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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I usually first tell them to go figure it out. If that fails the above is my operating system. Alternately I assign each a chore in opposite ends of the house. Having been a child, I firmly believe that both sides are involved at some level. It also allows them to later bond over my unfairness.
  2. I wear my Industrial strength 32DDD sports bra :) . Most of the cute young things seem to wear sports bra or a cami. Here's the link to my favorite. Get ready for sticker shock but I only have two and I've been careful and they've lasted two years. I can still run in them. http://www.freshpair.com/womens/Shock-Absorber/bras.html?cvosrc=ppc.msn.shock%20absorber%20bra&cvo_campaign=Supplier+-+Shock+Absorber+-+USA+-+Exact&cvo_crid=7652340618&Matchtype=be
  3. Exactly. I know the rules will drive me batty so we are selective. I do keep my complaining to internal seething realizing who ever I'm dealing with didn't create the rules. I am, however, constitutionally unable to obey a "Stay Off the Grass" sign.
  4. For ME, no. I do not like being home. I do not like not having a career. I seem to have precious little in common with other homeschooling moms in my area. The worry and strain of it have not been good for my marriage. I only do it because I think the benefits to my kids outweigh my selfish wants but I do not really thrive from it.
  5. I added zip and yoga last night. I'm strongly considering getting. Certified in April as a yoga fit instructor. We shall see. I'm going to go run after this coffee. It's the day I teach co-op science so I need to get going. Kim-sounds like a good plan Lucky ama-now that's good multi-tasking Slache-glad you're feeling better Snicker and Binip-the busy thing is irritating. I hate when real life gets in the way of what I really want to do.
  6. My mother always said that. I wanted to put it in the freezer sooo bad.
  7. It's been a long time but as I recall my mom treated me with time, rest and ice cream.
  8. Yep, and I reserve the right to continue changing because I hope I'm learning more all the time, KWIM?
  9. Yesterday was a wash :( Ice this morning so 5 elliptical miles and weights. Lots of weights.
  10. Not just guys. It took several blow ups before I realized dh didn't like me inviting others/staying out longer than planned because it was fun/ spending the evening with people we just met really bothered him. I would get caught up in all the fun I was having and not even notice he was uncomfortable. All that needs hashed out but not on vacation. A better time is when all are relaxed. Also, some folks just don't really want to do family oriented or kid things. A ball game or dance recital is torture for dh. Dh just doesn't soooo I do those things with my friends and their kids. He does movies or lunch. YMMV but you have to let each other know what you need and find your own middle.
  11. Just as an aside from a former WIC R.D., WIC is stuck with whatever the feds and state proclaims as " correct". The variance between states can be huge. Our vouchers did not state which fat percentage milk. There has been the introduction of fruits and vegetables since I worked there. WIC was created to address very specific needs, the need for iron mostly. It was based on studies from the '60's showing anemia was a problem in lower economic groups. Like every other program getting from intent to delivery is far from seamless. You'll note I no longer work there.
  12. I think it is perfectly understandable that you feel disappointed. You seem to have had a certain vision of what your vacation would be like and the reality is very different. I suspect your husband had a very different idea and (at first at least) just organized his idea of a great vacation. Now you are stuck in the middle of two perfectly valid plans. At this point I would see if I could carve out some quiet afternoon or morning time with the family and let him spend the other time doing his thing. When you are home and the pressure is off a discussion about expectations would be good but at this point I'd probably just try to make the best of it. As an aside, I am the extrovert married to the introvert and we have very different love languages. Your husband is not trying to willfully ruin your vacation he is just enjoying himself. You aren't trying to ruin his fun, you are trying to enjoy yourself. It takes a certain balance that is hard to find. I am sorry this isn't what you hoped for :grouphug:
  13. Let's see, Thursday night I threw in an hour yoga class. I swear it was all chaturangas and one leg sun salutations. Friday I just felt off. I hadn't had a rest day in awhile so I took one except for a quick mile sprint ( needed to pick up my car from the garage before it closed for the weekend). I had planned to do a 5 mile chilly chili run today but dd seems to have another MRSA skin infection so we went to the open ped office. On a Saturday. Ugh. I did get in a 4 mile run later. I had to send the 16 yo to her basketball tourney in MI with a team mate. I am not so secretly glad I'm not sitting in a gym though I miss seeing her play.
  14. We just have a basic swing set from the 'ip's my kids still play on. My kids admittedly like being outside though.
  15. On the bright side, people think I'm younger than I am because someone my age couldn't possibly still have little kids. I still know what music and shows and YouTube vids are hot because my kids tell me. I have young fashion directors to keep me current. I know all the Nickelodeon teen stars. Picking up pre-teens means I'm up past 9 on the weekend. I have a reason to still enjoy sledding, roller skating and easy bake ovens. BUT I may have babysat some of my youngest kid's parents :p
  16. I'm just sending hugs to all of you. My migraines are hormonal but controllable. Truly, I wish you all find relief. Migraine is horrible.
  17. This morning it is 5. Note the lack of a zero after that 5 :p. I went to the gym where I was the only person so i worked my way through each and every weight machine. Ten reps each with as much as I could do. I had to read the instructions on them because I didn't even know what they were. I'm better off than I thought and an assisted pull up may change my life. I also did the elliptical.Good times! Have a great day all!
  18. I remember in high school when my friends and I figured out how many of our mothers and grandmothers had babies way closer to their wedding than 9 months. We were all kind of shocked, youngsters that we were.
  19. Exactly "Dark Vampire Love" probably isn't what they're looking for but " I yam what I yam". I mostly hang out on the chat board. Chatting I'm good at ;)
  20. We have found that less educational field trips get more attendance than ones with legitimate educational value. Apple orchards, pumpkin patch, zoo do better than ballet, symphony, etc. YMMV
  21. I wouldn't wear them but 22yo dd and her friends live in heels. Dd teaches in them. My feet hurt thinking about it.
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