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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. I would try a different doctor! Honestly, I think these meds react differently on different people with their side effects, since everyone's biochemistry is a little different, so I would rather have someone who would listen to me and be willing to change the Rx if it wasn't working.:grouphug:
  2. I second the advice about taking the initiative to start conversations (even if you feel uncomfortable), and to join small groups and service groups-- it's easier to talk to acquaintances, IMO, if you have a given subject to talk about already, such as the project you are working on together. Another thought-- at the coffee hour, if your family is all introverts-- do you sit together in a group? If so, other people may see you as a group which is self-sufficient and not welcoming, not engaging. Maybe you could take one kid and tackle another mom, and let your DH take a kid and tackle someone else. Well, not tackle, but engage in conversation.:001_smile:That's what I meant.
  3. It's ridiculous. I'm interested to hear what response you get. :bigear:
  4. Whole Foods has frozen piecrusts-- they even have a spelt one. I would guess no preservatives, but I'm not sure.
  5. I teach about all religions. SOTW is a good start for this. We focus specially on Christianity though.
  6. Roadrunner-- I studied Georgian years ago, in college. It is the most fun language to speak! :001_smile: Sakartvelos gaumar jos!!!
  7. We just chose a yellowy color from Benjamin Moore-- it looks kind of like your idea. It is called Jicama. But it's not on the wall yet, so I can't say how it turned out yet. A tip for testing the samples on the wall: paint 2 coats.
  8. Deb, I love her too... actually she was the person who showed me, when I was an anxious teen, that it is possible to be a Christian in the atomic age. My screen name is from The Other Side of the Sun.
  9. I was going to say Georgia too! Roadrunner-- Gogo, shen martla kartveli khar?? Ow! Dzalian miquars Sakartvelo!!
  10. Are you really in Scotland? I'm sure they have a lot of woollen fabric there that they use for warm skirts or..... kilts.
  11. Something pretty for the house like a tile backsplash for the kitchen, or fruit trees.
  12. I think modest attire is different for a church tour than for a church service. I would just avoid shorts, bare tummy, or cleavage. At our festival, the journalist who wrote about it put 'no shorts' and the priest wrote to him to take that out, since he didn't feel that people should have to plan ahead-- if they just came for a gyro and then realized they might want to see the church, that's good! As long as they finish the gyro first. :001_smile: I did some of the church tours at our festival & I wouldn't turn anyone away for their clothing. Have fun!
  13. Mine is completely hidden from the general internet- it's really only for our grandparents-- funny things the kids say and do, and photos. You can find instructions and you can set it up however you like at blogspot.
  14. Situation #1: you and acquaintance are waiting while your children have an activity. Not rude at all. Situation #2: you are invited to her home. Not rude, but I'd expect you to make some comment like, "oh, I hope you don't mind my knitting! I take it everywhere and I always need to be doing something with my hands. Now tell me all about the latest..." whatever it is she is interested in, to show you are interested in her conversation. And, it should be something you can do easily like knitting or crocheting, not something that requires a lot of paraphernalia or instructions you have to keep checking. Situation #3: your friend is going through a rough time and came over to cry on your shoulder. Knitting would be rude then, I think.
  15. What is your relationship to her-- you didn't say? To me, the answer is much different based on, do you know her from church? From work? A neighbor? I would say something but how much and how deeply to go into it would really depend.
  16. Eastern Orthodox theology says that the Trees of Life and Knowledge were for the people to eat, but not at that time, not yet, because they were not ready. The people were newly made, just like children. I'm sorry but I can not recall where this reference comes from (which fathers of the church wrote about this theology) but it is there.
  17. :grouphug: I was putting off getting a crown for years (due to cracking)... because I imagined that the crown prep was a huge deal, that my poor tooth would be reduced to a little peg. I don't know why I thought that. I just could not face that. When the dentist finally explained that she would only take off 1 mm on each surface, and the idea is to preserve as much of the tooth as possible, I felt SO relieved. With that calming idea, I was able to do it with just Novocaine. (For some reason that tooth always needs 2 shots, so I just told her that in advance). Hope you will feel the same calm once you get some good information, and glad for you that it will soon be all done!
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