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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Knitting a scarf is good because it's simple, and size 10 needles are nice & big so it should go quickly. Personally, I find scarves difficult because I feel like I'm never going to finish. Wool yarn has the nicest elasticity, but if you don't want to spend too much to start, a wool blend will be fine.
  2. Added link. Titles include Moby Dick, The Virginian, O Pioneers!, etc.
  3. When I was that age, my brother & I were quite certain all the vans with ladders on the back had swimming pools on top. Nothing my parents said could convince us otherwise. My DS4 is the same. Sometimes I correct him once, then drop it. Sometimes I say, "Do you think?" This actually works pretty well because he realizes there might be something he doesn't know. Then he will change tactics, and even ask questions. He saves face and we don't engage in an argument. Nobody likes being corrected all the time, so I try to phrase as many corrections as I can into conversational language, and to not give as many as I can let go. No advice on the tattling. Hopefully others will chime in.
  4. President's Day sale. Includes some great titles imho. :) http://www.barnesandnoble.com/u/BN-American-Classics-eBooks/379002679/?cds2Pid=35550
  5. I need to wash some windows outdoors that I can't reach, even with a ladder. I see on the Windex site that their outdoor product is safe for plants, but I'm still suspicious. Has anyone used this? Or do you have an alternative?
  6. When I started my 3rd instrument as a child, I actually was doing weekly lessons for the first 2 istruments, and twice weekly lessons for the third. ;) As a teacher, I'd say it depends on the child, and I'm hesitant to do biweekly lessons. It is hard to keep the focus and momentum for many children if lessons aren't frequent enough. But I have had students for whom it worked. It takes extra planning and clear expectations. As long as the teacher is ok with it, and your dd is fairly responsible, she should be fine imo.
  7. Thanks ladies. I hope I can maake her feel better. I think I'm also having a hard time because I feel guilty, which I suppose is as reasonable as feeling guilty every time my toddler falls down.
  8. Yes, she did the same competition last year and did very well. Poor thing.
  9. My student had one of those competitions that ps band/orch students do this morning. I always ask her mother to email me after a performance. So she emailed that it did not go well, and my student is upset and won't talk about it. I feel so bad for her. She was nervous, I know, so I suspect her nerves got the better of her. I told the mother that my student is welcome to call, and I will see her Monday for her lesson. I haven't had a student feel awful after a performance before, so I'm at a bit of a loss. :(
  10. Tonight! I couldn't find any timing recommendations. Just look to the north. I may just peek out a few times to check.
  11. Maloney is already talking about how he still wants to go after those homeschoolers who are slipping through the cracks, at least in his mind. There is a petition to sign here: http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview/2011/02/homeschoolers-call-for-public-assurance-from-senator-maloney.html. You can also just email, write, or call him with the same message.
  12. I think I may just print everything out. "Save target as" is just a link to my account page too.
  13. :iagree: Yes, thank you. I was only going to be able to repeat the fb info, so this is very helpful.
  14. Just to make sure everyone knows, the bill isn't officially dead yet. Please continue to call, email, send letters to your senator and the members of the committee.
  15. The one closest to me is not on the list, but the one by my family is. Too bad. My brother & SIL enjoyed walking there with their girls.
  16. Oh, and the Dover coloring book of a dinosaur alphabet is pretty wonderful.
  17. I think I read four different dinosaur books to DS4 today. One was from the Usborne Beginners series, which we really like, but it is geared for a young audience. Another was one of those level 2 readers from the Target dollar section, so it probably isn't available, but the title is "Dinosaurs and Creatures of the Cretaceous." DS loves this one. It has the name, meaning of name, where it lived, size sometimes including a graph with comparison to human or object, what it ate, and then a paragraph or two about it. Then we have a great little spiral bound resource which also appears to be out of print, called "Dinosaur Fast Facts" by Fog City Press. It has at least 50 dinosaurs, in alphabetical order, with an illustration on the left, and info on the right. These two books are great reference books without being overwhelming. For example, last night at bedtime we read a little dino book that showed a heterodontosaurus. DS4 said he couldn't remember if it was a carnivore or herbivore, and the little book didn't say. So I sent him to get the fast fact book, we looked it up, and I blessedly didn't have to read about any others until this afternoon. ;) If you can find a copy of the fast fact book, or some other encyclopedia-light style of reference, that's what has been working for us.
  18. Agreed. Unfortunately I haven't seen her in quite some time so have no update. My DH is an officer with higher (not sure how to phrase it) jurisdiction than the village, so I doubt I will enounter this. And so I probably won't have an opportunity to address it personally. I did encourage her to file a complaint. Our chief is really shady though. Sometimes I think I should call Chuck Goudie. Anyway, I didn't mean to veer the thread off topic. Sorry.
  19. I've already heard from a local hsing mother that the police have taken it upon themselves to pick up her boys and drive them home in the squad car whe they are out during school hours. Nevermind they are on their way to or from the library, have hs id cards, and the mother has explained it to the cops many times. Putting more power behind such actions/harrassment is all we need.
  20. I hope Lightford's kids don't have to hear this. Although they probably already know. :(
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