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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. And this brings me to something I've been wondering as I've made my way through all the posts. And I hope this isn't a foolish question, and I wouldn't equate the death of my cat or dog with the death of my fish by any means. But if the pet had been a cat or a dog, then would reporting to DCFS be easier/more reasonable? Or would the police get called first?
  2. So sorry kwicki! For your fish and having to deal with such a horrid situation. :grouphug:
  3. One of our favorite soups: Saute 2 finely chopped onions in a bit of oil. Add 6C chicken stock & brinng to boil. Stir in 2lbs zucchini, grated, & stellette pasta. Simmer until pasta is done. Season to taste with lemon juice, salt, pepper. Add a swirl of sour cream to each bowl. Sometimes DS skips the sour cream.
  4. I used some water treatment drops that make tap water safe for them. I didn't change the water very often. I had a couple that lived several years. Great little fish! Enjoy!
  5. Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter, by Adeline Yen Mah. And Saving Fish from Drowning, by Amy Tan.
  6. I was hesitant, but love it. I have a nook color which has made reading in the dark in bed very easy.
  7. We used to get bats in my childhood home fairly regularly. Very unnerving. We always tied a bandana over our nose and mouth, just in case, as we herded them toward an open window. There was a massive old tree out front where they nested. My mother was convinced the bats would just fly in when we opened a door. She hasn't had any since the tree came down due to storm damage. I love bats and look forward to building a bat house with my boys, but I prefer they stay outside. ;)
  8. My mom has an excellent derm whose work is barely detectable. I had a pile of moles taken off for biopsy by him. Some turned out better than others, and some of it is my fault. I wasn't careful about motion during healing at all, and a couple pulled a little. But the one he took off my chin - even I have a hard time finding any evidence. I'd start asking around. Hopefully someone knows someone for you. Or even just who to avoid.
  9. I told once. The mom went into girl's room, asked if she was smoking. Girl said no. Mom came out and said, "She said she doesn't smoke." :blink: Ok then. But I'd tell again.
  10. LOVE this thread!!! I was going to post Little Orphan Annie and hist whist, but you all beat me to it. I have a copy of hist whist waiting for DS for this fall. Can't wait! What a great theme. :)
  11. Hm. My boys seem to do fine with audiobooks. I know I've read that audiobooks can have many of the same benefits as reading, but that tv/video games don't. That is from The Read-Aloud Handbook.
  12. It's about 3/4 full, and I didn't open it. It is in the basement. Thanks, I feel better. Wow - 10 days would be a nightmare! Thanks for the tip.
  13. I prefer to err on the side of caution, especially with littles. But I also hate to throw away all this food. The power came back on during the night, so I didn't get a chance to check how thawed anything did or didn't get. There are chicken breasts, drumsticks, thighs, a pizza, several types of fish, shrimp, cranberries, peas, beans, meatloaf, french fries. Seems like I'm forgetting stuff, but that's enough. Any advice?
  14. Not a preschool blog, but I have found so many great ideas and other blogs through this one: http://www.thecraftycrow.net/ A current favorite manipulative here is shapes cut from foam sheets to be played with in the bath. They stick to the walls and tub, and the boys. I bought the foam at the dollar store. They have so much fun with these! Cottonballs and q-tips seem to have endless uses. Random bits of fabric and yarn are fun. For some reason, my boys are fascinated by dry spaghetti - they like to use it with playdough and pretend it is hay to feed toy animals. Potato stamping is a big hit.
  15. Voted! I never thought of Wheatens as large breed, so I was thrown off for a second. What a cutie!
  16. I am in love with a stand near us, so I haven't actually made any tacos in forever. At this place, I order steak with either cilantro/onion or lettuce/tomato/cheese. But you guys are tempting me to cook them myself again. Mmmmmmm. Tacos.
  17. Good for you! I sew somewhat frequently and still haven't bothered to figure out the button holer.
  18. I will be doing a gentle pre-k/kindy hodge podge. Hillyer's Kindergarten at Home Miquon & MEP, pattern blocks, puzzles and games Handwriting with Mommy, which we've already been doing with success so... science will be covered through many trips to the zoo, a jr farmer program, a list of experiments I have planned, and lots of nature walks And most importantly, lots and lots and lots of read alouds.
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