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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Rolling is a favorite with my son right now. Also bear crawl, snake slither, and horse gallop work for us indoors. Maybe a few stretches and/or yoga poses?
  2. Ok, this doesn't quite make me want to homeschool, although it probably would thrill my son. :tongue_smilie: This, though, would make us all excited to homeschool. :D
  3. I too plan to do music on my own. I kept my music history CDs, which have a decent overview. But really, I have plenty of complete CDs to share and use. And I agree, there could be too much or too little to really go along with a history course, but I do plan to include some examples to connect everything.
  4. I think a good age to start piano lessons is around 5-6 years old. Reading music is still very natural at this age, and it is not too early for the physical coordination. I might be persuaded to start a 4yo, and I might reccommend a particular child to wait until 7yo, but 5-6 has been a good standard IME.
  5. Sounds perfect! I can't wait to get the sandpaper numbers (& letters.) Those Lauri puzzles look fun too. Thanks for the link.
  6. Great thread! The first one we did was "Through the Jungle the Elephant Goes" by Grace Nichols. We also love "Who's There?", "The Toaster", and "The Sea-Monster's Snack." My older son can almost recite "Pelican/Toucan" by Bert Kitchen, and "Alligator" by Grace Nichols. He can only recite chunks, different chunks different days, of this favorite of his - "Question Time" by Michaela Morgan. This fall, I plan for him to memorize "Witch, Witch" by Rose Fyleman. I can hardly wait for all the poems we get to do as the boys get older. I also have boys, but here is a nice one for a little girl: "Night Flight" by Shirley Hughes Annie flew out of the window, Bedclothes and cot and all, And floated around above the ground, And over the garden wall. And her shadow skimmed over the gardens And followed her all the way, As she looked down on the roofs of the town And the moon shone as bright as day.
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