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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Last year older DS was Superman so I made a cape for our dog to be Krypto. DS requested it, actually. She loved going trick or treating with us, so I hope to keep it up. DS is as yet undecided on his costume, so I haven't decided on the dog's. I may have to buy one if I don't figure it out soon. She isn't at all ladylike, so a tutu might be amusing. She does have a long pointed nose, so I've thought about buying fake fleece and doing a wolf in sheep's clothing. If DS goes as Aquaman, she would be a sea creature. Don't know which one or how, though.
  2. 2 hands = 2 toys. I do keep mini coloring books and crayons in my purse, and usually grab a few hotwheels or small animals to toss in.
  3. Adorable! What great markings! And I love the tail. :D
  4. I have no statistics, but when I was expecting my first, we were specifically warned about women staking out homes with new babies to steal. We were told to especially avoid yard signs announcing the new baby. There were example cases given us of women pushing or tricking their way into the home and stealing babies, and they had cased the homes ahead of time. There had been one case while I was pregnant, and it terrified me.
  5. We recently finished the My Father's Dragon series, and I couldn't decide which chapter book to start next. So even though we've read them all before, we are reading the Billy & Blaze series. We're also reading e.e. cummings "hist whist" every day this month.
  6. Ok, I've given DH a list. DS and I played bowling again this morning. I'm enjoying it at least as much as he is. I may request wii fit for myself for Christmas. ;)
  7. If you are set on your breed, try checking petfinders. You might be surprised to discover there are some available. And you may find rescue groups closer than you thought. I was surprised to find a number of breed rescues willing to bring a dog to a prospective family. I think it is possible to find a good pup many places. Good luck!
  8. Oh wow! Thanks everyone! I'll have to look into all of these. :)
  9. I have tons as well. Bread pans in many sizes, heart shaped cake pans in several sizes, popever pans, rings for buns. My favorite are a quite complete set of working miniatures so no matter what I'm baking, the boys can make a little one of their own.
  10. Ha! Me too. I try putting his stuff at his place at the table, but he just moves it to the side. I like the name "gobble box." I may institute this, as well as a warning before Wild Kratts. I'd love to have the house tidied up before DH wakes up/dinner. Another mom I know keeps a jar in each room for stray legos. Any time she finds one, she tosses it in the jar. Even if the boys put away the legos, one or two manage to sneak away, waiting for me to step on them.
  11. Scooby Doo would be a hit! And does your son play regular wii fit, or the kid one? Legos are a big hit, I take it. Lego Pirates might be good for the birthday since he's requested a pirate theme. Hmm.
  12. A generous friend gave us his wii. :001_smile: I am not generally a video game fan, but I am enjoying playing the cow riding game and bowling with DS. I am looking at games to buy for his birthday next month and Christmas. Are Just Dance Kids or wii fit kids any good? What about the Lego games? Other ideas? Any other good games for moms and boys to play together? And is wii fit fun for moms? Thanks!
  13. Professional harpist, accomplished pianist. Once was a fine organist but after many years without access to an instrument, I cannot exactly make that claim atm.
  14. Cover the table with paper and put crayons and/or colored pencils out. There are lots of ideas on the crafty crow, sorry - having trouble linking atm.
  15. I purchased a show on amazon on the roku. It was playing fine, but when I tried pausing, there was a big delay before it actually paused. And now I can't get it to play. The back and home buttons aren't doing anything either. Has anyone else had a problem like this with amazon streaming? Or is it the remote? I did change the batteries, but that didn't help. Or is it some other problem? Thanks!
  16. :lol: Oh dear! Never a dull moment, is there? I heard an amazing amount of banging and crashing the other day when I was stuck at the stove. When I called out to ask my 2yo what he was doing, he said, "Sitting on chair!"
  17. My mom gave me 7up, saltines, orange popsicles, then plain rice. I ate lots and lots of this as a child.
  18. I think this is very wise. At my house, I frequently wait for DH to go somewhere to put together Ikea stuff. :tongue_smilie:
  19. I had to sew up a quick pair of pants for DS4.5 for our historical reenactment last weekend, but the only pics have his face rather clearly so not posting them. The pants weren't very exciting anyway. But here are a couple of pics of the hooded cardi I knit up for DS4.5. I know the pics are mainly the same, but I thought Rosie would enjoy a couple more views of my pup. ;) I'm not entirely happy with this sweater, and the hood didn't turn out quite right. So I'll probably knit up a matching hat. DS chose the deer buttons. They're barely big enough, but the loops hook over the legs and antlers pretty well.
  20. DS4.5 loves Reading Eggs. He asks to do it all the time. He does like the games and shopping, but he always finishes (unprompted) a number of lessons before veering off. I personally think Starfall is a better program in every regard - easier for child to use, stronger phonics presentation, better progression, etc. But DS never really got into Starfall. Reading Eggs does a fair amount of sight reading. And while I don't think I'm a prude generally, I was really annoyed once when I heard a farting noise on one of the lessons. I really don't think farts are a necessary tool in teaching reading. Although honestly I think my son missed it. There have been a number of times when I've had to help DS figure out what he was expected to do because the instructions weren't clear at all. I also purchased my subscription through the coop, and for that price I'm quite pleased. DS loves it and does get something out of it. I wouldn't be very happy if I'd paid full price. I know a couple of people who swear it basically taught their kids to read. We'll see. ;) I don't have any experience with the other two you mentioned.
  21. DS4 currently has 1 pair of jeans, 3 pairs of sweat pants, and a pair of dark orange cargo pants. I want to get either a pair of khakis or cords for dressing up. And I'd love to buy another pair of jeans but don't know if budget will allow. He likes to change underpants morning and night,, so we need extra of those. I'd like him to have 5 pair of jammies, so I may have to figure out how to sew simple pj tops. Pj bottomms are easy. He has 1 set of long johns, and we'll buy another. They can double as jammies. He has 1 sweatshirt, 1 hoodie, 1 pullover I knit, and 1 hooded cardigan I'm almost done knitting. The toddler has lots of clothes because my oldder DS was the first grandson, so had tons of nice clothes that are still good.
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