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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Ran but then the stomach flu hit me so nothing today. Goals: Continue to work out 5x/week. Not die in the next 12 hours.
  2. They fact my 3 oldest kids have turned into responsible, pleasant, hard working adults. There were some years it was up in the air.
  3. The PS my ds attends uses them vs iPads. He can access the Internet and use google docs. I know he can play games, LOL. It's not a computer but if she wants to check email, facebook, etc it's nice, cheap and simple.
  4. Gosh darn I wish you could all get well! This year seems worse in terms of sickness.This morning was a late start and there are arctic winds blowing outside so... I did a pretty intense kettle bell thing ( my arms are noodley) and am going to the church to Walk Away the Pounds
  5. You need to have cabbage on New Year's Day for good luck per my German grandma. We also put pennies on the windowsills New Year's Eve to bring in money for the year. My kids do not care one whit about this but I feel compelled :)
  6. The Family That Couldn't Sleep: A Medical Mystery D.T. Max (Author)
  7. Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine. I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here
  8. My 20 yo has been dating the same girl for two years and is generally mature but he has no plans or desire to make anything permanent. I think some girls do. (Not my oldest dd though).He leaves for basic training on Tuesday and then will finish 1.5 years of school so we shall see.
  9. Yep, i'm like that too. If the wind blows from the left I throw up. Way to hang in. A glorious 7 degrees this morning but that does make me keep up the pace. I had all my usual gear with cuddle duds underneath and never did get warm. A "gym" has opened here in town (in an old Dollar General building) that does seem to have an elliptical (I peeked through the window). I poo pooed joining but on a morning like this it sure would have been nice. I hope everyone has a safe and fun New Year's Eve. Bring on 2015! :party:
  10. We did get it. Three of the kids and dh had to get it for work. I felt that with ds returning to PS he would bring new germies home and a little protection beat none.
  11. Ok, I might be your kid. Honestly, it's like if i can't verbally/audibly emote it i don't think it. I get it's driving you crazy. Can you excuse yourself "I need a beak" or ask him to go express himself upstairs? While I have learned not to yell" That's the stupidest thing I ever heard." In business meetings ( I'm still noisy) as a kid no amount of punishment mattered. I had to become mature enough to understand time and place. Now, noises and talking are different from whining because you don't want to do something.
  12. Do the ill ones feel like going? A party wouldn't be on my list if I felt unwell..
  13. Um, all I've got going is the 50's thing. My run is the only thing going as planned today. On the brights side I still know how to jumpstart a car :driving: No harm done but annoying.
  14. Boiled eggs, hummus in pita bread, a baggie of raw veggies, Apple and string cheese, banana and nuts in a Baggie, pbj, soup in a cup, kefir...can you tell I do this often? I should add we usually eat dinner at 5 because we need to be out the door at 6. I use these if we need to leave earlier or we will be out past 9 and they want to eat again. They are our go to lunch on the run staples too. I avoid concession/fast food.
  15. I hope you feel better soon. Family obligations are finally over so I had a glorious long run this morning. I need to get back to normal in the workout/eating realm.my kids all have plans for New Years Eve and poor dh works evenings so I won't have more party minefields to traverse. I'm thinking a hot bath, bubbles and a book. And possibly a bottle of tequila ;)
  16. I took 16yo dd to Kohl's and she got boots marked from $85 to $30 and two deeply discounted dresses with Christmas money. I'm hoping that first of the year will put new workout stuff on sale.
  17. Well, January us always my " pantry" month so I have this week figured out. The goal this week was just to avoid grocery shopping except milk. I'm going to put $20 /week in my vaca fund. We have a Christmas club account already. I just want a little put back for spontaneous zoo/museum/activities with the kids. If $20 proves to much I'll move back to $10. For the heck of it here's the food: Sun-chicken fajitas Mon-veg soup& grilled cheese Tue-beef stir fry Wed-mac&cheese w/ham, green beans Thu-baked potatoes with ham,broccoli or salsa and sour cream Fri-tuna casserole, peas&scar rots Sat-beef barley soup, hm bread
  18. We all get off track but if you had a flat tire would you slash the other three? Just fix stuff and move on.
  19. I do dictionary.com for a new word daily. Some words I know but it's always fun to see word derivations. I also read tellmewhy.com and listen to Stuff You Missed in History Class podcasts.
  20. Ok, this sounds stupid but 3 years ago I resolved to floss every night. That was it. I had a chart which helped. That led to adding push ups in Feb, etc, etc. one new thing a month. I have to concentrate. I get easily sidetracked with too much stuff. I would say pick one thing, say, give up chips. I'd sub popcorn or veggie sticks with salsa or gum. Something oral. I'd track every day. I'd allow chips say 1 time a month. I'd plan that day, maybe at a party or out to eat. Then tackle something else the next month. I just ticked a day off the calendar but try habitforgedot com if you like online. Take this for what it's worth. Good luck! Believe in yourself. Oh, and if you " mess up" just carry on. Humans aren't perfect.
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