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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. It was -5 but I couldn't stand it anymore so ran. Also a quick 30 min yoga and kettle bell swings with a 30 lb kettlebell.
  2. The same could be said of anything. My dd plays homeschool basketball. This isn't super competitive like AAU or many of the big high schools but I still spend more money than I would like and drive 2-4 hours most weekends for her games. It is her peer group and she needs the social connection. I've also spent tons of time on Boy Scouts, theater and ballet. The truth is, for us, that without these activities my kids would have few friend/peer opportunities. We live in a very small town where not attending school is a social kiss of death. Our church only has a very few youth age kids (7 or 8?) and they only want to talk about school stuff that excludes my kids. Overall I'd rather spend time on my interests but I don't want my kids sitting bored and lonely around the house.
  3. Last week got crazy so I did work out but never posted. Then Saturday I had a migraine. Today we have church and a ballet program so I'm going to try to fit in some yoga. We shall see. My 19 yo showed up so I've made favorite foods and need to pull back today.
  4. They talk about weird one offs where we had fun. They waxed lyrical about Yugio and Beyblades. They liked cooking hot dogs in the backyard. It's all weird stuff, not big things. Not birthdays or Christmas it's " Hey, remember playing cards at the picnic table that one night." Honestly, it makes me not make myself crazy with the younger kids trying to do awesome stuff.
  5. Well we eat cooked from scratch meals with a table cloth but no courses. I don't believe I've ever had courses except in a restaurant. Oh, wait, I make them wait to the end to get a home baked cookie or two and they are in the jar on the counter. Does that count? We eat dinner very early before we leave about 6:00 for whatever evening activity we have. A leisurely hour long meal just can't happen. I trade leisurely for family and home prepared.
  6. Despite my best efforts, wiping all the runny noses in CO-OP and being coughed on by dd have me feeling like I might be getting a cold so, since it's our busy morning anyway, I did some yoga and drank lemon/ginger/honey tea until I floated.
  7. I may be weird but I mix ginger, lemon juice and honey and choke Dow a spoonful at intervals. I follow it with water or plain tea. It still is spicy but goes quick this way. As a matter of fact I just dosed my coughing 11yo. She no longer loves me but she is no longer coughing.
  8. Oh, I still find it interesting! :lol: All those people who say you'll make yourself sick or it's too rich or you'll spoil your dinner? Not me. Iron stomach. I just. don't. start. :drool:
  9. Luckymama- I hope the achilles is responding to ice. Wintermom-we love badminton but can only play in the yard in the summer. Did the elliptical and then ran intervals on the treadmill. I was plenty sweaty and used the bar thing to check my HR which I don't usually do so that was cool.
  10. Honest to God my husband does this. It drives me crazy. Is it a personality thing maybe? I wouldn't be surprised by this. I would expect my 10 yo to accept no when I said it. I would ignore the crying younger sib. I suspect my dh's mother did not ignore his fit, thus the adult who can't wait for dinner.
  11. It was -14 this morning so treadmill 3 miles/elliptical 3 miles. Now I'm freezing in our house. I want summer!
  12. I am lusting after anything blooming. It is currently 1 outside.
  13. My guess is that your sleep is now deeper and more restful since you are not just mentally but physically tired.
  14. I ususally go to kohl's but we aren't big support people. My. 1 yo has boots, flats and converse all sale/couponed.
  15. An hour on the elliptical and weights. Need to shower and off to church.
  16. I am competitive with myself. I like to win and will work hard so I do. Oddly, i don't feel that way about the kids because I have no control over what they did or how hard they worked. As an aside I keep my hobbies strictly out of groups/races/contests realm or I will ruin it for myself.
  17. Until 3rd 15-20 min at lunch and 10-15 afternoon. Over 3rd just gets lunch.
  18. We're not holiday people. No V- tines for anyone. Easter basket until about 12.
  19. It's hair. Let her get rid of it or bleach or whatever.
  20. Went for a run. Now I'm working the concession stand from 12-5 at a three way basketball tourney my daughter is playing in. Oh, the romance. Favorite body part to work? 1.running so lower body? 2. Yoga-especially upper body. I like push ups and pull ups too. I hate core work though I do it because all those babies have left me with a pretty good (bad?) case of diastasis recti.
  21. I totally understand. I know intellectually my clothing size change but in my mind I look exactly like I always have. I never computed how big I was and I don't compute my current size. I'm just me in my head.
  22. Five have had braces. We've had palate expanders and Herbst devices. It hasn't been a big deal. My kids had bites that were actually wearing down their teeth from them hitting each other. We have been pleased and had no problems.
  23. When I teach co-op I ususally wear jeans or leggings with a sweater and maybe a scarf. Usually boots. That's pretty much my everyday or grocery shopping outfit. If I'm teaching adults it upgrades to a skirt or dress pants, top and cardigan or jacket.
  24. I ran. I am cold. I hate February. The end. :closedeyes:
  25. This is my favorite. They are available at numerous sites. Google around for best price.http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LXLNQHO/ref=asc_df_B00LXLNQHO3541096?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=pg-345-86-20&linkCode=df0&creative=395097&creativeASIN=B00LXLNQHO
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