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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Dreamy is right! Love these! Maybe I will add these to my Christmas list...
  2. :lurk5: Any recs for Japan? The only book I have right now is Crow Boy.
  3. Very fun! My boys wish we needed a John Deere tractor.
  4. http://nurturedbylove.blogspot.com/2008/12/cuisenaire-discovery-book.html This?
  5. Glad to hear this - I have these on the way. To the op, there is actually a MaryAnne Kohl book called Science Arts: Discovering Science through Art Experiences. I haven't used it, but it looks fun. Many of her other books might work for you for art.
  6. This is a great site - thank you for sharing!
  7. I know this sounds a little crazy, but with my pups, I hand feed their breakfast a piece or two of kibble at a time. I throw a piece for them to chase after while saying the pup's name. Very quickly, the pup has to look at me when I say the name, then I toss the kibble. I may toss 1-4 pieces, then mix in giving pieces directly from my hand. When feeding out of the hand, I may ask for sit or down before giving the food. The pup has to take the kibble gently from my fingertips or gently work it out of my closed hand. If I feel teeth, I close my hand around the food, say no, and redo. A few from the hand, a few throws, back and forth. The pup gets training in responding to his name, recall, sit, down, stay, etc, and soft mouth/no biting, as well as a little running around. I did let my older son help a little with our current dog, and he was just 3 at the time. Something I'd forgotten when we got our current girl was that very young pups can't go for long walks right away. She had so much energy, so I tried taking her for a long walk and ended up carrying her home. :lol: She loved this and decided I ought to carry her around to look at Christmas lights every night. He really is too adorable! Bury your nose in his neck and enjoy the puppy smell. :)
  8. I bought some Scholastic workbooks during dollar days that included cutting pages. The nice thing about them is being able to print as many as we want, but otherwise they aren't too fancy. They do have a nice progression, I think. Lately DS4.5 has been enjoying cutting coupons from the Sunday paper.
  9. Sounds fishy to me. :tongue_smilie: Sorry. Couldn't resist. I missed this one too.
  10. So precious! The little fluffy white guy - not the guy in green and yellow. :tongue_smilie:
  11. :lol: That made me giggle! I think my boys would love playing with one too, but I keep delaying buying one. Maybe I should just for the distracting properties.
  12. I just logged in, and when a box popped up offering the option "add a child," I clicked it and entered the HSBC info. I don't remember exactly from when I did it, but when you're signing up for the trial, isn't there a point where you add your child? When you get to that point, can you select "enter password from school"?
  13. I had a trial already, although it had expired. But I didn't have any problem activating. Did you have a trial or is it your first sign up?
  14. :iagree: I love Crafty Crow! You can search by age group, topic, etc. Great site.
  15. I think you're seeing that the subscription is good through Aug 3, 2012. The deal is still up to buy now, but because it's set up like a school deal, everyone's subscription has to end the same day, which will be Aug 3 next year. I bought it for my guy. He hasn't been too interested yet, but I think he'll enjoy it once he gets into it and sees the store, etc. Does anyone know if there's a way to stay logged in? I'd love it if DS could just click on it in his favorites bar without needing me to come log him in.
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