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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. This summer we went to visit my sister's office and see some of the labs in her building - she's finishing up her doctorate at a Big 10 uni. While there, we got super lucky because there were tons of lab supplies in the hall with signs saying "free." So we loaded up the stroller! Beakers, test tubes of all types and sizes, corks, rolls of graphing paper, test tube holders, long skinny measuring tubes, etc. DS4 was so excited! So we have all of that, plus magnifying glasses, safety glasses, and household items such as balloons, marbles, rubber bands, etc. I also have bulb holders, wire, and slides on the way. I'm planning to get DS a microscope for Christmas. I need to get better magnets.
  2. I just discovered the art museum has reinstated whole day free days, twice a month. So excited, as this makes my plans with DS this year much easier and affordable. Not overly important, but made my day.
  3. Hmm, not sure about your children, but I much prefer the instant off of gas. And the obvious flame. We have gas, but at my mother's cottage there is electric. I'm constantly placing empty pots on just used burners so nobody gets burned on a coil that doesn't look hot. And I much prefer cooking on gas myself.
  4. After knitting an item, you wet it, lie it flat in the shape you want, then pin it in place. It dries holding this shape. My sister and I pin to the ironing board. Can be tedious, depending on the item, but can also make a big difference in how nice it looks.
  5. It seems like I've read about the harm of forcing young children to write in journals, esp young boys, but I am not coming up with any articles or research about it. Does anyone have links with info on this? Thanks!
  6. Oooh, I wish I knew how to make rugs. The little dresses are so pretty! I would make dresses all the time if I had a girl, but DH doesn't prefer I make them for the boys. ;)
  7. DS is asking me so many questions about God, and I am having trouble giving simple, articulate answers that satisfy him. We are Christian, but I do not mind books that are for and/or include other faiths. We have and like this book: http://www.amazon.com/Where-Does-Live-August-Gold/dp/189336139X/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1314848711&sr=1-6. I would particularly like a book that covers questions like, "why did God make tornadoes?"
  8. Here is the sweater and hat I knit for DS4. You probably can't tell, but it is a red tractor button on his hat.
  9. :iagree: And I'll repeat my previous response - just because your son's experience was wonderful doesn't mean hers will be. Different group of kids = different dynamics even though the teacher is the same.
  10. I agree with a pp - teach him to politely say his name is J. My mother taught me to do this at an early age. And a gentle reminder from you, along with a request to change the name on his desk, should be enough. :grouphug:
  11. I finally have a photo! :) Here are the roman blinds I made, and the birthday bunting. I meant to have photos of a finished sweater and hat, and the beginnings of a hooded cardi for DS4, but I didn't remember. If I get a chance tomorrow or the next, I'll add them.
  12. Flank steak is one of the few cuts of steak I don't screw up. :tongue_smilie: I usually do it in a regular iron skillet, not my grill pan, just a few minutes per side on medium high. Even 10 minutes marinating makes a big difference. I like to squeeze a lime into a ziploc, add a glug of olive oil, a bit of minced garlic, and a sprinkle of pepper.
  13. My DH's schedule is a bit different than your DH's, and I don't have a 6yo. But I do have a 4yo who will be 5 in Nov. We are having contests for the world record in dawdling lately. So I've started setting a timer for certain tasks. I also try to get some household tasks done after the boys go to bed. I think pp have had some great advice. Good luck.
  14. I placed a second order - more gear sets, a bunch of crystal trees for stocking stuffers, etc. Then the next day our science activity books arrived, and I discovered we need bulb holders and wire. So I will be placing a third.
  15. I have the Usborne Peoples of the World. I was just looking at it again tonight, actually, and trying to decide if we'll use it right away or hold off a bit. There is also a DK book, Children Just Like Me. I don't own it, but have looked through it, and it might be a nice way to introduce the subject. I also have a book of holidays celebrated around the world. It has the story of each holiday and an accompanying activity. We will add read alouds as we touch on the different cultures.
  16. They pretty much always have them in the $1 section at Target. I've gotten mine 2 or 3 at a time, and have 9 different colors. They frequently have them with designs or characters as well.
  17. I bought some from Discount School Supply this summer and love it! I didn't know about whiteboard paint. That is very tempting...
  18. Tom's of Maine and Arm & Hammer. Arm & Hammer is the only toothpaste I could stomach when I was pregnant.
  19. I hope you find something! The only issue I have with DWC so far is the markers. :tongue_smilie: I swore I would never. ever. have markers in my house. Hah. At least they're washable. I've always been curious about Teaching Art with Books Kids Love.
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