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Everything posted by annlaura

  1. My DH's first language is Spanish, and he was surprised to see anaranjado in one of DS's books. He knew the word, but always uses naranja for the color. He is Cuban, FWIW.
  2. Bacon - mmm. I think adding tomato is really for moros y cristianos or yellow rice, but at some point I started adding it to our regular black beans. Everybody liked it, so I kept doing it. And I don't know why I said cilantro - I don't think I've ever added cilantro. I use cumin. :tongue_smilie: Anyway, mine probably starts the same as yours but with olive oil instead of bacon. An onion or two, a green pepper, lots of garlic, finely chopped and sauteed in olive oil. Then at the end, stir in a tsp or so of cumin, a tbsp or so of cider or white wine vinegar, maybe some oregano, and a spoonful of tomato paste. I really love the smell of sofrito cooking. So yummy.
  3. I have just a few rows left on the body of a sweater for DS5. The sleeves should go quickly as they'll be in the round. Hopefully, anyway. And I have a stocking cap started for DS2. I can knit on the hat whenever, but I've been needing to pay attention to the sweater front so it only gets worked on after little boy bedtime. DH is hogging the laptop, so I can't post pics right now - sorry. There are pics on my ravelry, but they're already outdated. :tongue_smilie:
  4. Oh thanks! I never would have thought of acid reflux. Those symptoms are what I deal with constantly, only it's crazy bad lately. Sometimes I can barely inhale past the goop, and I'm gagging and very nauseous. I'll try a PPI. Thanks everyone!
  5. My post-nasal drip is completely out of control lately. I have a dr appt anyway in a few weeks, so I'm trying to hang on until then. But I'm wondering if any of you have any advice on getting the drip/raging river to slow down? And is it possible this is making me nauseous? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  6. I take mine off when I'm practicing or performing. Once in a while I take it off just to rub my finger. But I keep it on otherwise. My engagement ring has been off, except for very special occasions, since my older son was born.
  7. I put traditional Cuban sofrito in mine, which is basically tomato, green pepper, onion, garlic, and cilantro.
  8. Thanks! I'll look into those. Any others? :bigear:
  9. I know there have been threads for this before, but I'm not turning them up. Does anyone have experience with any legit work-at-home companies? Thanks.
  10. I'm annlaura on ravelry too. I just recently vowed to spend more time there, but I don't have much up yet. I love looking for patterns.
  11. There is a lovely Advent song by Mary Lu Walker with a verse for each candle. We sing this as we light the candle in our wreath. My family's Advent wreath is just four star shaped candle holders and one round one with a bit of greenery. My mother actually still uses the Advent wreath I made in kindergarten. :)
  12. You know, my sister went through this with her wheaten when he was puppy. I think he was younger at the time though. She tried a variety of foods too, but no luck. She ended up spoon feeding him for a while. Then he started eating again. :tongue_smilie: I don't remember how long it lasted, or what happened that he started eating on his own again. Hopefully Aidan gives up soon.
  13. He is gorgeous! What a charmer! Funny, but DSnearly5 asked for a blue tick last night. And my foolish self actually looked at a hound rescue to see if any needed, um, fostering. I was going to suggest one of the bigger hounds. They can go and go and go, but also will cheerfully lie on a chair and veg. And they are typically great with kids. If you had a bigger one, like a blue tick, you would have the safety factor as well.
  14. Oh my, size 1 is like knitting with toothpicks! Very brave.
  15. Love the tree, Rosie! The fabrics on those napkins and placemats are wonderful. I may have to make some of those myself. :) The hats and twirly dress are adorable too! The clementines aren't exactly a craft, but this is as crafty as I get with drawing. ;) The boys loved them! The hat was a project for a friend - she gave me the yarn. I finally found cargo pants that fit DSnearly5 really nicely except for being too long, so I added plaid flannel to the inside so we could cuff them. I did 2 pair but only took a pic of one. And here is the finished back and started front of another sweater for him. I have a new pair of addi turbos to use on the sleeves, and then on a hat for *gasp* myself! My SIL gave me a lovely skein of yarn, and it's going to be for me for a change. Can't wait to try out the turbos though.
  16. Newfies are the greatest. As far as the other dog annoying the newf - not much annoys a newf. When my newf/saint mix was in puppy class, a sheltie was trying to annoy her. My dog finally just dropped a paw on the sheltie, which dropped, and stopped, the sheltie. Mostly when a dog annoyed her, she just turned her head or walked away. They are so big that when they do normal puppy behaviors, it causes much more damage. A normal puppy might chew a cushion. A newfie might destroy the couch. At an early age, a newfie is tall enough to get dishes out from the bottom of the sink. And if a 6mo newfie decides to chase a squirrel while on a walk, you will chase a squirrel too. The water rescue instinct is strong, so if you dunk your head in the bath, you may get pulled out by the arm. They are the greatest dog ever, but their size makes early obedience training a must.
  17. My mother had a pom who was great with the grandkids. She even came for a visit to my house for a few weeks once when my older son was just one. We didn't know they weren't supposed to be good with kids either. By the time someone told us, she was loving several grandbabies. She was great little dog, and I've always thought I might get one someday. She was yappy though. Papillons are fun too, although I don't know about their reputation with littles. They are great to watch doing agility!
  18. Our current dog is a beagle mix. She is great with the kids, and I adore her. But the hound dog in her is, well, hound doggy. Howling, baying, and barking. Constant counter cruising. Sometimes she reminds us of the Bumpus's (sp?) dogs in the movie A Christmas Story. But a complete and utter lovebug. And a great mix of playful, watchful, and snuggly. My previous dogs were giants - a pyr/lab, and a newf/saint. Our pyr/lab had issues from being abused, so although we loved him dearly, I can't speak on those breeds much. But my newf/saint was the. best. dog. ever. Ever ever. I cannot begin to express how wonderful she was. I really would love another newf or newfie mix. But like another poster said, vet bills go up with the size of the dog. And newfies shed and drool. I still think there's no better breed.
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