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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. What's your neighborhood like? A friend of mine has kids with a number of allergies. She goes to a bunch of her neighbors the day before or morning of T or T and gives them candy that her kids can eat. Then the neighbors give that to her kids when they show up. Obviously they only go to those houses. Her kids are quite small, so it would be pretty hard for her to count on them handling it themselves, and she or her husband are with them.
  2. Do you think Lego base plates to build on are fantastic, somewhat useful, or a waste? DSalmost4 likes to play Legos at his table, the dinner table, or the kitchen island. I'm wondering if he'd like the base plates or not. Thanks!
  3. Uh oh. The dog that haunts you. ;) That's what happened to me with our dog. I thought I was ready, chose what I was looking for, searched petfinder, found a few to consider but was drawn to one. Went to see her and others at an adoption event, and although she and several others were adorable and lovey, etc, I realized I wasn't ready and we left. But I couldn't stop thinking about my girl. Emailed and called with no response, so I started looking at others but couldn't get my girl out of my head. So I emailed and called one last time, and lo and behold, my sweet baby came home with us a few days later. Anyway, I wanted to let you know I totally understand, and offer hugs and hope. :grouphug:
  4. I give my dog benadryl for car trips. Regular, pink, 25mg, people benadryl. I did ask the vet for the dosing for her size. She is somewhere around 35lbs IIRC, and she gets 1 1/2 pills. It doesn't knock her out by any stretch of the imagination, but it does seem to take the edge off. I know a number of people who swear by Bach Rescue Remedy. There is one specifically for pets, but many people give the human version. There is some debate about it due to the alcohol content.
  5. Thanks for all the ideas! :D These are great! Now to choose one.
  6. I am getting my son a wooden shield and making him a cape and crown for his 4th birthday. (He recently got a wooden sword and bow & arrows.) I was thinking of giving him St. George and the Dragon for his book, but would like other ideas to consider as well. Any other favorite storybooks about knights or princes? We do have the usual fairy tale collections already, but a particularly lovely edition of a fairy tale might tempt me too. Thanks!
  7. I gave one to my older DS last year, and he loved it! It was the Santa + woodland creatures set. It is still out and he still plays with it all the time. I'm not sure I'll do it again though, as thieves jumping out windows and knights with battle axes don't seem quite Christmas-y to me. :tongue_smilie: We'll see though. It was pretty great last year.
  8. I have a lucky situation in that my dad will drive up to our house and stay with my dog, each one over the years, when we travel far and/or for long. I hate to leave my dog for more than 2 nights in a kennel. I have taken my old dogs with me to hotels before, but our current dog is part beagle and young, so I won't right now because I think she'd howl. Usually when we go somewhere, it is to my family and we stay at my parents' cottage, so taking a dog is fine. Any one of my mom's or sister's dogs might be there too. And they are welcome to bring their dogs here. We try not to have too many together at once though, just for chaos control. ;) I've always enjoyed traveling with my dogs, but probably wouldn't take my dog to anyone's house except my immediate family and maaaaayyyyybe a very close friend.
  9. What a great blog! Thanks for sharing. Love the bat alphabet game. :)
  10. My old copper kettle had a horrible accident which involved a sleepy me, glowing metal, and luckily, no fire. :blushing: When I got married, I received a large Le Creuset kettle with a pull-out whistle. Love it to death. Also received a small Krups electric kettle. Love it to death too, which surprised me. I can't link either one, because they appear to be discontinued.
  11. I don't think I could watch a video of DH getting sprayed - he reacts to it really badly. I will never be without Dawn in the house. DH likes showing the taser video in a macho show-off way. I wouldn't call it funny, but he and his buddies do tease each other about various reactions. :tongue_smilie:
  12. This isn't coming from my DH, but from another cop - one reason tasers are effective is that civilians believe cops will use them and use them right away. So the civilian is often quicker to comply with stop and desist orders when threatened with a taser. This keeps officers and civilians safer, including innocent bystander civilians. And yes, the DVD is fun to have. :D DH has put it in for friends and family a number of times.
  13. DH's class videotaped everyone getting tazed, then each officer got a copy on DVD. :lol:
  14. My little guy is not husky enough for the husky sizes we've tried, but too big for regular sizes. :glare: He has a few pair of pants that I can get on him but are too long right now. So frustrating. I'll check Land's End and Crazy8, and be watching this thread for ideas. :bigear:
  15. Thanks for the replies. :) I think I may use some with my boys. I realize the vowels are a different color to emphasize their importance, but I'm still wondering if there is any importance to the choice of pink and blue. Why not green and orange? Or purple and red? KWIM? ;)
  16. Has anyone used these? Did you like them? Is there a reason that the traditional ones have pink consonants and blue vowels?
  17. Aww. We got a half beagle on purpose, and although I was prepared for the hair issue, ours has super soft fur and barely sheds. In fact, she sheds so little that we were kind of freaked out about it at first. She is a fantastic dog. Beagles can be fantastic with kids - gentle and loving, but hardy enough to romp with rambunctious little ones. They do have a long list of faults ;) , but we are loving ours. She is one of those pups from Kentucky a pp mentioned. I wanted a puppy this time, but adult can certainly bond just as deeply. Good luck deciding!
  18. Always. Used to be a pile of books every night. Now we usually do two. Sometimes one or both are non-fiction, such as books about snakes or wolves. Sometimes my son picks both; sometimes I pick one or both. And the books are almost always followed by a made-up story, then a song. This fall/winter, we will graduate to chapter books for the older but will probably still do a picture book for the baby. I love bedtime reading.
  19. I am so sorry your DD experienced this, and very glad the cops responded as they did.
  20. We just found a really lovely book that I wanted to share: Fletcher and the Falling Leaves by Julia Rawlinson. Great story and lovely illustrations. http://www.amazon.com/Fletcher-Falling-Leaves-Julia-Rawlinson/dp/0061573973/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1286472845&sr=1-1
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