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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. Out of curiousity, do you spend the whole half hour on the scheduled topic, or is it just the time frame to get it in? and then only takes 10-20 minutes? And do your kids enjoy any finger plays for circle time?
  2. Maybe I should know, but who are the imagineers? I'll have to look at those too - thanks!
  3. Curious to hear what you think. :bigear: QUOTE=KathleenSLP;2470844]Thanks for posting, just downloaded the guides.
  4. Thanks for sharing these. What wonderful memories!
  5. Just curious if anyone liked or disliked these: http://disney.go.com/disneynature/oceans/
  6. I think music lessons are essential, but then I am a classical musician. I will throw out there that studies have proven private music lessons raise the IQ of the child.
  7. Not sure about your area, but around here parks & rec offers a variety of kid activities, like tumbling or karate, for $30ish a month. Don't know about the apple, but my guys are constantly jumping on, off, and over the couch. I'm going to have DS4 start joining me to walk the dog, either on his big wheel or maybe a 3 wheel scooter. I may sign him up for tumbling too.
  8. :bigear: Curious too. Our house is small too. I plan to use our dining table and island quite a bit, and right now DS4 is comfortable at our little child-size table. And of course the couch for reading together. Looking forward to other ideas and btdt.
  9. The extra seed is in a tin, so hopefully ok. Should I quit filling the bird feeder for a while?
  10. Luckily poisonous snakes are pretty rare around here, and I'd like to imagine we won't get any others. And no cliff either. Hopefully we won't need one. lol! Sounds like you live somewhere fun...
  11. As I was coming inside tonight, I happened to glance at the bird feeder in the hedges in front of the house. There was a mouse sitting on it, munching away. Very cute outside. Not cute inside. And we are currently without cat. Does seeing them outside mean they are/will be inside? I haven't seen any evidence, but the basement is full of hiding places. Guess I will do a thorough check tomorrow. I've promised DH to wait a while before getting a new cat or I'd go get one tomorrow and not worry further. ;)
  12. I have a weakness for tin pails. Love them. So I have tin pails for many of the smaller toys and craft/art supplies, and they are kept on high shelves. The pails are different colors, and they make me happy. The boys can carry them around to use and to pick up.
  13. Another cast iron lover! I grew up with it, so I really don't even like using other types of cookware. I don't oil after every use either, just when needed. Some of mine need it more than others, and some never do. Depends on what I cook in them mostly. And I do use soap sometimes. I have tons, including corn cob pans, grill pan, ebelskiver (sp?), baked apple pans, etc etc. They're so great! Enjoy yours.
  14. I have a dear friend who is a little older than me and childless, and she positively dotes on my boys. When my first was very new, she gave me lots of books from her childhood. I put a bunch of them on a high shelf in DS's room, and he just today asked to look at them. I did remember there is a first edition of Scuffy the Tugboat, but I'd forgotten what else was there. They are all Little Golden Books, Elf books, and Cozy Corner books from the 50's, and they're great! So much fun! I knew you all would understand the excitement. :D
  15. In the suburbs, I love the Morton Arboretum. If you're in the mood for shopping and the weather is nice, Oakbrook mall is fun. There is an old mill nearby, Graue Mill, that sometimes has fun events. Downtown, I adore the Art Institute. A walk through Millenium Park is nice. The Cultural Center is gorgeous, maintains a small but free art gallery, sometimes has free concerts, and will have lots of tourist info/help. Architecture tours are great, walking or river boat. And Michigan Ave is always fun.
  16. Just for grown ups, or kids too? Are you interested in heading downtown, or do you prefer staying closer to Itasca?
  17. I am no expert, but DS and I have been looking into jellies lately. From what we've read and the programs we've watched, I know there are varying levels of sting between types. There are tiny jellies that can kill. But if they were babies of a type with a less potent sting, I think the sting wouldn't produce enough poison to be noticed.
  18. I have always thought of kodaly as a method to teach overall music theory/concepts. I hadn't realized there was a voice lesson specific aspect. Now I'm curious. Personally, I always preferred moveable do solfege, and I really like Dalcroze eurythmics. It can't hurt, I guess, but again, not sure about specifics applying to voice lessons as opposed to instrumental.
  19. Oh, I think I'm jealous! Enjoy yourself, your DH, & your friend. I know my attitude about many things changed after having babies. Many previously important things suddenly became trivial. But I know I'd get nervous about dressing for this type of event too.
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