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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Hm. It's not selfish. When you are feeling better, you will do a better job doing all the things you have to do, including being there for your family & friends. Can you see it like that? If you can't... then the other way of looking at it is that you've earned the right to be a little selfish, and I think you should make all the nuisance of yourself that you like. :grouphug:
  2. I got this book to read after seeing this thread. It is great! I recommend it for help with any conflicted relationship, not just marriage.
  3. Jean, I think it would be superstitious to think that it's a sign. Keep calling and tell them "This is my second (or third call) and I have been waiting X days for a call back."
  4. Ok, part of what I pm'd Jean is that I found the best support is from other clergy wives IRL. Our church has an annual retreat for us and it is really amazing to be with this group of ladies! I look forward to it all year. Nobody else, no matter how sympathetic, can really get it. However, my group is rather far flung and it would be nice to have some support closer to also... I have been talking with the local Anglican priest's wife about trying to start something in our town-- for many clergy wives. It would be fun and helpful. I don't know whether it will be tea and chatting, or lectures (like about clergy taxes-- I bet lots of clergy wives are the ones who do the taxes! or about famly wellness or dealing with trouble in the parish, bringing up clergy kids, or many other topics), or Bible study, or what, but we want to get a few of us together and see what happens. I also worry, because from time to time there is a story in the news about a horrible tragedy in some pastor's family... that they had been struggling with something, whether addiction or financial troubles, for a long time and it was a dreadful secret they could not tell anyone because they had to put a good face on everything... and finally something awful happens-- I would hate for that to happen in my own town and I never even knew the family even though I could have offered support if the wife had reached out to me, but why would she even think of doing that? I hope we could make a community where clergy wives who are struggling could find someone to confide in. I wonder if some of you all could start this in your own towns, if you are inspired to do so. Anyway lots of towns have clergy meetings for the clergy-- why not try to start, through them, a meeting for their wives? I am going to a meeting of clergy wives in our region next week-- meeting in a vineyard-- very apt! :grouphug: to all.
  5. Aw Tibbie, maybe it's just me but I haven't perceived whining-- on the contrary your posts always seem so reasonable!
  6. I didn't answer the poll since my answers are a little different: Yes for kids (I have one with asthma too) Let DH make up his own mind. For myself I wait and see what kind of flu season it is shaping up to be. If it looks bad I will get it. If not I don't. In 1997 I had a reaction to the flu shot and my arm swelled up for 2 weeks. I don't want that or worse to happen unless I feel that I really need the shot. I also check each year whether the flu virus components are the same as 1997 or not. So I do a risk/benefit decision for myself each year.
  7. I went to post a polite and reasonable yet heartfelt, striking, and intelligent comment on that blog. Composed it, then found I had to be on Facebook to sign in to post it. Grrr! I am not on Facebook. I suppose all that's to the good, since if I were I would probably spend all day getting mad and posting things on other people's blogs, even though I have better things to do and should probably go and do them now! Whoa Nyssa!
  8. Wow, that came out big. Well, at least I expressed my strong feelings accurately.
  9. A parent may have a favorite. It's only natural that that might happen sometimes. I don't see any good coming out of talking about it in public. I THINK THE FATHER WHO WROTE THAT BLOG IS AWFUL, AWFUL, AWFUL FOR POSTING THAT FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE. WHAT IS DS2 GOING TO THINK WHEN HE READS IT? JERK!
  10. If it's any comfort, I also lost it tonight with my DS8. :grouphug:
  11. Glad it worked out! But I'm still pining to see the picture of the cake with hay on it.:001_smile:
  12. Mommy can't hear whining. Mommy's in the bathroom, mommy can't help you right now. Did you like your dinner? Then what do you say?
  13. What if you have a grandma in your family, who is sweet but also one of those fragile people mentioned above? I would strongly encourage DC to give a hug even if they are feeling contrairy. I respect her & need to take care of her as well as of DC.
  14. Both, but I didn't know it was a choice-- I thought they came that way ftom the store.
  15. Getting my post in before the thread is locked-- I appreciate Milovany's explaining posts, thanks Mila for taking the time! Although I do use the saying "keep your eyes on your own plate!" I intend it mostly as an instruction for myself, and I didn't take momoflaw's signature as insulting at all. We EO do have a theology of the "royal priesthood of the laity" which is about the same as the priesthood of all believers, but it's not the same as ordained ministry.
  16. If you are the one to make all parenting decisions, doesn't religion come under that? I agree that what he said to DS and how he is treating him is horrible, and it would be a good idea to limit the visitation as PPs said above-- I'm just recalling a friend who divorced and her XDH was required by the custody agreement to take the kids to their usual church even when they are with him for the weekend, and not to teach them anything against it. I have no idea how usual that is, though, or if it applies in your case. :grouphug:
  17. You'll never find that at an EO church. However, if I belonged to another church, I wouldn't mind it PROVIDED that there was clear communication about what the term meant, what authority the person had, and what training he/she had.
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