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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. I had relatives/family that went to Cuba or China or the Philippines years ago and had an incredible time. However, I just googled the reviews-- doesn't sound good anymore. If you suggest she google it, she will find the same negative info and can make up her own mind.
  2. "did you cee this -- American High Schoolers not reading at high level" I guess I am not reading at a high level either, cause I didn't cee it. :001_smile:
  3. I think I would like to have a talk with the principal and ask for clarification-- "is it our plan to have me come in for lunch? Or not? I'm hearing mixed messages." "I appreciate that my presence could be a distraction, so is there a way that I can be with DD at lunch that would not be distracting to the other students?" Also, I think a request to switch teachers might be in order. I agree with Cat. Not every teacher is a good match for everyone and it sounds like this teacher is possibly not up to it. I understand this is so upsetting.:grouphug:
  4. I think it's awkward too. Sometimes I want anonymity, sometimes I wonder if any of you are people I know IRL! I have asked people I meet if they are on WTM and I've gotten the response "I don't have time for that stuff!!" which I suppose, to be honest... I don't really either...:001_smile: As for unregistered observers, you can look at the "who's online" feature and you'll see that after the WTM members on the list, there are tons of unregistered people looking at us at any given moment! :001_unsure: At one point i decided I was done with being anonymous and pm'd a couple of people, (although I did not know them, I know people that they know) my actual name & email. To my surprise one said, "Actually, I've known who you are for quite some time!" Gotta love that Patty Joanna! (P.S. no, I'm not the famous anonymous lady!!)
  5. Well, if the price comes down at least we won't mind as much when our ILs abscond with them...:D
  6. Mine are in PS-- went back last yr. DS (then 7) adjusted perfectly. DD5 (now 6) had some tears each day at recess when she felt lonely for the first couple of weeks, but said she liked school overall. she had a star teacher who was amazing at helping her get acclimated. This year she has had tears once at recess but overall likes school. What I did-- I did go and have lunch with her a few times, and went to recess with her a few times, and I watched her signals as to when she did not need me to do this anymore, and pretty quickly she did not need me to come any more. Also: I volunteered once a week in her classroom the whole year. This year what I did: I asked the principal specially for teachers who were gentle, not gruff. I also asked for teachers who like to have parent volunteers in the class, because I THINK that this is PS code for teachers who are welcoming and friendly. good luck! as to your reasons, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone: HS and PS can both be excellent options depending on the situation.
  7. Here's mine: I sometimes get scared on escalators. If I'm going up, and there is no one behind me, I get this terrified feeling that I am going to fall backward down the escalator. If there is a crowd of people, I don't worry. If there is one person behind me, I am extra nervous. If the escalator is especially steep, or goes deep underground, this feeling is awful. That is why if you ever see me on an escalator going up, you will see me clutching the railing with both hands like a maniac and pretending desperately that nothing is wrong. ;)
  8. The idea that a disability lawyer takes a cut of the disability money-- that makes me uncomfortable. Is that really how it has to work?
  9. Our new house also had an unidintified odor, which we did not notice til we were actually living here... Sort of a sweet yet unpleasant odor. We had gitten rid of their carpets, and I had the pleated blinds cleaned, which helped. I febrezed it and also used Ozium (sp?) which made the odor less and changed it so it could be identified-- it's cigarette smoke plus incense (a particular kind they have at Pier One). Bleh. I hope when we repaint it will go.
  10. Please check under your sink! That way, if your garbage disposal has a tiny leak, you can find it out before it gets worse and everything you store under there is soaked and ruined. Then you will be able to replace the disposal (and more important, accumulate the budget to replace it at your leisure) before it starts SPRAYING dirty water all over the place and even if you stop using it and place masking tape over the sink to remind yourself not to use it, it may start SPRAYING again whenever you use the dishwasher. Somehow I have the feeling we may be using paper plates for a while! Note: we have only lived here 2 months-- just the right time for things to start breaking. When we were house-hunting, I looked under sinks, according to the Hive's advice! but i didn't realize those little speckles were evidence of a leak.
  11. Ask him: "Why do you ask?" or "Hmm, what do YOU think?" or "Do you think there was a different way you could have handled it?" (this gives him an option to think about what else he could have done, instead of telling him, well I would have done this or that. It puts it back on him without any judgement from you. I bet, if he has a chance to think, his preferred approach would be something closer to yours?) or "Next time she acts like that, what do you think we/you should do?" Of course, you (or me!) have to ask this without any snarkiness.;)
  12. I don't know what it is, but :grouphug:. When I have TMJ it is both upper & lower jaw.
  13. I'm sorry for what I posted above, before your update. Btw I like Lands End too.:grouphug:
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