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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I run very early in the morning. I live in a rural area so all I need to avoid are cars/trucks and possums. If i don't go first thing it won't happen because evidently only I can solve problems,
  2. So I have a little Christmas/birthday money and would like a personal blender for my smoothies. I am using an Oster that leaves my spinach, apple and cucumber more of a chunky than a smoothie. I don't do kale or carrot but I would like a smoother texture. I'm trying for the under $100 range. Any experience with any of the " bullets" nutri-, magic- or Ninja-?
  3. My Aspie usually does. He is very rule based though. Rigidly. So luckily if it's a rule he will comply. And heaven help us if we vary.
  4. Dh and I lived in a studio apartment so we can. I enjoy it much more than he does. I feel cozy, he feels cramped soooo, I guess if he leaves, LOL. Oh, and he takes the 7 kids ;). Until this summer all of us lived in 2000 ish sq ft so essentially per person I guess our house is tiny.
  5. I try to let the chips fall too. I say things like " we are leaving in 20 minutes if you're not ready you'll have to stay here, go without shoes, miss the party, whatever. I (short of health) try never to " rescue" them. I try to explain why and give the bigger picture. I still, as an adult, have a knee jerk, dig in my heels reaction to being told things. If I see a stay off the grass sign guess what I do. ;) among my 7 I have a complete array of personalities but my #4 is most like me.
  6. The most I've ever done is a homemade remembrance ( candied lemon peel, needlepoint book mark)or a note of thanks.
  7. I am one of those cold people and have converted to the electric mattress pad that I set to " hot concrete " BUT in my pre-electric days I wore L.L. bean fleece velour pjs and fleece socks. And a hat. What folks who aren't cold don't get is that some of us never seem to make any body heat to keep in.
  8. My girls 11 and 7 both got underwear in their stockings. Other kids got socks, razors,booth brushes, etc. I always got underwear and socks.
  9. Hits(thank goodness because they only got one big thing) 16yo-36 acrylic set she requested 13yo-video game, he loves it, my 20 yo picked it up for me, I don't even remember the name 11 yo- Galaxy 3 tablet, she is over the moon! I'm not telling her I got it for free when I upgraded phone in Sept 7yo- " old" Easy Bake I found at a second hand store with all the pieces for $3. It had coupons in it that expired in 1994 . She has baked all day.
  10. Yes, all presents here only have the recipient name. It is assumed they are all from Santa. For years my kids knew this to be true because " mom and dad would never buy us this much stuff". LOL for some reason stockings are beloved by my children and are done last as the cherry on top. Evidently bubbles, lip gloss and batteries are exciting.
  11. I love we all have " family" ways to do things But stockings are LAST people! The heresy ;)
  12. I just keep reading this and wondering why it matters if I'm a tiny person who owns a dog ;)
  13. I love AbbyJane but I'm one of those Lisa's. Lisa P. To be exact.
  14. Today ended up being a very early morning walk with dh. I went to church last night and did 3 miles of Walk Away the Pounds. Tomorrow is a planned no w/o day. Friday I will walk with dh and hopefully do kettle bell.
  15. (((Hugs))) it stinks but I think it's probably just a misguided attempt to separate from us. I KNOW I was no prize as a teen/young adult and had to have teens of mine to get a clue. I wish my mom was alive so I could apologize. When tempers cool I'm not above going out for coffee or something and talking about what I intended, my hurt feelings and my not wanting to be embarrassed. Hang in mama.
  16. I'd call them something they wanted. We called oldest dd Pocahontas the year she was four. I wouldn't automatically think it meant anything. Sometimes we are too quick to attribute grown up reasons to kid think. I remember " being" a boy named Steve when we played house. I'm surely not unique. I don't know that I would be concerned if they did feel transgendered except for worrying about them being hurt by others.
  17. I sometimes solve the brown/black dilemma with leopard print flats like these http://www.target.com/p/women-s-odell-ballet-flat-assorted-colors/-/A-11210713.
  18. Christmas Eve and Christmas are just the 10 of us (we add in ds's girlfriend). Eve is chili, cornbread and ice cream cake. Christmas morning is my homemade cinnamon rolls, bacon and mimosas. Christmas dinner will be buffet style with fruit and veg tray, ham, mac&cheese, rolls, cheeses and crackers and a cookie tray. Our family Christmas on Saturday will be pizza, Arizona dips, sausage balls, fruit and veg and treat trays with cookies and candies served buffet style. A sit down dinner just isn't possible due to space. All events are at our home.
  19. Snickerdoodle- the martial arts thing reminds me of watching the older girls at dd's ballet school. You just go...wow.
  20. My kids each have a favorite cookie so I serve a tray with 8 kinds of cookies/cake. When I was a child my grandma's mincemeat pie was a must but at my house I'd have to eat it alone.
  21. Have been for a run and then a 4 mile chatty walk with oldest dd. next up, orthodontist. Slache- let us know if it's helpful. I've toyed with the idea of that or fitbit but I don't know if it would tell me things i don't know. Lollie- ouch! Feel better. Negin- that title made me snicker, though I do have a roll around my bra :)
  22. We all manage to get along with no drama. Now the world probably thinks we're all nuts but we're " good crazy". Promise. ;) I do feel thankful there are no heart wrenching issues in our family and my heart goes out to those not so lucky.
  23. We're a bag family. I am not wrapping presents for 8(or more) people. Not happening.
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