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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Walkie talkies and flashlights. Bows and blunt tipped or suction cup tipped arrows. Cap guns and cowboy boots. Playmobil has just started doing mystery figures, which are fun.
  2. I went through a period as a child where I was terrified of spontaneous combustion. Worried about it for ages.
  3. Not sure about the cars, but it has been our experience that we are offered a free upgrade to a minivan when we've rented the last few times. And there have been plenty available. Might not be worth risking, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
  4. Really? I'd never heard this before. I'll tell my SIL. Should make her feel a bit better.
  5. We aren't sharing a hotel room, just seeing them. Thanks for the reassurances. :) Hopefully it will all be fine.
  6. SIL just discovered my 2yo niece has pinworms. :ack2: We will be seeing them next weekend at an historical reenactment. Hand washing will not be readily available. Does hand sanitizer gel kill them? Would scrubbing hands with wet wipes do the trick? Are there other steps I can take to try to prevent my boys getting them?
  7. I put a bit of each color of paint in old egg cartons. Newspaper on the table, old t-shirts on the boys, and damp rags nearby. So far we haven't had any major accidents, luckily.
  8. If you can get your hands on a bunch of sweet annie, it smells wonderful and lasts forever. I get mine every year at an historical reenactment, so I'm not sure where you could find it as far as stores go. Eucalyptus smells wonderful too. And, of course, dried lavender. In winter, a pot simmering with some combination of citrus, cinnamon, and cloves smells amazing.
  9. I've been worried too! This afternoon I thought there must be a bad fire in a neighboring suburb because of the smoke and smell in the air, only to find out it was coming from Minnesota. Praying for all affected. :grouphug:
  10. Thank you! It does sound different than I expected, but I think I will still read it at some point. Appreciate the review. :001_smile:
  11. Nice! Saving this for mine when they get bigger. :D
  12. We watch the older Scooby Doo too. Our favorite is the episode with Batman & Robin, Penguin and Joker. DS4 has recently discovered Inspector Gadget, and Spiderman from the 60's. Loving those!
  13. Love mine! I go on the laptop or desktop maybe once a week. And as much as I love physical books, I was surprised to discover I really love reading on my nook too.
  14. If you bought the reading rods from the eta cuisenaire sale, did you get cubes for "th" and "sh"? I was planning to use "th" this week and would like to know if mine are hiding and need to be found, or if I can save my knees for something else. :tongue_smilie: Thanks!
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