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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. We're doing Foerster's Alg 1 (Prentice Classics) for our 13 yr old. and so far so good. We're using it with the Math W/o Borders CD. Just a note: If you opt to use Lials, Annenberg has a nice looking free online video class that uses this book as the text. The link: http://www.learner.org/resources/series66.html
  2. The meat is question was percolating in a nice warm (but cooling) oven and that is a prime atmosphere for encouraging bacterial growth. I think the max time a meat can be left at room temp is around 4 hrs so- My motto is: When in Doubt....Throw it Out.
  3. We use Human Odyssey for our spine but we like to use videos from UnitedStreaming and google searchs for the topics we read about. We also find good stuff on Currclick.
  4. We're doing opencourseware classes for our middleschoolers already. Those are free college level courses. We're also planning on doing some of the Great Courses. My college son did many of the Great Course offerings and those offered challenge and prep for college.
  5. These are the main reasons I've been mostly disappointed with co-op experiences. I expect at least a normal range of competency in the teacher and usually end up feeling like they dropped the ball. Many classes start off well and go downhill quickly and never fulfill the stated goal. On the other hand, I've also found that many of the homeschool parents balk at having homework or rigor in the co-op classes as well. Classes that clearly state there will be homework and expectations all too often don't make the required class enrollment and don't materialize. There is also a wide range of what is acceptable behavior in the coop classroom. Some children behave very well and are attentive and then there are the 'free spirits' that are just all over the place and just plain disruptive and their parents rationalize their lack of respect by claiming they are 'curious' or 'free' (blah). I avoid coops and try to find classes that are run more like a business because I find that there is more accountability. I've liked our museum courses and those offered by the virtual school. If we were to do any coops, it wouldn't be for a class that I wanted any academic mastery of. It would be for fun and socialization (and even that is if-y).
  6. Thanks for posting this! The pictures are helpful too! I've been toying with the idea of trying to make yogurt in my crockpot so if that doesn't work out, I'm going to try your recipe. :)
  7. Oh boy...I earlier suggested a nice kennel but after reading how disrespectful your family is of your dh I am amending my suggestion. I'd stay home. Just because they are 'family' doesn't mean it is ok. I wouldn't go alone either because that communicates to them that they can manipulate you and your relationship with your dh. Life is too short to create memories that are full of anxiety and hurt. Stay home and make some fun ones. :) :grouphug:
  8. Unfortunately, I tend to plod through things. I am getting better at taking time for myself if I'm feeling sick but I hate to get off schedule. I'm kinda obsessive about my schedule. :)
  9. I'd take her to a kennel. Many kennels nowadays are quite nice. The one we use for our golden is indoor and we have the option of community playtime with the other boarders (supervised). They have activities for the dogs and training sessions to keep them busy too. Our dog has a great time there. It is like a doggie vacation! :) Check around and you can probably find a nice place that you'll feel comfortable with and then you can enjoy your family time with peace of mind.
  10. I checked out that street on Vpike. It is super busy! I can't imagine letting a child ride a bike there after looking at the pictures. Crazy! http://www.vpike.com/?place=East+52nd+Street+new+york
  11. I seriously doubt this case would ever see a courtroom. My guess is that it will be settled in a mediation. As for suing the children, it is probably protocol to technically sue ALL involved parties. The children were most likely just included on the noticing (along with their parents). I think it may be part of a ploy to divert attention away from the real issues. BTW, I'm wondering if NY has sidewalk laws. Some areas have restrictions about what is allowed on a walkway. Maybe bikes (of any kind) were not even allowed on that particular sidewalk. Perhaps these parents had been warned before? Lots of questions don't get answered in a short news story. :)
  12. Homeschool records binders, Science texts & microscope & slides. Forester's Algebra Text (took too long to find this), LLOTR Set.
  13. I think there probably is a lot more to this case than the news (love to sensationalize stories) are revealing. I personally think that an elderly woman should be able to walk along the street without fear of being run over by a tricycle. IMO, for that to happen, the child was not being supervised properly. 87 year old people do not easily jump out of the way and they don't heal quickly either. Maybe the suit is asking for medical bill recoupment (which can add up to significant amounts quickly). It surprises me that without knowing the whole story people could consider this another frivilous lawsuit.
  14. I got this in my email a few weeks ago. I watched it a few times and the link I had showed a close up and it looks like she is adjusting her hat brim.
  15. I think that having the math facts committed to memory are vital. That is just my personal finding. Instead of drilling maybe mnemonics and easily memorable 'tricks' are the way to go. You might take some time off of the regular course and check out Math-It (for tricks) and Times Tables. These two programs will help her to visualize the facts rather than strictly memorize numbers and answers. It will also go a long way to helping her make the connections as to how the numbers relate depending on the function. HTHs! Hang in there! :grouphug:
  16. We refill our cartridges. DH has his kit that has a syringe and he refills. You have to modify the existing cartridge a little but this has saves us a lot of money and we never have to run out to get ink. We just order bottles of it online.
  17. I use http://www.hslaunch.com It is free to set up membership and then you can upload your files and search and download others.
  18. We've been having that problem too! It is frustrating because we paid $$$ for the curriculum and I have 2 sets. Not very happy about this. I hope the author addresses the problem or at least acknowledges it for effectively. :glare:
  19. I foresee that lots of drama in that family not only because of the new 'wife' but because they are under a microscope now. Wife 1 always looks like she is on the verge of a breakdown. It seems like she almost enjoys dropping tidbits of dirty laundry or insights on camera (the in-vitro discussion etc). I get a vibe from her that she has a lot of suppressed anger. Robyn is so unlike the others. She knows that she is younger and in better shape than the others (this may change pretty quickly after living in that home). IMO it would be normal for the other wives to be jealous. There will be big problems when Robyn has all the fun and dates while the others are expected to watch her children. Her children have some issues that IMO wouldn't be well addressed by living this new lifestyle. This is where the suppression comes in. They are told it is wrong to feel that way. I wonder what the long term physical and mental effects of this kind of suppression create? I suspect that living with narcissistic Kody would be a recipe for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  20. We didn't like the elementary series but in 6th and 7th started with General (I have 2). It was a hit. Lots of experiments too.
  21. I have to do that with my cats and dog at least 2-3 times a day. Every once in awhile one just starts nagging another and they need an 'intervention'. Pets are just like little kids. :)
  22. I doctor my box mixes with this recipe. For the flavors, I may omit the vanilla and almond and substitute different extracts to compliment other box mix flavors. This makes a nice sturdy and moist cake. I get rave reviews. :) White Almond Sour Cream Cake (WASC) Ingredients 2 boxes white cake mix 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 cups granulated sugar 1 1/2 teas. salt 8 egg whites 2 2/3 cups water 4 Tbls. vegetable oil 2 cups (16oz carton) sour cream 2 teaspoon clear vanilla flavor 2 teaspoons almond extract Instructions Mix all dry ingredients by hand using a whisk in a very large mixing bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and beat on low speed for 2 minutes. Bake at 325 degrees ***One recipe makes: one 14″ round + one 6″ round or one 16″ round or one 12″ round + one 10″ round or one 12×18″ sheet cake or one 12″ round + one 8″ round + one 6″ Half a recipe makes: two 8″ rounds or two 6″ rounds + 6 cupcakes
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