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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. This is fascinating to me. We frequently dvr shows to watch later, so it wouldn't bother me if I couldn't watch live. We can get all the networks and PBS on that box the gov't had coupons for a few years ago. Most of the Cubs and Bears games are on those, so that would be ok. I'll have to look into the amazon prime. I didn't realize they were deoing tv now. I like having a handful of saved episodes of kid shows like Max & Ruby, Little Bear, and Thomas. Am I correct in understanding I could access these whenever I wanted through hulu or similar service? Or would I need a tivo?
  2. I'm intrigued by roku, hulu, using internet for tv, xbox, etc etc. I noticed some of our favorite shows listed on hulu. I don't know if I could convince DH to get rid of satellite, esp for fights, but I'd like to know more. What channels or shows do you not get that maybe you miss? Any problems? What equipment do you use? Generally, how do you watch tv at your house? Thanks!
  3. I need to research this roku and hulu stuff more. Don't know if I'll ever get DH to give up his satellite though. And I've never heard of a tankless water heater. Going to look that up too. My sewing machine for certain. I make my own cloth dipes, pajama pants, curtains, aprons, etc. I've sewn many gifts for people. And I can mend easily. All the cloth items others have mentioned- napkins, dipes, kitchen towels, mama cloth. This one is harder to quantify, I suppose, but my dog. She's my fitness trainer, mental health therapist, and security system, all in one snuggly package. Our zoo membership. It is very close, already paid for, and we love it, so when we want to get out of the house we have somewhere healthy/educational/pleasant to go. I don't end up spending money to go wherever, and we don't end up at a mall. We almost always take our own snack or meal, and I bought the giant plastic cup that gets free refills all year. When friends want to get together, I can suggest picnicking at the zoo instead of $7/kid plus beverages and snacks at a cafe with play area or similar, esp since I can get them in as guests.
  4. DS4 has a scratchy throat and is pretty hoarse, but he still isn't quiet. I even tried telling him his throat would feel better if he were quiet for a few minutes.
  5. I had a wonderful day. DH brought flowers when he got home from work this morning, and a card for the boys to give me which DS4 signed. :D DS4 remembered this morning that it was Mother's Day - I love that he's getting big enough for these kind of things. While DH slept during the day, the boys and I played outside, then splurged with a trip to Starbucks for iced coffee for mama and apple juice for boys. The lady in the drivethru complimented the cardboard/foam shapes/sparkle bracelet DS4 made for me. We went to JoAnns for Superman fabric for summer pj shorts. And DH ordered pizza when he got up, including a small spinach pizza for me. Nothing major, still did dishes and laundry etc, but a happy day. I love being a mommy.
  6. Our previous dog was rescued from a pretty awful situation. I placed his crate in my room, facing out into the house. Then we just went about our family routine, and he came out when he was ready, slowly but surely for longer periods of time. He also had door issues, so I would call him so he'd know it was in or out time, then leave the door open and walk away. It took a while, but eventually he just ran in with us. It is important not to console her if she's afraid of something. That will only reinforce that she has something to fear. Just ignore and/or calmly remove her from the situation. I had one instance with my old guy that the least reactive action I could take was to pick his 90lbs up and carry him around a group of people. With my son on my back. I didn't speak to him or look at him, just moved him. We'd been doing so well, and I knew dragging him through would have been a setback. The things we do for our furry friends... I hope your new girl warms up quickly. She sounds sweet.
  7. Hugs to your daughter. :grouphug: Being rejected repeatedly by a parent is so hard. I know it hits me out of nowhere sometimes after long periods of not thinking about it. If she feels comfortable telling paternal progenitor or his wife how she feels and that she desires to know the children, then she should tell them. And if they still don't want to tell the children, she could let them know she won't tell unless asked outright. But I don't think she should tell them without parental permission. I don't think she'd be allowed to get to know them if she starts by crossing a line. Sorry she has to deal with this.
  8. Wow! Impressive boys you have! I'm going to tell this story to my 4yo DS tomorrow. His eyes will be so big. I bet it's our favorite story for a while. I would have more than a few gray hairs if it were me though. Eek.
  9. I really really love my nook color. But I was looking for something with internet capabilities. I love the children's books, and the magazines. I love reading in the dark in bed. I do about 99% of my internet time on it. And I read and download a good number of books. There aren't too many apps yet, but the flash player capability is great. If you don't need the internet and really just want an ereader, I think going to hold both a kindle and nook is the best way to decide. Nook can borrow library books, but kindle will be able to soon as well.
  10. Oh, and there was an attempted kidnapping one block up our street once. My parents sat us down, explained what the girl did right, told us what to do, and back out we went. I'm sure they were watchingg more carefully for a few days or something, and their message certainly got through. But we didn't stay inside or anything because of it.
  11. When I was 2, a man pulled up in front of our house and tried to lure me into his car with candy. My mom had stepped inside for a glass of water and was coming back out when she saw. Luckily in time. We used to dumpster dive after the college students moved out, ride bikes all over. We always had to let my mom know where we were going, but it could be pretty far. When we moved closer to downtown, we'd walk downtown all the time. We had to pass some really rough houses/kids to do so. The first couple times we had rocks thrown at us, so we went home. Mom made us go right back, saying we'd never be able to go anywhere if we showed we were afraid. There was a hill with railroad tracks at the bottom, and we'd just fly when we rode our bikes top speed down that hill. Why we never got hit by a car or train I'll never know. My sister and I took the city bus to the mall and a perv tried to get us to sit on his lap (we didn't) and followed us at the mall. We gave him the slip, then called our mom to pick us up. On a payphone. Remember making sure you had coins for a payphone just in case?
  12. I do think it depends to a certain degree on where you live too. Kids in our neighborhood walk to school and the park, and lots of parents are out with the littles. The man who owns the furniture store stands in his doorway (not in a creepy way) when the kids get out of school. Everyone is looking out for each other's children, and that makes a big difference.
  13. I was just remembering last night how I used to ride my big wheel around far from where my mother could see, while I am only allowing DS to go up and down the sidewalk out front. I've read Protecting the Gift. I'll have to check out the other two. It's hard to let go. I hope you and your DD find what works for you both.
  14. Ugh. I'm going to try the bathroom trick. Then I'm buying earplugs. :tongue_smilie:
  15. If DS4 says poop one more time, I am going to lose my mind. I think it is fairly commonn with little boys, but it is driving me batty. And I can't get it to stop. Will it taper off soon? Or am I doomed to potty humor forever? :willy_nilly:
  16. I just read the forward of The Reading Promise, by Alice Ozma. I was genuinely touched. Curious if anyone has read it yet, and if so any thoughts. (I know it's just been released, but sometimes people get early copies, and some of you read very quickly. ;) )
  17. A review of the special edition version mentions a CD of the Christmas hymns. Maybe that's what you'd heard of?
  18. Mine didn't come with one. I got it about six years ago, so maybe the newer editions do. I love that book!
  19. Sounds fun! But I too want to mention that with two little boys, a DH who works nights, and a young vocal dog, someone ringing the doorbell can completely ruin a day. And wrenching tootsie pops out of the boys' hands, or dog's mouth for that matter, would not be fun either. Unless I knew someone was leaving them, I wouldn't risk eating them. The flower idea would be lovely! That would make my week! More $ though, unless you have them growing in your garden. Another tp plant idea would be starter plants for a garden, maybe a tomato plant and a pansy?
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