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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Ha! It's really nothing. Pour an inch of coarse salt into the skillet, heat it slowly until the salt starts smoking. Put salmon fillets skin side down on the salt. Cooking time depends on thickness of fillets, of course, and I split the cooking time about in half for uncovered then covered with foil. And I have done covered first. I don't remember any more which order is correct. :tongue_smilie: Apparently this technique works with beef too, but I've never tried it.
  2. I have at least a dozen cast iron skillets in various sizes, as well as all sorts of other pots and pans like the corn cob shapes, ebelskiver, dutch oven, etc. They're fantastic. I don't baby mine either, and am as likely to use soap as not. Spaghetti sauce, roasts, fried anything, corn bread, omelets, pancakes, stews, everything cooks in cast iron. I have a recipe for salmon that involves heating an inch of coarse salt until it starts smoking - this can only be done in cast iron.
  3. This thread is encouraging. I just now moved DS22mo's crib into the bedroom with DS4. Hopefully it works out. I guess I should say hopefully it works out quickly, because it has to work as there isn't another room for him. DS4 has been begging lately for me to do the move. I think we have close to a year before bunk beds. That will reopen toy space. Anyway, glad to hear all these stories.
  4. Both of mine were c/s. First was emergency, second planned because of first. When pregnant, I was terrified of needing a c/s, but it was really no problem. Both recoveries were fine. Both boys came out alert and perfect. With the second, baby and I were doing so well that we went home a day early. With the first, DH was home with me for a week, and my mom, sister, and a friend each came for a day or two to help. With the second, DH was only able to take one day. My sister kept older son the two hospital days. Then I was on my own with both boys - not a single meal brought over or friend dropping by. And I did fine.
  5. Many already mentioned, and also: Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn Hitty short stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer To Kill a Mockingbird The picture books I remember most are the Beatrix Potter books, Blueberries for Sal, Ping, and The Monster at the End of the Book.
  6. Before we brought home our puppy, I spent some time prepping DS who had just turned 3. He practiced saying "no biting" and "no jumping" in his firmest voice while giving one stomp of the foot. The foot stomp was because a firm 3yo voice isn't exactly forceful enough. At the same time, he would ball up his hands and pull them to his chest, and then turn his back and walk to me. Puppies hate being ignored, so turning your back on them is quite effective. But your back still gets jumped on at first. So once puppy came home, I helped DS practice this with her. And every time I heard him scold and stomp, I went to him to make sure puppy stopped. We still had a few tears and all, but they both made it through that phase. I've hand fed my pups too, one piece of kibble at a time. You can hold the food so they can barely get it out of your hand, and if you feel teeth at all, say "aht!" or "no!" or whatever, close your hand tighter around the food, and don't let them have it until they nuzzle it out with no tooth contact. Slow work, but gives a soft mouth that I've been able to stick my hand in even if the dog has meat or a bone. I also let DS do some simpler hand feeding, and involved him in training simple commands early on. I think taking DD to your puppy school is a great plan.
  7. Roku is a digital streaming box you hook up to your tv and wifi. Then you can subscribe to streaming services through it. Hulu is a streaming service for tv shows.
  8. Eew. Well, he'll smell like a sweet pup soon. And then he'll roll in something else. ;) He is a bitty baby. What fun! Thanks for sharing the pics. :D
  9. Good for you! We're going for it when we get back from vacation. I can't wait!
  10. He's a doll! I bet he smells delicious. Glad the respiratory issue is treatable. Enjoy him!
  11. My guys love very thin pork chops sprinkled with seasoned salt, cooked in a drible of oil about 2-3 each side. Normally I serve them with egg noodles, but if I don't want to wait for water to boil, I'll heat up baked beans or corn. Getting a veg steamed takes about the time it takes to make the chops. If I remember to plan ahead, I can set the timer on my rice cooker. Eggs, toast, and fruit are always good in a pinch. If I'm making chicken breasts, sometimes I cook extra to slice on top of a salad another night. A pot of soup heats quickly while I make cheese toasts or grilled cheese.
  12. Squeeeeeee! :D I think I'm jealous. A basset-beagle sounds so wonderful! Mine is beagle/something shepherdy like sheltie or aussie, named Beatrix, also imported from a TN kill shelter. Hope he's ok re the purring. My stepdad has had hunting beagles, my brother just rescued a beagle. We all think they're super annoying awful dogs, and just love them to death. Does he bay or howl yet?
  13. My younger didn't crawl. He walked holding me for a long time and on his own at 14mo. He would wake up on his back, exactly as I left him. He was late rolling over. My mother said square doesn't roll. ;) He was pretty chubby for a while. Now he's very physically adept and taller than wide.
  14. Yay! Any clue what his mix is? Glad you're all happy. :001_smile: Sounds like yours is a lover. I'm going to through out a vote for Huckleberry Pi. ;)
  15. Good idea. I usually put my purse down in the cart because the toddler is wrapped. I'll try buckling it in the seat next time. :iagree:
  16. That's a great story! I don't have anything, actually, but it's a great idea. I think I will put one of DH's business cards with the embossed star in my outer pocket with a window. Maybe my homeschool id scared them off... ;)
  17. DS4 couldn't have reached it in the cart, and the toddler was wrapped. Wow! That's great about your cameras. I tend to think people are good.
  18. DH said both of these as well. She wasn't in a store uniform, and she didn't identify herself as loss prevention. DH asked me why I didn't ask if she was an employee or how she found it. I didn't even think of it at the time. Guess that's why I'm not the cop. I agree whoever did it must have been looking for quick cash.
  19. Thank you both! I'm not sure. A woman was looking at my license in the wallet as she approached me, asking if it was mine, saying it was found in the back of the store. ?? I was a bit shocked, since I didn't even know it was missing. I said thank you and she was already walking away saying something about being careful. At that point, I rushed to check out, get into my car, and call the credit card companies and bank.
  20. Well, I have a beagle mix, and my heart melted over the beagle mix photo. I adore mine, knew what I was getting, etc. You have a hound mix, so maybe you'd be prepared for the beagle mix. But they can be a royal pain. So stubborn. And barky. And exciteable. Beagles get the highest rating for exciteability, along with 3 or 4 terrier breeds. We have nonstop counter cruising. Clean counters get licked anyway, just in case. They are trainable, but not as easily as any of the breeds I grew up with or my own two previous dogs. On the other hand, she is amazing with my little boys, as sweet as pie, funny, and full of personality. I adore my sweet girl. If you are certain you're prepared for a beagley temperament, then by all means the beagle mix! If you aren't sure, then the little black dog.
  21. Someone stole my wallet out of my purse while at Toys R Us. I found out when a lady handed it back to me. With everything still in it. Can you believe it? My bank card and credit cards were taken out of their slots, but put back in a side pocket. I still immediately called and cancelled everything of course, but I couldn't have done it so quickly if I didn't have them in hand. Also, I don't keep cash in my wallet, so the nearly $80 I had with me was still in my change purse in my purse. You know, I'm a cop's wife. I know all the risks I shouldn't take. Yet I carried an open top purse and put it down in the cart. And I imagined I was pretty aware of my surroundings. But obviously not. So creepy. We are leaving on vacation at the end of the week, and I am so thankful I don't have to try to replace my driver's license. And my bank is overnighting a new bank card at no extra charge. I am really lucky. Be careful, everyone.
  22. I am very very happily married in every aspect. But I really wouldn't mind dancing with Maks. ;)
  23. :iagree: I think for many people this is on par with lamenting being a Cubs fan. They love being a Cubs fan and complaining about it. I don't enjoy hearing it, and hope the kids don't hear it. I have a close friend who really struggles with childcare during summer, but is a wonderful mom who loves spending time with her DD. I'm sure if someone brought up the difficulties of summer, she'd join in commiserating.
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