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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. No problem with stupid. But I also let them say " flipping" so YMMV
  2. I don't like cold drinks. I drink most " cold" drinks at room temperature so that's my vote.
  3. Ours is at 64. In summer at 82. We do sit under blankets in the evening and dress warmly in the house. Everyone but me is comfortable. I'm always freezing.
  4. Took a nice run this morning. Tomorrow promises snow and low teens. I must dig out the serious winter gear. Wat do I eat?-I generally follow no-s guidelines and eat a generally healthy diet and leave treats for " s " days. I push f&v and lean proteins and eat the other stuff in moderation.
  5. Snickerdoodle- glad you're better (((Redsquirrel ))) I did yoga yesterday and then scrubbed the hardwood floors on my knees. Now that is a workout. Today I ran.
  6. I do proof dd's AP work. Perfection from a sophomore, or anyone, is a lot to ask. Sadly, grades do matter. Three of mine have received significant scholarship money due to class rank and SAT scores. The purpose of my kids getting a PS diploma is to be in the running for these scholarships ( homeschoolers need not apply). When thousands are literally riding on your grades the stakes go way up.
  7. Someone stepped up and helped my kids go to camp. They wrote Dear Donor.
  8. Snickerdoodle- don't make us change your name to sickerdoodle! Hope you're better soon. Had to run boy to school for Veteran's Program which dinks the tight Tuesday schedule so I squeezed In a kettle bell wo and some yoga.
  9. Yesterday I did kettle bell. I will run after one more cup of coffee.
  10. LOL-couldn't even see it when I reread this. For the record my DAD has no need of a bro or manssiere. My dd does.
  11. Oops, we are supposed to wear them at home? Mine comes off before my shoes.
  12. Our Goodwill has a ton. Walmart Jrs has them. Kohl's often has sales. My dad 16 ( and a b/c?) wears only these or a sports bra.
  13. She's only 8. Her physical development just isn't matching up with her mental development I'd let her be mentally 8. At some point she may want to wear the bras but I'd let her be a little girl right now.
  14. S days here Friday and today but like you sort of ho-hum. I had a piece of pumpkin roll yesterday and a couple squares of dark chocolate tonight. Not too wild but that's not bad. Knowing I can have a normal plate of food kind of takes the panic away or something.
  15. Just came inside. I walked 5 miles on the track. I had on dress pants and boots so that was the best I could do.
  16. Twenty years? Whenever I got too busy to make futile attempts to straighten it. My hair is curly and shoulder length. If I cut it short I'd have to mess with it, if it's too long it can take 24 hours to dry.
  17. Lots of visits with the proviso dh feels up to it. Prep the kids for how daddy may feel/what he may look like. As for your dh, listen, listen, listen.
  18. I chose Lira. Lyra makes me think lyre or a long I sound.
  19. I got up at 4 am to get ds to an Eagle Merit Badge Day. I'm at a Starbucks right now. I'm thinking of scoping out the local high school for a track when the frost leaves the ground.
  20. I meant that someone exercising daily for 2 hours could ( COULD) be self medicating depression or a desire to be alone or maybe not. Just that if it's working for them and they can't get it they will be touchy. If I take more than a day off I get crabby. I know I'm using exercise as a med though.
  21. Arg, on my phone.I agree with Kristie. Someone working out that intensely may have other things going on though.
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