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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Ooooooh boy! You are scaring me! :tongue_smilie: I'm going to have to remember some of these ideas.
  2. I always loved hail as a child. I still kind of like it, but now I know about property damage. :glare:
  3. I can't promise attendance due to babysitting, but I'd definitely be interested in an event with SWB.
  4. There are times when I kind of cater. For example, DS4 doesn't like anything cheesy or creamy, so I've pretty much given up on casseroles for now. Or if DH and I have an omelet, I will make plain scrambled eggs for DS. But we're all eating eggs. Otherwise, he's a pretty good eater, and if he doesn't want to eat something, fine. He can't have something different though.
  5. Castle Law & Order: UK once in a while SVU and when it was on, the modern Sherlock Holmes - I wish there were more episodes coming
  6. Long before I was born, someone close to the family was murdered. The press called the case the Marigold Murder because she was carrying marigolds. My mother would not plant marigolds, even though she likes them. And even now I feel strange about them. But really, marigolds were not the most important aspect of the victim's life. So yes, I know what you mean.
  7. I have a 4yo DS, and we do lots of as-we-go, real life math. I am just now reading the Miquon books, and we will start doing a little Miquon and a little MEP. I also might use some Sunlight soon. Throw in some pattern blocks, puzzles, and beads to sort, and hopefully he'll be fine. I don't follow late than early, but I also don't push at this age. So far he enjoys what we do.
  8. I don't know about the Zion area particularly, but others are clearly able to help you with that. I will say that both in the city and the suburbs, there are so many wonderful resources that I am never lacking for ideas for things to do/places to go. Being fairly close to Metra is definitely a plus.
  9. I bought a few simple workbooks for DS4 months ago, but shelved them as he showed no interest. Tonight while I was preparing dinner, he wanted something to do, so I offered a workbook thinking he might do a page. He did 6, 2 sided pages. And did them well. It's as though someone flipped a switch in his little brain recently. Over the past year-ish, I've offered to teach him to write letters, and he always declined. Then one day recently he wanted to and has been on a roll since. I just got Miquon, and will print out some MEP. I don't want to pressure him at this stage, but I'm excited by this sudden surge in interest. I expected a more gradual progress. Just excited and had to share. :blush::D
  10. Depending when you come, there could be free concerts in Grant or Millenium Park. And how about the Art Institute? I think you can get a City Pass of some sort that covers a variety of sightseeing fun. I can't remember if it includes transit, but if not, you can also get multi-day transit passes. Although honestly, if you'll only be out of walking distance for one or two trips, it might be just as cost effective to take a taxi.
  11. My sister adores chacos, owns many pairs, and wears them all the time. So I tried some on at the store. One size felt too small, the next too big, neither comfortable. Too bad since I think they're cute.
  12. Thanks for all these great responses! I had heard about using unlined paper before and forgot; thanks for that reminder. DS has been practicing the letters that interest him: A for his name, S for Superman, X & O for tic-tac-toe. He writes me notes on big pieces from a roll of white art paper. The letters are all different sizes, all different directions, and varying degrees of neatness. It's really very charming. But I want to gently make sure he knows the proper way to form each letter, and I want to try introducing as many letters as I can while he's showing interest.
  13. Thank you for all the replies! I will go for it. Are fine motor problems usually pretty obvious?
  14. Bump in case someone has an opinion
  15. Thanks Rosie! I should be able to follow those. If I'm crafting, no reading, housework, or weight loss is getting done anyway. Not that they are when I'm not crafting either, so no danger. ;) And most likely I will be able to upload pics by April's end. We shall see if I remember to take progress shots, or if I join the unruly band. :tongue_smilie:
  16. Does everyone use handwriting programs such as HWOT? Is it naive to think teaching handwriting with just a pencil and paper is ok? (Particularly that paper I remember from k with the dashed line through the middle.) I actually may use some ideas I've read about here and elsewhere, such as sandpaper letters, writing in rice, dough letters, etc, even if I don't use a program. But if it's silly or arrogant to think I can teach handwriting so simply, please tell me now. DS4 has suddenly decided he's interested in writing letters, catching me off guard as usual. :tongue_smilie:
  17. I've been unaware of these challenges - what fun! I can't upload pics atm, but this month I knit a pullover for DS4, made a reversible apron for my niece's 2nd birthday, and made DS4 a pair of Batman pajama pants to celebrate being done witn nighttime diapers. Are there rules for the challenges? I am finishing up a hat to match the pullover, promised a hat to a friend, have fabric ready for a variety of projects. Hopefully April sees lots of completions.
  18. Mmmm. I love iced coffee. As soon as it gets a little warmer out, I'm going to be drinking lots of it. Even in cold weather if I have coffee leftover in the pot, I will toss in a couple of ice cubes.
  19. I hadn't thought about the foam ones sticking better. I'm getting them for my 4yo.
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