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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Something like this happened to mine recently at scouts camp-- I went right to the camp directors. Not only do they have the authority to correct the counselors, the directors need to learn that this should be part of the counselors' training for next year. Of course the counselors are too young to know better, that is why they are trained by adults. This kind of thing makes me really mad, BTW.
  2. :grouphug: Prayers for you and your family. Good for him that he confessed. I pray that it all passes quickly.:grouphug:
  3. OK, here's mine... DD6: Mommy, when you are 100 years old, will your bosom be down to here? (points to her waist) :001_huh::confused::lol:
  4. I'm bringing up this thread again because there was an interesting Letter to the Editor http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/letters/2012/07/30/120730mama_mail1 in the New Yorker in response to the article the OP posted. (I hope the link works OK!)
  5. I was going to mention Grebenschikov too! His group is called Aquarium. I liked the album Radio Africa. My favorite song was Svyataya Sofiya, but I have no idea where to find these songs. ETA: Ok the song's name is actually Nikita Ryazansky, I finally found it, but if you try to download any of these songs, I would doublecheck that you have a reliable source-- some of the sites I found on Google seem a little iffy.
  6. I wonder if she does "save it all for you" because she wants to test you. It could be that she is stressed out in some other part of her life where she can'texpress herself and you are the safest person she can express all that pent-up energy. For example my DS was a little like this after being in a very strict kindy class.
  7. Can a house be given to Habitat for Humanity? Could they refurbish it and give it to someone who needs a house?
  8. Just :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  9. Mrs B, I think you are right. I would tend to believe the psychological explanation plus vivid imagination. I would never think the deceased cat would 'come home' like that. I have had a lot of beloved cats and they are sweet memories now, that's all. I suppose you could ask for a general house blessing, not just that particular room, if you happened to miss it in January.:grouphug:
  10. Get one which has doors that fall closed if you don't hold them open. We had an armoir-type in the last house we rented, and those doors never closed unless you shut them hard! To compensate, the thing had a LOUD alarm that would beep if the doors were left open. It drove me right up the wall! And there was no way to turn it off or down that I could ever find. I hate things beeping, and I could never unload groceries without it going off several times. Sorry, I don't know the brand.
  11. I'm EO, and I have to say that this letter would not bother me at all. Except I think it does not show good people-skills that the new rector sent it out after he'd been there only 3 weeks! I would base my decision about staying at this church on the whole picture, not just this letter. :grouphug:
  12. We like their chicken apple sausage for breakfast. We like their seeded baguettes. Also, mushroom ravioli and frozen gyoza (if you want a vegetarian option). We buy their meat and chicken, but the Empire brand chicken and the tri-tip cut of steak never cook up right for me. I don't get them anymore. I also like their expensive Parmesan (block) for a treat.
  13. Joining a particular parish, to me as EO, means saying that that's the place you'll participate in the sacraments, such as Communion, and Confession. It also means stewardship-- you are going to support that parish's life with your gifts, talents (such as teaching Sunday school, or choir, or parish council) and also financially. It is a commitment to having a personal relationship with the people in the community and the priest (unless the parish is extremely large, when you can't know everyone). The priest at your parish can vouch for you and sign a paper saying you are an EO if you are called on to be a witness at a wedding (like best man/maid of honor) or a godparent, if you are doing that in another parish where they don't know you, which are serious responsibilities. HTH
  14. "sure as Kilimanjaro rises like a leper above the Serengeti" --Toto, Africa (should be like OLYMPUS!)
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