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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Here's some stuff on etsy: https://www.etsy.com/search?q=front%20door%20decoration&order=most_relevant&ship_to=US&ref=auto4
  2. I feel like I've seen those seasonal wreaths everywhere but for now I can only find this one: http://www.amazon.com/Changing-Seasons-Welcome-Wreath-Wooden/dp/B00I8V1V9C/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1403890954&sr=8-5&keywords=seasonal+wreath
  3. Hmmm. That's interesting. I enjoy reading the plays more because when I'm watching live by the time I've figured out some zinger I've missed the next thing. Maybe I'm just slow.... :lol:
  4. Love that movie. An "only in SF" type of story.
  5. I'd have to taste the eggs first before deciding. ;)
  6. I saw it at a conference earlier this month and it looked very good. I did buy the general Problem-Based Learning book, though. If you're unsure you could look at that first.
  7. Yes, I could do it if I were allowed access to the local farmer's markets for meat and fish. We already get 2 cases of local veggies and eggs each week. I could grow herbs. We have a local raw milk supplier and it wouldn't bother me to make cheese. I already make my own yogurt and kefir. I have made butter by throwing the milk in the food processor. I could live with local honey as a sweetener. I'm not saying it wouldn't be effort and that I wouldn't miss some foods (maple syrup!) but we could pull it off. A long growing season helps.
  8. Sounds like they are preparing her for what life is like in Costa Rica. :D I kid, I kid. I loved it there but the culture is definitely more...fluid.
  9. I tried this video with her suggested modifications and I love it. Thank you.
  10. I think the old tale is that if a child is behaving badly and the parents declare they don't believe in any discipline, you're supposed to punch them in the face and say, "Neither did my parents." :sneaky2:
  11. Maybe some rich angel of mercy bought them all and burned them for the common good.
  12. My mom had a similar situation every summer but no dehydrator. She would use old clean screen doors, lay them on the ground, put the fruit on top, out another screen on top, and seal the edges. She dried lots of fruit at once in this way.
  13. I've never had a backorder but we school year-round so I order at odd times, just getting the next thing as we near the end of the previous.
  14. Hmm...listing ones I like but haven't been listed yet. Star Talk Radio (Neil Degrasse Tyson) A History of the World in 100 Objects Scientific American video podcast 60-Second Science NOVA (several varieties) Freakonomics The Tolkien Professor
  15. I've had a problem trusting WWE and I feel bad about it. I haven't tweaked it at all, but I do ask myself constantly if this is all we're doing so far. I'm trying to trust it will work. I don't compare us to other homeschoolers, but I do compare us to the local public school kids and how much they are writing. I did pick up a copy of CAP's Book 2 to decide if we want to do it before moving on to WWS. I think it's mostly for my comfort, though. :blushing:
  16. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so glad everyone is okay.
  17. But that would require people to use their critical thinking skills and take responsibility for their decisions. Better to have a zero-tolerance policy, akin to suspending kids from school for banana guns. Why think and take responsibility when you can just act and it becomes someone else's problem, while you go home satisfied you did something? Yes, I'm being sarcastic. :)
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