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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Thanks! Experimenting is fine. I just wasn't sure if I was missing something.
  2. Oh lordy! No I hadn't. Yikes. Toooooooooo many lentils!!! :lol:
  3. Ok. Regular lentils it is. I was just wondering if I was missing something. :tongue_smilie:
  4. http://books.google.com/books?id=50UBAAAAYAAJ&ots=gNR2Q3mrJ_&dq=kindergarten%20at%20home&pg=PA7#v=onepage&q&f=false
  5. In Hillyer's Kindergarten at Home, one of the supplies is a gill of lentils. After reading through some of the lessons, I can imagine using objects such as buttons when he mentions lentils. But does he actually mean lentils a la lentil soup, or is there an object formerly referred to as lentils not easily found in a google search?
  6. Thanks for this link. The site says not to do the deep cleansing too often - how often is too often? Is it a weekly routine, or every couple days?
  7. I posted in the other linked thread some fave cookbooks. I will add that one of my ways of mixing things up is magazines. I have always had good luck with Cooking Light, Everyday with Rachael Ray, and Real Simple. I also have found some good recipes and lots of inspiration in Martha Stewart Living & Everyday Food.
  8. Tuition help may or may not include a variety of fees. For example, one parochial school here offers tuition assistance, but there are still about $600 of fees per student, not including lunches, uniforms, sports fees, field trip fees, fundraising,etc. Also, will the school be able to provide the same level of tuition assistance for future years should you decide to continue? Our cousins' children went to a nice little Christian school for several years. The first year, they were given generous assistance. It decreased after that, and they had to fight for what they got. They finally didn't return. The school you're looking into may be very well funded and generous, but our cousins' experience was an eye opener for me.
  9. Harp Performance major here. I had a very active flute and harp duo going when I became preggo with my first son. We were booked far in advance, so I was very busy after he was born. With my second son, I started to pull back on performing and teaching early so as not to be so busy with two littles. I've been quite enjoying it, but am ready to start performing a little more often again, and add a couple more students. I also play piano and organ.
  10. You're braver than me. ;) I've already succumbed to the Dover allure. lol!
  11. About suburbia - depends where you are. We are close enough to water and forest that we do get plenty to look at, although obviously not as much as in the forest itself. About coloring - does your son do better if you color with him? My DS4 sometimes goes for the scribbling, but will do better if I color with him. Which, honestly, I love to do.
  12. If your kids like to paint, my DS has really enjoyed paint & assemble kits. Favorites included a birdhouse and a wooden Tonka tow truck. If you have an outdoor table, a sheet can turn it into a great fort/house/castle/etc. We have a small tent that looks like a frog, but it is nylon and gets quite hot. The sheet is better in the heat, and easier to put away.
  13. Love the book! I hadn't heard about the movie - very exciting! Hopefully they've done a good job.
  14. Last summer I put a big, old, wooden easel outside with a small stepladder/stool. The easel has a narrow shelf and a hook, so I put a cheap watercolor set on the shelf and hung a small pail on the hook. A cheap roll of paper was kept in the garage. I did move the easel into the garage if it was raining most times. DS really liked it. Not sure about games for you. What about one of those beanbag toss games? DS has a plastic bowling set. And I believe there are soft versions of horseshoes.
  15. Oh for the love of pete. Cross-posted with the baloney post. He just can't give it up, can he? :thumbdown:
  16. Hopefully Maloney is telling the truth & really does say something before he tries another stunt. Sounds good though.
  17. Thanks for this recommendation. I can get the sequel on nook & may just try it. I have cooked meat, such as sliced flank steak, slightly less than I would normally, then frozen it. That gives a little room for reheating without overcooking. Also, if you use freezer ziploc bags, you can store soups in a variety of serving sizes & in very little space.
  18. Here is a nice blog post - an interview with the Museum Educator at the Met: http://artfulparent.typepad.com/artfulparent/2011/01/mike-norris-on-museum-education-at-the-met.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheArtfulParent+%28The+Artful+Parent%29. And another from the same blog with a different museum educator, although this one is geared more to little kids but still nice: http://artfulparent.typepad.com/artfulparent/2010/11/rachelle-from-tinkerlab-on-museum-education-.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheArtfulParent+%28The+Artful+Parent%29.
  19. I feel your pain too. I have a little old wooden rocking seat in the kitchen with a little tray. Tonight he was willing to sit in it with a few raisins. Some nights I wear him on my back, although I see this isn't an option for you. Sometimes I manage to prep early. It's a merry-go-round here. I hope you find something that works for you.
  20. I meant to add, but was interrupted by a small person, that we have a lovely collection from the Metropolitan Museum of Art titled, "A Treasury of Children's Songs." And somewhere in my stacks of music I have a couple of collections of American folksongs. I may pick & choose from these, but I'm curious about the suggested songs on the AO site as well.
  21. Nice! Thanks! DS loves puzzles, so this is good info.
  22. What kind of puzzles are in the Sunshine math? (Off to look it up in a sec.) Do you think it necessary to supplement MEP or just enjoy it?
  23. Thanks! I just found a book of finger plays I'd forgotten we had. I may have to practice them on my own before I try them with the boys.
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