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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Thanks! He takes his role as oldest cousin very seriously. :)
  2. Some of my sister's friends received a huge shipment of dry ice for their lab, and didn't need it all. They enjoy DS and always follow his stories, especially about science. When they heard we'd be visiting over the weekend, they asked to come do a science experiment with DS. We told DS to pack his safety glasses but didn't say why. When everyone arrived and he was told what they'd be doing, he was speechless with excitement. Pumpkins were carved first. Then he put regular ice in one bowl of water, and dry ice in another. And then he put dry ice in pumpkins and poured water over it. Later in the evening, the cousins arrived, and he repeated the experiment for them, explaining everything as he went. What a great experience! DS was so thrilled! Here are a few pictures, hopefully without too much face, so you can see the fun. :D
  3. Congratulations! And welcome to the world, baby girl!
  4. As long as we're on the subject - my brother's wife's sister's children would be what to my children?
  5. We got our current girl from a small rescue listing onn petfinders. I was amazed to discover how many rescue groups there are that aren't specific breed rescues.
  6. They're also great for keeping little legs warm when pants ride up in a sling/wrap/mei tai. ETA cross posted :)
  7. I'm random right now. I need more ideas too. :tongue_smilie: I'd like to implement a system that is consistent. I was thinking of using tokens in a jar - redeemable immediately or stashable. At the same time, I'm afraid of putting too much value on screen time. So I'm still thinking.
  8. We use silverplate for most meals, so it gets washed since it was handled.
  9. We tried A Bear Called Paddington, but it seemed to be a bit much. DS claimed he liked it, but didn't want to finish a chapter. So shelving that for now. We went to the library today and checked out some Halloween and fall favorite picture books from last year, as well as a new one we love already. We will stick with these for a few days, then maybe start The Children of Noisy Village. Here are the picture books: The Spooky Wheels on the Bus, Mills/Mantle Wild Witches Ball, Prelutsky/Asbury By the Light of the Halloween Moon, Stutson/Hawkkes Ghosts in the House!, Kohara Fletcher and the Falling Leaves, Rawlinson/Beeke
  10. :bigear: Are you using a point system of some sort? Are different things worth different amounts of tv/wii time? Just curious how you're weighting everything.
  11. On our roku. I just clicked on hulu plus and got the message, clicked "ok," and it processed for a minute or so. No idea how to delete a channel.
  12. I was just prompted to start a system update this evening, so maybe there was a system problem that they've fixed. Hopefully. After updating, DS decided to watch something on amazon, so I don't know anything more. In the meantime, netflix isn't working for us.
  13. Just in case you get frustrated, I will tell you that I have never knit a scarf. I've started several but never finished one. I actually found it easier to knit things with a pattern to follow - sweaters, mittens, hats. Many techniques, like knitting in the round, sound harder than they actually are. Oh, and joining yarn - just tie a knot of the new ball around the old strand and keep going. :)
  14. Have you found a dog sweater pattern you aspire to yet? I have been thinking of knitting a sweater for my girl, but haven't picked a pattern yet.
  15. That size set is great. I haven't tried the wood ones, but on Bill/spycar's suggestion, I bought plastic. They feel oddly nice, not plastic-y.
  16. If the boys ever ask for them, I will cheerfully get them some. My younger siblings had a couple, and they really enjoyed them.
  17. I put a small bookcase in the boys' closet. They are still small enough that their clothes don't reach the shelves. Most of the big toys fit on, and two sit in front of the shelves.
  18. I have been a carrier addict, well, kind of am still, but I never found the pouch or ringsling love. Short wraps are much easier for me and have the same benefits.
  19. I like their Colorations tempera, finger, and liquid watercolor paints. I also have ordered construction paper, manila paper, chalkboard contact paper, and miscellaneous craft supplies like feathers, pom poms, and pipe cleaners. I've been happy with them.
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