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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. http://www.thecraftycrow.net/ This is my favorite craft idea site. There are lots of ideas for the 4th right now. You can search the site by topic, holiday, and age groups as well.
  2. My son will start jiu-jitsu classes sometime during the year once he turns 5. He already play trains with DH. He will do bjj because that's what Daddy does. My DH is heavily involved at the gym and is very good friends with the kid class instructor.
  3. Our older DS is 4.5, and since his arrival we've been out for coffee once and dinner twice.
  4. :lol: I love your stories!!! Can't wait to hear what the payback is. :)
  5. Have they seen Arthur recently? There was an episode recently in which the little preschool twins sell their art to buy a toy. I would let them set up a stand in the yard, but after a discussion on pricing. I would find it charming if I passed a child with an art stand.
  6. :D Congrats! November boys are fantastic!
  7. I think it's lovely that your son still plays with his sister. And perfectly normal. My 4.5yo DS played today with a 9yo boy, and they had a wonderful time. That boy's 12yo sister still plays in her play kitchen and with dolls. I would be more upset if your son didn't.
  8. Peanut butter sandwiches laced with a strong dose of chili powder. A friend got rid of one that was a repeat customer this way. Also, the raccons by us must have plenty of other places to visit, but we stopped having trouble when we switched to a square garbage can.
  9. I think the Imaginarium castle from toys r us works with Schleich.
  10. :lol: My mother always said, "It isn't bribery. It's positive motivation." ;)
  11. Me too! It is the best gadget ever! :) Hope you get one!
  12. Thanks everyone. I'll let it it go. Makes me sad for both kids. Oh well.
  13. Sorry, this is long, but I hope you wiser and more experienced parents will be willing to help. Our next door neighbors moved in two years ago, and we've all been friendly. Last summer, the adult daughter moved in with her little girl who is a few months younger than my older son. DS was very excited to have a child next door and hoped to play together. We would frequently see the little girl watching us from a window when we were outside playing. I took DS and knocked on the door a few times to ask if the girl could come out to play, but it never worked out. Once he played with her for a few minutes when she was out front with her uncle. Another time we saw her watching us from the front door, and I helped DS cut a handful of daisies and take them over. The girl seemed to want to play, and her mother acted cordial, but nothing. It appeared that the parents were separated and made up, and the little girl and mother moved back out. I figured the mother had enough on her plate through that time, and probably wasn't up to trying to deal with playdates with new friends. No problem. But they moved back this winter and seem to be here to stay. Now that the weather is nice, we are starting to see them outside more, and DS would love to play. But I think the mother tries to avoid us. She barely says hello when we pass coming or going. And last night as we arrived home, they were out front with sidewalk chalk. While we parked, she picked up the little girl and went inside. Could have been coincidental but didn't feel like it. Should I just give up? Should I try again? It seems like such a shame to have a child next door and not play. I didn't grow up with neighborhood friends and am at a loss for how to handle this kind of thing.
  14. We just caught some in jars tonight. DS4 tried to get them to flash at him by flashing his flashlight at them. Didn't work. We opened the jars and left them out front so the bugs can go home. I love lightning bugs!
  15. I adopted a rescue dog who had been badly mistreated. His foster family had renamed him with a name that sounded similar to his original name, thinking that would be easier for him. We decided on a name entirely different, partly because it suited him and partly to make a complete break from his past. He adapted to it within a couple of days. My mom hac a little dog she adopted from a happy situation, but her owners were moving overseas and couldn't take her. My mom changed her name, and she responded. But one day my mom tried using her previous name, and the little dog jumped into my mom's arms, wiggling and kissing with happiness, as if to say, "Hooray! You know who I am!" We used that name ever after.
  16. If you can catch them again, go out with a bag, hand it to them saying they must have forgotten theirs.
  17. Oh yes! I forgot about The Egg and The Dragon Snatcher - they're wonderful!
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