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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. Try Lands End for a bathing suit with a skirt! :001_smile:
  2. :iagree: Just say you can't. You don't have to give any reasons. :grouphug: Or, if you feel you absolutely have to say something, if there is an activity you do participate in, say, "I'm so sorry we can't participate in VBS this year, since we spent so much energy on the food drive." or whatever. My questions: is this just one elder who really wants a good turnout for the events he is planning? Who is perhaps a pushy person who can not take NO? Or is this the general way that things happen in this church? Are all the leaders like this? Do you have friends at this church who do not pressure you? Do people want you to come to activities because they want you to share the fun/blessings, or do they feel that you are lacking in some way and need to be ministered to? I think the answers to these questions would determine whether this is a good place for you to be. Now, my own church is not exactly composed of shrinking violets. :D I have had to learn my own limits and set my boundaries, and then communicate them nicely, and repeat as needed. I really do think, though, that sometimes if you offer excuses, you are just asking for pushback. HTH:grouphug:
  3. I don't have any recipe advice, but :grouphug: hope the visit goes well.
  4. Mine is due to a mistake... when I signed up, I thought I was naming our homeschool, not myself, so I was looking for a place name, not a name for me. Little Nyssa is a house in Madeleine L'Engle's The Other Side of the Sun. It is named after Nyssa, a plantation in her book where blacks & whites lived as equals, an idealistic dream at that time, which did not survive, because it was burned down. Little Nyssa is named after that lost dream-- a sign that someone remembered it and that it was maybe not lost completely. I've always loved her books-- she was maybe the first person to show me that it is possible to be a Christian in the 20th century-- and I love the themes in that book of courage, innocence, and also the seaside life that she describes so vividly, and 'playing Shakespeare' with the aunties, etc. Also, I'm sure L'Engle was referring to St Gregory of Nyssa, whom I also like very much.:001_smile:
  5. Just an additional thought to all the above... I've known several women who spent a lot of time fuming over their husbands' bosses. Being mad on their husband's behalf. Of course it's justified, but don't let it consume you like I have seen happen. Don't let your own peace be disturbed, because you need to be strong & keep home the calm place. :grouphug: Hope it is all settled soon, and well.
  6. I also loved Healthy Sleep Habits. You've gotten lots of good advice, so here's just another:grouphug:
  7. Praying! Also, that first place should get reported to OSHA.
  8. We found a lovely little book at the library called something like "Wildflowers in Shakespeare."
  9. None-- being sent home from camp would be enough consequences, I would think. I would tell her that maybe she will manage herself better next year and be able to stay the whole time.
  10. I had a family member very much like this who was helped by: 1. seeing a Dr and getting a thorough medical checkup 2. counselling (in this case it was very short-term, but it did help) 3. focus on getting a very good night's sleep (=no late TV or snacking) 4. focus on good nutrition 5. focus on getting exercise 6. the book "Feeling Good" by David Burns 7. regular meetings with clergy 8. regular talks on phone with long-distance friends This person did not happen to require meds, but these are some good ideas even if your DH does need them. And I agree, it is very wearing for family members. :grouphug:
  11. In California at least, you can contact the DMV with someone's license plate number if you feel they are an unsafe driver. You fill out a form. They will evaluate the person. I have done this, but I don't know what the outcome was.
  12. I agree with all of the PPs, just wanted to add one thing. My kids have been like this, Occasionally, but enough so I have had to think about how to handle it. I try not to feed into the anxiety by becoming anxious or stressed, myself. I also try to make sure there is no question of secondary gain-- that is, I ask myself if I am in any way rewarding them for the anxiety. I don't mean reassuring them, I mean am I giving treats to make up for whatever They missed. Also, If they did not feel comfortable joining in, I don't think I would try for as long as you happened to do that day. My approach would be more, you don't feel comfortable? Then let's try it another day, ok? This might be hard if I were paying for it, but it mught make it easier the following week? I might try 15 mins, that's all. And :grouphug: you're not a bad mom!!
  13. Sorry, I thought you meant right now! If you go to Redding then I guess you could schedule yr visit when Fr Mel will be there at the monastery-- I often see flyers for him speaking at retreats in various places, so I guess heis not always at home. I still vote for Victoria though!
  14. Where did Redding come in?? You know it will be as hot as blazes, right? ;) To the pp from Canada-- WA residents can get a special drivers license that lets us go over the border without a passport. I have one.
  15. We recently went to Victoria & loved it. We took the Tsawassen crossing and took a double decker bus to V. We brought the kids birth certificates & that was enough. But recall things are a lot lore expensive there, and don't forget your kid's medication like I did-- had to pay a fortune and waste time finding a Dr to prescribe it.
  16. :bigear: I am also choosing kit colors-- we are moving into a house painted a wugly matte tan-brown. My kit is smallish with an East facing window. I have considered lite green, pink, yellow, blue, but I haven't figured it out, especially because one of the walls wraps around from the living room and will have to stay tan-brown as an accent wall. I'm not sure I want white because that seems too stark. In case you are interested ;) we are going to use Benjamin Moore paints, and DD's room is a mix of half Elephant Pink and half Bermuda Breeze. DS's room will be a mix of Athens Blue and Faded Denim, which actually comes out to another shade, the name of which I forget- who names these things anyway?? I can not decide on master br color. My first choice is palest pink but DH is having none of that! For kitchens, some colors make me think of certain foods. If pink, I will think of cupcakes, etc. i can't figure out a color which will match all foods!
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