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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. May I ask why you prefer plastic? I tend to prefer wood too, so am curious. Also, just as an aside, I noticed when searching for prices on rods, someone is selling Froebel's gift of wooden sticks and saying they can be used like c-rods. The connection of original kindy and c-rods was interesting to me. :001_smile:
  2. We have a pair of robins who have nested near our house every year. Last year the nest was really close out front, so we could watch the parents and babies from the front door. They are reusing the same nest again this year! They have been collecting materials and building it up all morning. DS4 and I are so excited! :)
  3. Talking about healthy foods in the car today, I told DS4 that antioxidants fight disease. He said, "Wow! Ididn't know that! Do they use swords or bows & arrows?" :lol:
  4. I wouldn't worry about training him not to climb up the chairs too much. In a month or two he'll be leaping directly up. ;) :w00t: By the time my sister's wheaten pup was 4-5mo, he could leap over our heads while we sat on the couch. :lol: He is adorable! Good luck...
  5. I wonder if you know what the counselor was referring to? And if it would be the same as with children in daycare?:bigear:
  6. :iagree: I have been doing some simple academic activities recently, like worksheets and writing some letters, but only because DS4 asks to. And we only do these activities for short amounts of time.
  7. IME the quality of Coby is extremely poor. When I worked in retail, the only electronics we gave no-questions-asked full refunds on were the Coby ones, because we had no doubt it didn't work right out of the box or broke shortly thereafter. Perhaps the quality has improved, but I wouldn't risk it.
  8. Did you pick one? :bigear: I wanted to add Thor, and call him Donnie for Donald Blake. Airedales are great!
  9. I know I've read a few threads on this, and I remember seeing widely varying opinions. My laptop is on the fritz, and for some reason I can't search the boards on my nook. So forgive me for asking again. But maybe I'll get new opinions and experiences too. Do you think it is a horrible program, useful in its place, or wonderful, and why? Thanks in advance!
  10. We just saw this with the frog cards at a reptile show, and I really want to get one! We also just received our urban bird packet from Cornell. We are excited to participate. The feeder one looks great too.
  11. No, she said, "Schiff(?), S. Wise," both times. The S. Wise was clear.
  12. :lol: Oh, Bill! You're awful! Thank you for making me laugh! :D
  13. That's a shame, isn't it? Our library is also small, and I am frequently disappointed by the selection and staff. Luckily it is part of a larger network of libraries, so I can almost always get the books I want. And I am always thankful to have a library at all.
  14. I could have sworn she said Schiff the first time. So I tried to really listen when she repeated it, but I really don't know. Still had an f in it.
  15. I don't think she heard my online sigh. ;) I didn't actually say Bauer for her; I gave her the title.
  16. I would have accepted anything that started with a b and ended in r. Bare, bar, bur, boo-er. I would have at least recognized that she was telling me the correct author. But there was no resemblance whatsoever.
  17. Bauer. She wasn't a little off. I had no idea what she was saying. My library doesn't have WTM, so I have to order it. I gave her the title, and she said something. I thought she'd entered the title wrong, but said, "pardon?" She repeated and turned the screen so I could see. She's nice, and is always very kind to my boys, but I had to sigh where she couldn't hear.
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