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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Off the top of my head Ada(like in Lovelace) Charlotte Charlotte Lovelace Charlotte Rosalind( like Franklin) Just my pick Hazel Charlotte Charles Albert( like Einstein and vaguely Britsh-thank you Victoria) Charles Watson Crick ;-) I actually knew a boy named Rigel Agammemnon Perseus Charles ( called Percy)
  2. Flannel is fashionable. All those 90's teens are grown and nostalgic.
  3. If only he were wearing it with a kilt while eating a cupcake.
  4. Here in my little corner of IN they are worn indoors as a layer.It would only work outside maybe in Fall. I would layer a waffle weave white shirt, plaid flannel, then vest. Possiby a scarf. Leggings or jeans with boots. If it's not your thing wear it when you see her and otherwise hang it up.
  5. Um, I may be currently wearing one. Because my house is cold. I'm also wearing a turtle neck and sweater underneath it and a scarf. And am strongly considering gloves :lol: They are pretty in style right now.
  6. Happy Birthday mom-ninja Winter mom-warm tennis sounds good Slache-hugs Ausmumof3- I can't dance. Truly. I look like a frenzied zombie. Which made my zip(zumba w/weights) especially mortifying last night. I also did an hour yoga class after that. I swam laps in the morning. I have no idea how many because I would have to focus and count. My mind wanders too much. Another reason to run. Runkeeper counts miles for me. Off to run again this morning because the temp is supposed to get colder and snow start at noon. Forty-sixs days until spring, right! Right?
  7. I've done Whole 30 twice. Never felt different. Lost not pound one. I guess some of us just aren't sensitive. I didn't feel bad but my workouts tanked. I am just one of those people who do well with carbs I guess. Adding in a couple servings of grain made me feel more energetic so that's what I eat. As to breakfast there is the intermittent fasting thing. There is some pretty good research on the " eating window" idea. I guess No S gives you that automatically. For myself, not eating breakfast actually makes me eat less all day. Breakfast makes me hungry but it's hard to get enough nutrients if I don't. For the record I eat eggs and veggies or nut butter on a spoon.
  8. I grew up with that plan. Supper was usually soup and sandwich, light pasta, a vegetable dish or salad in warm weather. We still do this on Sunday here.
  9. Well, there's the sexy beast rays shooting out all over :LOL:. I just go by clothing size. I am evidently a solid person. My weight and size don't align so I just watch my clothes. Any bid pods on the area for a one time baseline? I have used those measurement calculators to just track loss while I was losing. As for the butt, I come from a long line of board people. I work hard to have any curve back there a'tall.
  10. Slache-take good care mom-ninja-duly noted. Ugh annE-wear what feels right redsquirrel-hope you got a nap Ran this morning and did some yoga poses that helped some with my backache/bloating. Superbowl food and my period turned me into a puffer fish. Just call me fugu ;) Right now I'my in the car warming up at the sledding hill. At least it's sunny.
  11. DS returned into 8th grade this year. No problems. He has been far ahead. He has had to learn how to do power points and artsy group projects but he figured it out in about 3 weeks.
  12. Yep, No S.no counting, no special foods. You can have a treat on an S day. I lost 20 lb doing that and adding in exercise. I like calorie counting so I do that too now and lost another 20. Just me experience.
  13. Jan. went well. We cleaned out the pantry. I'm going to try a different meal plan for Feb. I got a copy of Simple and Delicious and we're going to work our way through with favorites added in and healthy tweaks( whole grain vs processed, no canned soup, etc).
  14. Warming up on the elliptical right now. Plan on 5 miles,church and Super Bowl festivities. May have to walk there though.
  15. So far today I've done nothing but drop off and pick up and wait while annoying ballet music played and now I'm off to spend my Saturday required 3 hours watching basketball. Maybe tonight...if I'm not fried. Supposed to snow 7-12 inches tonight so shoveling tomorrow.
  16. Do you get brisk exercise and morning sun? Those two things keep me (personally) sleeping well.
  17. As I know none of those blogs/bloggers they obviously aren't my people.;)
  18. Cubed beef(buy stew beef pre-cut) onion soup mix, mushroom soup. Serve on rice, noodles or potatoes. Not the healthiest but good, easy and not expensive.
  19. Which poses? I've been doing yoga on and off for 30 ish years and though I love it, I am not going to wow anyone. Feels great though.
  20. Well, I'm so old I actually had the measles and mumps so...no booster.
  21. Coffee flows brought my veins. I feel this was your God given right! ;). Seriously though, if you count the cals or carbs or whatever and keep it this innocent I don't see the problem.
  22. (((Hug))) I have a couple friends with MS who do quite well. But still ((((hug))) you will get through this but I say be sad, be angry. Don't fake this is easy. Come here and vent.
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