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Little Nyssa

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Everything posted by Little Nyssa

  1. We had a washer that ripped holes too. I forget what caused it, but it was fixable and did get fixed, and we had no more problems with it. It was landlord's not ours, so I don't really know the cost of fixing it, but I seem to remember it was less than 200$. (note: this was not the Bosch machine that I referred to on the other washing machine thread tonight! I think it was a Maytag.)
  2. We use our landlord's Bosch washer and dryer and they are great. Actually, part of my son's rock collection inadvertently went through the wash cycle, without breaking the washer or damaging it in any way! (thank goodness!)
  3. It seems to me that probably the girls told their mom something negative about your daughter and she is rudely reacting to that--- maybe they blamed something on her that they themselves had done. Unless this lady is like this with everyone, it seems she is going out of her way to interpret a harmless comment as a slur. She has something against her. I doubt you'll be able to uncover it, though, and at this point it wouldn't matter to me what it is. I wouldn't bother digging for it. I think it would just stir up more trouble. But that's just my 2 cents. 1. Post the friendly message that PPs recommended. 2. Tell DD that it is that lady's problem, not hers, and that she will meet a lot of people in life who want to misinterpret, according to their own set of blinkers, and that the sooner you learn to let it roll off your back, the better. 3. I would let DD keep being friends with them, if it goes no farther. 4. Here's something I learned here: you don't have to have the last word in every conversation, in order to be heard. Don't let DD follow that conversation with comment after comment. Can you tell that I am trying to learn these things myself? Just today I met some Australians, and that reminded me of an Australian girl who was obnoxious to me 7 years ago and I got all mad inside again about it! Tell me to let it go already!!! Best wishes to DD.
  4. My brothers were friends with Matt Damon when we were little kids. And, I went to summer camp with Debra Messing when we were 11 years old. But neither me nor my brothers grew up to be movie stars!:D
  5. I agree it's probably normal, but if it were my girl, I would just move up the date of her yearly checkup, just so i could be reassured, without worrying her.
  6. I will never, ever set foot in Kaiser. They minimize costs by restricting care and beds. Worst case scenario happened to a family I know-- Dr was not allowed to hospitalize their psychotic teen-- seriously delusional & hearing voices-- he was sent home. the boy committed murder a few hours later. The doctor resigned & refused to work there any longer.
  7. I love him! This from NPR this morning: "His conversion was initially greeted with skepticism, but over the next 3-plus decades he proved it... He walked his talk." I highly recommend Born Again.
  8. I seem to remember that Harriet the Spy got convinced she had to go to dance class because spies have to know how to dance, like Mata Hari.:001_smile:
  9. In our family we have used a chart for staying in bed all night. At the end of a month a highly valued prize was given! (Lego). It has to be something very highly valued and then DS is able to make himself go to sleep & stay there! It worked very well, but did not become a permanent change til maybe the third round. This is what worked for us after many other stratgies failed.
  10. I'm sorry. It seems like there have been a couple of threads lately, where the decisions of other parents at the last minute have affected the Hive's kids negatively. This is a reminder to me that I need to confirm and doublecheck all plans leading up to events so that they work out or if they don't, I will have plenty of warning. BTW My poor DD5 is going to be so sad, about the Daisy troop she has been waiting to start, for seven months... the person who was to be the leader, and kept stringing us along all this time, has finally decided she can not commit to it. We never even had a meeting. I wish DD5 had not known about it at all.
  11. This is old-fashioned, but as a teen I enjoyed The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie. It's post-WWI with secret agents.
  12. Imp, listen. If they dropped their price by 40K, they must be really eager to sell, even if it is inconvenient for them. Make an offer and ask for a "long close" which means you sign the agreements & put down your "earnest" money but don't actually close til a later date. We just had our offer accepted for a 5 month "long close". We wanted to finish out our lease on our rental without being penalized, and the sellers were fine with that-- they were eager to sell and had had no offers in 8 months & had dropped the price. Maybe the same will work for you? :001_smile:
  13. :( Yes, and it really takes all your strength. Rest up, and I hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:
  14. I choose option C: I would be mad. This is completely unacceptable. It's a safety issue. I would go to the principal.
  15. Dear Amirah, I understand if you do not wish to post more than this, but I do have a question... did any of the school administration or parents gave you any trouble about the niqab? Thank you very much if you choose to answer! Nyssa
  16. In our school district you can opt out for any subject you want. I did consider doing that for math, but as it happened, DS's teacher is the crackerjack expert math teacher-- teaching them skills, but also making math fun & interesting. He is a math geek. The whole grade rotates through his class to do math. Although they do not use the curriculum we were using at home (Singapore), teacher knows all about it and borrows from it as needed. So, it might happen that your girls would get an excellent math teacher, which could make up for any deficiencies in the curriculum. Maybe you could ask for that?
  17. Well, if it's my two, they do occasionally say that. But then we look over their work that they bring home, and I see that they are actually learning quite a lot. I think that mine learned to say "bored" from the other kids, not necessarily because they are actually bored, but because it seems to be the cool thing to say. If I really thought they were not learning anything, I would be concerned & talk w/teachers.
  18. Ack--- lost my whole post. In essence I was saying that you should get a second opinion. :grouphug:
  19. There is a Greek dish made of cream of wheat in a gelatin mold. :confused:
  20. I would not be comfortable with it, but I think I could become comfortable with it if I knew the teacher. I'm pretty sure that the school system would have thought hard about this already, since there is bound to be criticism. The problem I have with it, is that niqab is a sign of ardent religious faith, and I would wonder how much of an agenda this person might have for teaching the children in a biased way. I don't think I am being anti- her particular religion here, because I would have the same concern if a teacher wore a huge cross, or were a monastic of any kind, or wore a yarmulke, or a crown of holly leaves. It is a sign of very strong faith, and I respect that, but I believe that the public schools ought not to be a place of proselytizing by teachers. And, I'm saying that as a Christian with a pretty ardent faith too! So,if I had a chance to speak with the teacher, and get to know her, and I believed that she did not have an agenda, I think I could become comfortable with it. As a PP said, I would far rather we all wear niqab than bikinis. :001_smile:
  21. MrsB, I also have a tiny kid, and I get the same, but to make it worse, his younger sib is >100 percentile for weight and height. I get scolded in both directions!
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