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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. Awesome! We're just finishing Pre-Alg w/Biology and I was wondering when this one would be out. Thanks for posting!!
  2. I always get delivery tracking. I also get insurance for big ticket items I ship. IMO it is the responsibility of the seller to ensure that the goods are delivered. The buyer did their part by trusting the seller to send upon receipt of the funds. If a seller doesn't protect themselves and their buyer then it is sellers fault IMO.
  3. It has been a few years (I bought all the books at one time) and I got mine at Rainbow Resource. :)
  4. Those are very cute! I do cake decorating too but since I live in a state that doesn't allow home based decorating I can't do it legally. I only do them for friends and at cost for others. Be sure you check your state regulations before embarking on a home caking biz so that you are financially protected. Good luck! :) Adding: Totally agree with the prev poster about it becoming a large part of your life. I had to seriously scale down because it got to the point that hsing was suffering. A wedding cake did me in. It was a huge commitment and took way too much time. Small jobs are ok but not doing anything that requires a super-structure and gallons of fondant. :)
  5. :iagree: I think adults that get annoyed are probably a little intimidated or jealous that their own children may lack that kind of confidence.
  6. :grouphug: Keeping him and his family in our thoughts.
  7. If it is at all possible you might get it out with a biological solution like Nature's Miracle (the formula specifically for cats). I'd soak the clothes in it for several days. If that stuff doesn't get it out then probably nothing will. Good luck!
  8. I want to do the King Arthur study but we're doing TIP Forensics instead and the Lit Lessons from LOTR which will keep us busy for awhile. Probably will do TIP King Arthur closer to the spring.
  9. Well, I might be having a brain-drain but I can't seem to understand how this all works. Specifically the Apologia Biology course. It appears that it is a course that can be joined at most any point (with the exception of modules 5-6) and eventually the course winds around and you stay in until you get all the modules finished. My question concerns starting somewhere other than the beginning. Isn't that a bad idea??? Granted, I'm pretty obsessive about starting and finishing things in a certain order and time-frame so this stuff about starting somewhere in the middle is giving me an awful headache. Am I missing something or is that what they are really doing? I tried to email the site but have had no answers yet. I don't want to 'donate' unless I am sure I can use the course and it does sound like a good program. I also wanted to see if anyone knew what module they are on right now and what their pace chart looked like. I need help and an aspirin! :confused:
  10. Her behavior is designed to provoke a negative response so she can continue to play the victim. Don't give her what she wants. The only way to respond is to be gracious and polite. That will drive her nuts. I'd simply respond that the camera will be available when 'Cathy' comes to pick it up. Nothing else needed. She obviously wants to get a rise out of you so why would you indulge her? Less is more.
  11. I saved a tiny hairless squirrel once. His mouth was too little for a cat bottle so I used a q-tip and swabbed baby cat formula on his lips. He would lick his lips and that is how I fed him until he was big enough for the baby cat nipple. You would have to keep them warm. I put an electric mat under the box the squirrel was in, making sure it was only low warm and there were no hot spots. The babies may not potty on their own and you'll have to simulate a mother licking her young. Gently stroke their tummy until they urinate. You'll have to feed them hourly in small amounts and there is no guarantee they'll survive. My squirrel did and when he was old enough we turned him over to a re-habber for introduction to the wild. It is a lot of round-the-clock work but if they survive it is so rewarding. Good luck!
  12. :thumbup: I bought most of my filing and organizing containers from Big Lots. Good deals!
  13. My most lovey-dovey cat is a Ragdoll. He is a big fluff and never sprays. I also have another male (mix) that doesn't spray either. They are both neutered and indoor cats.
  14. We're doing Apologia Biology this year and so this was good news for us. Homeschoolbuyerscoop.com has Digital Frog and other programs up for group buy. This could result in up to 60% discount. The group buy ends 8/22. I'm just posting this for anyone interested in opting for virtual dissection.
  15. We're doing Apologia Biology this year and so this was good news for us. Homeschoolbuyerscoop.com has Digital Frog and other programs up for group buy. This could result in up to 60% discount. The group buy ends 8/22. I'm just posting this for anyone interested in opting for virtual dissection.
  16. Very nice!!! Love the colors! Your technique is very precise. :001_smile:
  17. I use A Beka as the core for my younger one and supplement with LOF Pre-Alg. I like LOF because it has different approaches to what she has learned. I look for variety in supplements.
  18. I don't remember the original post but this is close to what we do. I have it broken down into: math, science, history, language arts, foreign language and misc. Then I rough sched the curriculum for the year and if there is more than one curriculum for a category then I can stagger them easier so that we aren't doing everything at once. We get the best of both worlds that way-keeping it simple yet we can use more curriculum.:001_smile:
  19. We did! That is why I plan like I do. ;)
  20. Not crazy at all! ;) I'm a hard-core planner too so I totally relate. Planning in advance is fun! :D
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