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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Good timing for Field Day! http://www.arrl.org/field-day
  2. Just pointing out some of these courses are available cheaper on audible.com. Example I learned from regentrude that if a course is available as a audio-only option on the official Great Courses web site, it's fine to get it from audible.com if they carry it; the video is not as important for those.
  3. I'm trying to figure out how to include "hosta (hasta) la vista" into this conversation.... I don't even know what to say. I wouldn't want to get in a war with this guy, with the hosta going back and forth each time someone leaves their house for more than a few minutes. Plus I like the peace. I think I would tell him he can have this one, but if he takes another I will call the police without hesitation. And then do it. I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but it's probably what I would do.
  4. I don't understand the reference to DM/SD. Can you clarify?
  5. I'm cured, I'm cured! I cry uncle. (See what I did there?)
  6. I don't know the answer but don't ask my mom this question. We grew up in a house with a bedroom for my parents, a bed room for each kid, and an extra room we considered a reading room until personal computing became a thing and it became more of an office. When the kids moved out my parents didn't need the extra rooms and the rooms' best purpose was as guest rooms so they didn't need any changes. The rooms look exactly the same as they ever have, including the same books on the shelves, the same stuff in the drawers, the same suitcases in the closets. They did changed the metallic blinds to wooden shutters. I graduated from university over 20 years ago. Basically my parents have gone full "Miss Havisham" on us, no matter how much we tell them to do something else with the rooms. Never go full Havisham. :cool:
  7. I read the entire thing once when my oldest was 4. I've since re-read the grammar stage for him. This summer I'll be re-reading logic stage since that's where he'll be soon. I may re-read Grammar Stage for DD since she's just starting, but at least I have some experience there. I do think I've gotten off track a bit and I also am certain there are cool resources in there I'm overlooking now.
  8. OK, so I'm changing topics a bit. I was at the library book sale and I got the 1902 edition of Young Folks Library for $16.75 (21 books, 75 cents each!) Is anyone familiar with these?
  9. I'm sorry. Just keep in touch with your niece, who may turn out like your sister, but she may also reject the values with which she is being raised. After all, you did. Hopefully as your niece grows older you can have a closer relationship and perhaps mend things with your sister too. :grouphug:
  10. Wow wow wow.... Agree with everyone here who is saying you need to drop her and write her out of the will. I wouldn't even leave it to the daughter, who may be a very nice person, because the mother will get it from her after she inherits it.
  11. I found Betaine HCl/Pepsin helped me with this problem. I need to stop being lazy about it, though.
  12. So they're gathering registered homeschoolers under their "we're not a school" umbrella and then offering them supervision, social opportunities, trips, and organic food?
  13. We do BA behind SM. I would find it difficult to line them up. I like doing BA behind because it's deeper and sometimes brings to light SM topics that need review.
  14. This is probably the wrong place to ask.... Did you go on that trip yet? What happened with the kid?
  15. I took instructions too literally. When I read instructions in WWE that told me to repeat the dictation sentences three times, I did. And I expected it to work like that. Then I watched SWB showing dictation with her son and it was eye-opening. I realized the instructions were generic and it was my job to customize (and humanize) them.
  16. Maybe the first "answer" SWB talks about will give you some food for thought...
  17. I agree with only buying the GAPS diet food and then going from there. :grouphug:
  18. The link says 5/23-5/27. But it's working today? Just checking...
  19. I've played many of the apps here: http://www.puzzles.com/PuzzleLinks/Apps.htm but I've played them on iphones. Check for Android apps. Right now I'm really enjoying Gridworks on my laptop, but I don't think there's an app for it.
  20. May I make a suggestion that's a little out of the box? If you are able to, spend a good deal of the summer reading to him. It will help build your bond with him and you can enjoy time together talking and just enjoying stories. At the same time, unbeknownst to him, you can be building his vocabulary and comprehension skills. Maybe pick some stories with some heroes he might be able to look up to. I agree with the above suggestions as well and I'm not negating them, just thinking of something you can add that can develop bonds and character while sneaking in some learning. If reading to him is too much, consider a book club at his level and/or audiobooks.
  21. I don't think you can predict how much to give. It depends on age, body weight, assimilation, time in the sun, etc. 20 is really low. If it were my son and I thought he was experiencing symptoms, I would start with 10k IU for a week and then move to 5k and get him tested in a couple of months. ETA: I have in the past given my son, who has poor assimilation, 20k IU for a couple of days. I recommend Carlson's Vitamin D Drops. The little bottle is expensive but each drop contains 4k IU and we've noticed good results with absorption.
  22. Have you seen the Birdseye Steam Fresh stuff? They are bags that steam in the microwave. They've got veggies, rices mixes, etc. I haven't tried them though. We often eat tomato soup with popcorn if I don't feel like cooking. You can just buy a bag of pre-popped popcorn if you don't want to pop it in the heat. I serve guacamole with my quesadillas. It makes them more filling. Throw some shredded rotisserie chicken in the quesadillas. Shrimp can be stir-fried in 2-3 minutes. Smoothies for dinner? Bagels with cream cheese and other fixings.
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