just an accusation that makes you feel bad... but if someone said to me, 'you were self-centered when you did X' then I would know where I was-- I could think about whether it was a selfish action or not. That specific thing. I could decide to change or I could decide it was OK. If the one thing was truly selfish then it still would not mean I was entirely horrible. If you are wondering whether you are at fault, then you could not be truly self-centered, because a self-centered person never wonders that. :D :grouphug:
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