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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I live north but I'm sure Muncie and Anderson both had pretty decent homeschool groups.
  2. Hmm, I live here ( northern IN) and we do just fine with a plain ol' car.
  3. Well, it's snowing outside my Hoosier window right now :huh: . It's not Minnesota or South Dakota though, which in a way is bad. It gets cold, warms up, gets cold, ices, fogs, snows all in a couple days. Good outerwear~boots, coats, quality hats and gloves and snow suits if the kids want to play in the snow.
  4. We need a break next year for my rising 6th grader. She detests history so I thought we might take a break and do geography next year. Any suggestions on a curriculum? I've always integrated geography into history for my history lovers. Always has to be one outlier, right?
  5. We had snow for the first day of spring. Fortunately in typical Midwest fashion where we try to fit at least 3 seasons into each day it melted. We had a nice day Saturday and now...it's supposed to be cold and rainy and freeze at night. Blech. I'm currently eyeing the drizzle and deciding if I want to run and get cold and wet or go do the elliptical and weights. But first more coffee and yoga. Edited to add: oh, look, now it's snowing. Opted for elliptical
  6. Dh brings me that first cup of coffee in bed and yesterday added a compliment on my appearance. I'll take it.
  7. We are having Spring Break next week because I need it, not the kids. I NEED it.
  8. The couple could but (in my experience) probably won't want to.
  9. It's not really about losing weight for me but maintaining.http://www.refusetoregain.com/2015/01/time-restricted-eating-does-it-work-you-tell-me.html
  10. My 22 and 16 yo do (the 11 yo wears gloss). If they are going out they are red, red, red. To work as a teacher the 22 yo wears a sort of pinkish brown. The 16yo wears a glittery bronze for day. It's probably more about your vibe than your age.
  11. No help but I may have been a theater mom too long because I immediately thought you meant your cast for a play.
  12. I do intermittent fasting. There are various time frames with some people doing 24 hour fasts weekly to more what I do. I try to keep my eating confined to about a 9 hour window between 9am and 6pm. That gives me 15 hours of fasting daily. I can post links if you're interested.
  13. I run and do yoga. I've come to believe it's not the exercise that does me good but it's the alone time. Space to think my own thoughts. Also cheese Danish once a month because life is short.
  14. Reishy-sorry for your loss Wintermom and Mom- ninja-I love how we can have people making syrup in the snow and people picking strawberries at the same time. The world really is amazing. Redsquirrel- I hope you are feeling better. I keep waiting for menopause.. And waiting. And waiting. Take a pause already body. Negin- hang in there! Soror- Adriene is delightfully low key. Glad you like. Today my #2 graduates basic training. I got to talk to him the first time since Jan 6 yesterday. I'm a bit wistful I can't be there to see him. I did yoga class last night. I'll practice at home today and run when the stupid, stupid snow we got for the first day of spring melts off. Everyone have a lovely weekend.
  15. I went for a run this morning and did some home yoga. I'll go to yoga class tonight if I get home from dd's ballet class in time. I enjoy both YouTube Yoga with Adriene and doyogawithme dot com
  16. Lots of peanut only pb. I also like sunflower butter. Avocado or guacamole with veggies to dip goes great with lunch.
  17. Tue-zip/rip and yoga Wed-ran and hope to do yoga tonight
  18. As a stubborn, resistant person once I'm in " heels dug in mode" it is hard to stop. At 9 it's darn near impossible. You want to " win" so you need to reset or in essence change the game and rules. Different scenery, different work, different schedule. A backwards day, a day of educational videos, nature walk week. Whatever. And don't return him to the same place with the same work. It'll flip back. And yes it's a royal pain. Pick another time and place to help him understand the whole better way to deal with life.
  19. If it were my 14 yo and they wanted to go I'd let them. All my boys managed it at 12 or so. A younger kid probably not. If he is still sick though, (as in fever Thur) no.
  20. Did elliptical for an hour. I later took a long walk with dh and did my yoga. I felt super and would have liked more walking but real life got in the way. Tomorrow is a return of cold and wet. Blech.
  21. We have dinner at 5 or 5:30 to make evening events. I work out about 6 am so home after 7, shower and breakfast later after that. I don't skip anything. I had strayed from not snacking. This got me back on track. There has also been quite a bit of "buzz" about IF in the professional dietetic/nutrition community lately.
  22. I like to think I have lots of healthy habits but most recently I try to have a 14-16 hour fast over night. I'm trying to be more intentional with my yoga.
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