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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I ran this morning. I then (finally) procured presents and food. I wrapped said presents, cooked the fams dinner and went to yoga to recover.
  2. I have been informed by my fashion forward oldest dd that the old black vs brown shoe thing is over. Anything goes. I do see lots of brown boots with black leggings, etc so wear with pride.
  3. Our tradition is to do family Christmas until the weekend after Christmas. We go see lights, movies, play family games, bake, etc. We celebrate New Years Eve and crush the gingerbread house on New Years Day. We read lots of Christmas books. On Epiphany we chalk the door, have a cake and the kids get a small gift I hold back. Our tree comes down before Epiphany because it's crunchy but the creches stay out until Candlemas ( my oldest son's b-day). I was taught to put them away by that day or they need to stay out all year. I do have several small ones I leave out because I like them.
  4. I think that a fitted tee and yoga pants in good shape are fine. I might wear that during spring and fall. Since I'm always cold right now I usually wear fleece lined leggings and longish sweaters at home ( note I got the sweaters at Goodwill so this isn't expensive). It's stretchy and warm and I can fit cuddl duds under.
  5. We must be running soul mates. I have no interest in racing or following a plan if I feel something different that day. I just like to run, speed up when I feel like it and quit when I'm done. Today was a 3.5 mile walk with dh and yoga. And a nap. Yep, napped like a boss.
  6. I agree with several here. I don't want to be the grown up in charge. The things I love-the tree, caroling, baking my kids don't get excited about and the time leading up to Christmas is exhaustingly busy with recitals and shows and parties and then....nothing. I'd love to go to a party or performance between Christmas and New Year and there is nothing. :(
  7. I'm not leaving sugar but when I crave sweet I eat jalapenos or salsa with veggie sticks.
  8. Sick, injured or put upon by the season I hope you all feel better tomorrow. Ds had an accident last night ( black ice) and dh had the stomach bug all night so I did not get the sleep I need :(. This morning I had to deal with the car. No run :-( I'm about to go for a walk and call that good for today.
  9. Yes. I think primarily because I can't wrap, decorate, shop or entertain as portrayed in the media. I know it's fake but yet that little voice in my head urges me to keep up.
  10. Went for a run. Can't get over the scale, even though my clothes are evidence. Yep, got a hang up. My weight doesn't jive with my size. And I just ate two cookies for breakfast.
  11. I priced it and for me hm was more expensive and since I'm the only one drinking it it's shelf stable stuff for me.
  12. Ok, gotta say it. Good grief! I stopped at Target on the way home from the hospital, passed them around at church and don't forget the 2 week check up in the nasty pads office. Talk about an incubator for yuk. Plus numerous sibling slobber. And they are all fine. Healthy as horses. I understand if they have an issue but normal, breastfed infants? They were meant to be carted around right next to mom.
  13. I need to catch up Sun-kettle bell Mon- run and yoga Tue- run and a walking video thing with church group I'm off for a run after I finish this coffee. Mom-Ninja-a boring run?! Bite your tongue ;) Hair- I only wash mine 2x week. It's curly crazy and very thick. When I do wash it,it takes all day to dry. I don't sweat too much so it's not a necessity to wash it everyday to keep it clean.
  14. Yes, but I prefer her Vorkosigan saga. Ah, Miles. I like Megan Whaley Turner's stuff and for urban fantasy Ilona Andrews.
  15. Yep, I try for food with no label but Sometimes I just want to buy bread or meatballs or something. I agree packaging is worse than misleading. Another of my big gripes...the amazing shrinking package
  16. As a kid oyster stew and chili on Christmas Eve. Not for my kids though. They must have my camel " turd" ( sorry) cookies. We have my homemade cinnamon rolls Christmas morning and we have a buffet with lots of finger foods for the family through the day. My dad usually buys pizza for everyone for the extended family get together. My ethnic contribution is my German need to have cabbage on New Years Day for good luck. We also put pennies in the window sills New Year's Eve to bring in money for the year.
  17. Heated mattress pad, good book and coffee.
  18. Thanks for all this. My 13 yo wants to do electronics and I didn't know where to start.
  19. Yes. Especially if she is young. https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8p1froxUol0A9l.JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIydGVpM2M5BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMwMzE2NWNjMzQ4MjMwZDA3OThlN2E3MTBhZDVjNDEwMgRncG9zAzgEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dfashin%2Bknee%2Bboots%2Bwith%2Bskirt%2Bgap%26fr%3Dipad%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D8&w=600&h=800&imgurl=www.gorgeautiful.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F11%2FKnee-High-Boots-with-Pencil-Skirt.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gorgeautiful.com%2Fwhat-to-wear-with-knee-high-boots-this-fall-2013%2F&size=143.6KB&name=What+to+Wear+with+%3Cb%3EKnee%3C%2Fb%3E-high+%3Cb%3EBoots%3C%2Fb%3E+this+Fall+2013&p=fashion+knee+boots+with+skirt+gap&oid=03165cc348230d0798e7a710ad5c4102&fr2=piv-web&fr=ipad&rw=fashion+knee+boots+with+skirt+gap&tt=What+to+Wear+with+%3Cb%3EKnee%3C%2Fb%3E-high+%3Cb%3EBoots%3C%2Fb%3E+this+Fall+2013&b=0&ni=21&no=8&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12dfmhqn8&sigb=13ldf0kmv&sigi=12l7us6rv&sigt=11u6vuqn0&sign=11u6vuqn0&.crumb=XknxY3Hlw28&fr=ipad&fr2=piv-web
  20. Quick 30 minute kettle bell and walked around and around the basketball complex ( and Costco between games) until I hit 10000 steps. I wonder why sports, which should lead to a healthy lifestyle, keeps the parents from getting exercise. And the food ...ack...irony I guess. (For the record dd and I brought fruit and sandwiches from home.)
  21. I'm putting on my flameproof suit here but my youngest spent time either gated in a pretty bare room except for a few toys, watching tv or in a octagonal gate thing we had. Not all day of course, but for 20 minutes or so at a time. Yes she sometimes screamed but she's a bright 7 year old none the worse for wear. Just a thought. You have my hugs and prayers. They are hard years.
  22. Yesterday ended up being yoga and a 3 mile walk fit in around business. I ran this morning.
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