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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Brings back memories... when I was little, maybe 2nd grade, I wanted to borrow The Pool of Fire because it had a pretty cover which reminded me of the covers on the Narnia books I had. The librarian explained to me that it would be too hard for me, but when I insisted, she let me take it out. I remember reading through it while having no idea what it was about. But she let me try anyway. Different times?
  2. I think it's a problem with my DS and others too. Working ahead and going too fast to pay attention to directions. Then he misses something important. I am trying to teach him that it's important to listen to the directions even if it's tedious and you think you know what's coming.
  3. This happened to us-- I emailed the classroom teacher who talked to the librarian and fixed the situation right away.
  4. Dear Catholic sisters, I hope you have a beautiful Ash Wednesday! Have a blessed Lent! --Nyssa
  5. Condolences to our Catholic friends! I respect his decision to resign very much-- it is not easy to admit when you are not strong enough to do your work. My only hope is that his successor will continue the work of reconciliation with the Orthodox, and all other Christians too, of course. And, I think it would be interesting if the next Pope came from outside Europe-- Africa, for instance.
  6. Among Greeks today, the Cretans are known as being the wildest and craziest Greeks. ;) Of course "cretin" and "Cretan" are two different words with two different derivations. But the fact remains that Cretans are famous for being wild and crazy, from ancient to modern times. Challenging you to ask any Greek you know about this! I hope no Cretans are offended by this post. Some of my closest relatives are Cretan and we/they like to brag about this, in fun of course!
  7. If I did, and if it were a church with a hierarchy that is supposed to keep the clergy/churches accountable to their teaching, then I would advise the local bishop that this is happening.
  8. Hi RCC ladies, can I come in? I am Peony Proudfoot!
  9. Hun, you don't need this headache. Just find an ordinary apartment to rent til you get your feet on the ground.
  10. We had a friend whose children were removed by CPS for 10 months. The state provided both parents with their own lawyers-- although they were not the highest quality, and mom had a social worker too assigned to her. Because our children were friends, I contacted CPS and asked if i could have the children over for playdates, and that was allowed. I would pick them up from foster family and bring them to our house or to church and then bring them back. The parents, CPS, and the foster family were all pleased that the kids had us as a resource. I also was "deputized" to be a person qualified to supervise a parental visit. The foster family would drop them off at a park or MacDonalds, and their parents would meet them there and spend some time with them, while I was there at another table to see that parents did not try to abscond with them or do anything abusive. That was more comfortable for the family than having a stranger hovering. I was just supposed to report if I saw anything bad happen, but I never did. The parents tried to cooperate and fulfil their requirements (parenting classes etc). Like you, I was also uncomfortable with the situation because I was not sure whether abuse had been happening or not. Clearly they loved their kids, but there seemed to be some not good things happening, but I am still not sure about it. The CPS system is said to work very well where we live, so I let them get on with it while I just did these small things that I could for the family to make it just a little easier. Oh, and I also went to court with the parents just to be present and hold their hands, because those appearances were so distressing for them. They were very grateful for this at the time (I wasn't a witness or anything, just a family friend). By the way, soon after the situation was resolved & the kids were back, the family completely cut off contact with us. I guess that they were embarrassed by the whole thing and wanted to put it behind them. I don't blame them for that, but I did do a lot for them and I wish I knew they were all right.
  11. When this happened to my DD6, I called the dentist and was told this was a big problem and they had to come out right away-- to come in the same day! I refused... they started getting wiggly and came out about 2 months later.
  12. We break the fast for Thanksgiving, plus leftovers! but that it our family's choice, we haven't been taught either way is better than the other. Greek archdiocese
  13. Hi again, does anyone know what happened to Orthodox Christian Craft supply? It seems to be defunct. I was hoping to get some Xmas things there-- does anybody else know where to get similar kinds of things? thanks!!!
  14. It took me about 7 years total. 4 years thinking about it from a distance and reading a little, then 3 years on and off in the parish. Then suddenly I knew it was time and I became Orthodox with no catechesis at all (this was in a village church in an Orthodox country). Then it took some time to warm up to the local church where I lived in the U.S. This is was many years ago now. :) I wouldn't worry about understanding everything, Briva. Just let the services wash over you.
  15. Hi everyone! Thanks Mila for the message about this thread! I have been off the GB, but I am looking at it to learn how to post on the new forums. I had to change my avatar a little since the photo got stretched and looked weird, I thought. :grouphug: to all. I see we don't have a new "praying" smilie-- too bad!
  16. Hi Julie, I don't think I would send things anonymously. It just does not sit right with me. How does your son feel about this idea? What would he like you to do for her, if anything? Can you get registered as a volunteer at this home? Then you could perhaps do more for her and any other people who are in need, and bring things without it being crossing boundaries. You could learn more about her situation and what she is like and what she might need or be able to cope with. Can you talk with the social worker or the people who administer the place? chaplain?
  17. I've had the police at my house twice (where we used to live), once to report an attempted mugging, and once to report neighbors throwing things at us over the fence. Both times the police were very kind and considerate. I think they like interacting with people who are not actually the ones causing trouble. :) I'm also confused about your case, but there's no harm asking the police about it. You don't have to prove anything to them. Just tell what happened and they can figure it out.
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