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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. What happened? Nothing. I've never enjoyed it. Perhaps it is the tension and expectation and the feeling that no matter how grateful I am it's not enough like Hornblower suggests. I am gracious and thankful I just don't know why you asked if you didn't plan to honor my wishes. I have convinced my family to do a food bank donation but it seems co-op students, Sunday school students, neighbors, group members, etc all feel the need to give. It is overwhelming. I don't want to be churlish I just don't want to then feel bombarded with stuff and also know that in many cases it is expected that I will reciprocate ( I am a terrible gift chooser too. I usually give homemade stuff or cards containing nice thought).
  2. I dislike gifts. They make me uncomfortable. When I politely say that I don't need/ don't want/ would rather not/ no one listens. When I get one I am polite and thank the giver but really, if they are asking, I'd just rather not. If they don't want to listen why did they ask? any thoughts?
  3. I've had that job. I still have that job. My kids have that job. Meh, suck it up, look for another and THEN give notice. Just my $.02. YMMV
  4. Don't be jealous, I probably couldn't do P90X without a breakdown. I do love running but I think it probably looks like an elderly woman tottering along from the outside point of view :)
  5. Did a nice 10K this morning. I don't know if I'll get anything done tomorrow. I must get cooking now. And cleaning. And laundering. And...and...well you all know. Have a wonderful holiday everyone who celebrates. :grouphug:
  6. Took a good run. I have, however, followed it up with dark chocolate and coffee for breakfast so I think it's a wash.
  7. Exactly. For my older relatives ANY variation from what has always been served is bad. Any prep that has a spice is bad. Any new food is bad. Food not cooked to mush is bad. My poor SIL brought crispy green beans with garlic about 13 years ago and people still call her a bad cook behind her back and dig into the green bean casserole.
  8. Love the ideas. Pillowcases and boxes are within my capabilities ( and budget).
  9. No, you are not terrible. We are not a gift family. We usually don't even do much for the kids' birthdays. My adult kids are getting a token gas card. Gift giving is not love and caring. Other families have different ways. Do what works for you and yours.
  10. Went for a drizzly run with some an occasional black ice patch for fun, LOL. I'm now sitting at a 3 way BB tourney until about 7. -sigh-
  11. After working hard to get to this weight ain't nobody convincing me to gain :) .
  12. Quickly flying by to say I worked out doing body weight exercises last night and ran this morning. I'll catch up later with what everyone is up to.
  13. Go take a look at your favorite stores website. If a similar style shows up in 3 or 4 places it's probably a " thing". I also tend to watch 22 yo dd's friends, see what they are liking and make it age appropriate for me if it's comfortable and my style. Youlookfab mentioned above is great for ideas too. I bought black and dark brown boots at kohl's ( 1/2 off and 30% coupon) so do use sales maybe Christmas ones. I also found combats and black booties at thrift stores and got brown booties as a gift last year. I may have a boot problem, LOL. They are warm!
  14. Hopefully you're feeling better today. 72! Just. Can. Not. Not esoteric, just what they call it in class so....If they had called them yipperskippers I would too. :lol: Be careful with the elbow. That really hurts. It was up to 13 so went for a run this morning. Well sort of a run. I couldn't go too fast because of the ice/snow so more of a brisk trot but still better than being stuck inside. I continue in my campaign to move to warmer climes.
  15. Charles Phillip Arthur George? It is considered fine in some circles.
  16. I was going to say the same thing. Chaturanga to up dog no knees. My shoulders die. It is -8 this morning so I did an hour of pretty strenuous yoga, then I went to the living room and Classical Stretch was on. I'd never seen it or done it but you guys must have mentioned it. I did two shows of that. My 7 yo woke up and said "Oh, we do that in ballet." Strong little things those ballerinas. I hope to go to the Y and walk a 10K while dd is at her class. You can't run on their indoor track except at specified times but I'll walk fast. It'll have to do. My body is not ready for winter.
  17. It is currently 10. I've heard subzero with windchill but I'm not going outside to find out.
  18. 13 yo mentioned his shoes were tight. They were only 2 1/2 mo old so I put him off. I finally had a coupon so took him. Yep, two and a half sizes too small. Oops. I got my 11 yo a coat at a local thrift store. She doesn't like the color but now that it's 10 degrees outside it is looking better.
  19. Not transverse but I had a breech. I literally stood on my head and hung by my knees at the playground. He didn't budge. As I was laying on the bed waiting for them to start c-section prep he gave a God awful lurch and headed the right way (thus avoiding the c-section). I'm sorry you are miserable but there is time for baby to turn. Even if there is 'no room'. Oh, turning boy here was 8lb 15oz so not tiny.
  20. If you wash your running clothes and then get busy and forget to ever put them in the dryer you will opt not to run in the snow. Soooooo....yoga this morning :lol: Sledding coming up after I finish my coffee.
  21. I had my last baby at 44. I don't think it's age I think something else is going on. Iron? Blood sugar? Sleep often, eat well, exercise gently. Pads for the incontinence.Be kind to yourself.
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