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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. If some one can be J. ( I know a J.D.- legal name and a J.Kay-again lega) why not A.
  2. All dressed to go run, just need to finish this coffee. Negin- sorry about the headache. Mine has been bothering me too. I hope you are feeling much better now. Redsquirrel- just do what you can do. Annie G.- floppy noodle :lol: Slache-hope you're winning against whatever you're fighting
  3. I have a very difficult time spending on anything " not necessary." I know why, poor childhood of parents who had a really poor childhood. I know intellectually but emotionally not so much. Add in my feelings about consumerism and....stew of conflict. Hugs to you.
  4. Busy day so walked an easy 2.5 miles and plan on going to the church and doing 3 miles of Leslie. The bod felt like it needed a quiet day anyway. Back at it tomorrow.
  5. I'm a bare bones ( um, cheap) simplified. Some things I've done: My kids did go to preschool. It was literally two blocks from our house. If I had to drive no. I've got a list of crockpot recipes we eat often. I toss in and forget it. Not sure of your kids ages. Mine each have their own hamper and a " day". From about 10 up they take care of their own laundry. I usually throw (or have them) throw it in at night and dry/hang the next day. Meal plan so grocery shopping is quick. Dh and I do it together as a date. Most of our yard work is in summer. All we've got now is shoveling. Make sure dh wants help. I did ours to help and discovered dh actually likes it. We do a 15-20 minute " blitz" each afternoon. One vacuums, one does dishes, one picks up. We sweep the kitchen. Pet chores get done. We swipe the bathroom. Trash out, etc. my youngest is 7 and she can do all these tasks. Even younger kids can help. I save bigger more intense stuff for weekends and yes they help. So does dh. I try to really concentrate on one room a week. Trash can in each room. Cleaning supplies in bath and kitchen saves time getting stuff. HTH. Just trial and error until you find your system.
  6. "The breast milk can't hurt, might help and is a hell of a crowd pleaser!" ( from my LC prep class, really I'm a huge BF advocate) I'd use my own but not asking on facebook! The oils can do very real harm IMHO.
  7. Going to Zumba and yoga because tomorrow is looking busy.
  8. Ran. I'm trying to grasp how little some of you eat. Not fair for you :( I unfortunately have the appetite of a 14 yo boy. I'm always hungry but can eat 1500 and still lose. I'm not going to whine anymore about being hungry.
  9. Dh and I now know from these shows that we live in a hovel. In a sad village ;)
  10. (((Redsquirrel))). Please, please don't think of yourself as a failure. This is just one small part of the total you! You wouldn't talk that way about your kids,dh or friends. Be kind to yourself. I know (from experience) how this becomes huge in your mind and how frustrating it is when you are working so hard. I only know what will work for me. I would continue what has worked before and just play with it a little. For ex. Keep your calories the same but increase protein- something like the 40/40/30 thing. Switch up your exercise. Intensity and type. And keep chugging along knowing that in the end you've done your best and weight is only your relationship to gravity. If you are healthy, happy, loving, kind, a good mom and wife what pants you're wearing doesn't really matter when all is said and done.
  11. No words. Hugs and thoughts are with you.
  12. Lucky (unisex though he's male) and Mr. Kitty ( I hope self explanatory).
  13. I consistently had to spell Emma and Lily. These aren't exotic names folks! Don't even get me started on how people spell Amelia and Adeline!(Emilya and Addalin)
  14. Ran. Eyelashes froze. Invigorating, I hope Monday treats you all kindly.
  15. Just my weird take. I think God figures "Geesh, I spent thousands of years talking to the Israelites. I sent Jesus for everyone. I think I've been obvious. Maybe that frustrating free will means they need to muck about a bit. I only gave those first folks one stinking rule and they couldn't even follow that!" At least that's what I would be thinking.
  16. Samuel, Daniel, Joseph, Jacob, Joshua, Jason, Caleb? My number five is Fletcher Matthew.
  17. I listen to my dad's stories and think about my own childhood and wonder too. My guess is that on a safer environment we strive to remove all risk from our kids' lives. It's out of love but to my thinking wrongheaded. I let my 7 yo walk a mile to the library and back. I walked much further to kindergarten. I was cautioned by a friend that surely the police would come to my house. :huh: I also let them cook, use knives, build fires. I draw the line at juggling chainsaws ;) I guess I fall on the side of directed experience, trying on own, mastery.
  18. Not a birder per se but we do have suet feeders I front of our front window. We have fun watching all the types, trying to identify and observing the squabbles. We have had red tailed Hawks which made me fear for little birdies and kittens. I heard an owl a couple nights ago but haven't seen him and my favorite, I scared a bunch of bob white quail while out running this fall.
  19. Short 10 min trips at about 8. An hour or two by 10. 6-8 at 12. I have had the luxury of mostly having an older sib around. I believe our state law is just sort of " at your discretion". I tend to be pretty free range and so far they have done fine. I reserve the right to revoke privileges though.
  20. I could make limitless stuff because I like to cook but I probably have about a months worth of simple things I can be reasonably sure will be eaten by most of the family.
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