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Everything posted by idnib

  1. We had a situation around here that would blow your mind. A six or seven year old girl got out through a hole she made in her fence while her mom was sleeping inside. (Her mom had the flu.) She became lost and wandered into a church. The woman at the church, instead of calling the police, took her home and kept her overnight. She called the police when she saw the newscast that the girl had been reported missing.
  2. Yeah, there's no way I could deal with that. I do know a large family where all the kids go to the park together without parental supervision, and an 8 or 10 year old wears the 1 year old in a sling and they are very good with the toddler. But in my yard, and running loose? No way.
  3. I remind myself that when kids are in a school classroom they don't have to be "on" the whole time. They can zone out a bit while the teacher reads something or while other kids answer questions. When they're at home with me, they are "on" all the time and that can be tiring for young minds.
  4. My comments continue to be misrepresented. I was saying that it was an interesting juxtaposition to jump back and forth between the threads for House of Hades and this one. In one thread, it is apparently easy to find out about the contents of a book on the internet, and in this thread it's an issue. I was not. at. all. speaking of the actual content of the books. As an example, I could say that it's just as easy to find out about the content of House of Hades as it is to find out about the content of Beloved. I'm not saying one of those is not more difficult to read or a more adult subject matter than the other. I'm only talking about ease of access to meta data about books. :) I'm not going to talk about this particular topic of comparing the two threads anymore. Either I lack the skills to explain clearly what I mean, or people are being obtuse. Probably the former.
  5. Oh good grief. No, I'm suggesting that if it's easy to research the contents of a book online by a parent, it's easy to research the content of a book by an adult college student.
  6. Not responding to anyone in particular... I think it's funny that in the House of Hades thread so many are talking about the ease with which one can find the content of the book and that they have an obligation to at least skim the content or research the book before reading it to their kids, and then in this thread people are complaining that adults shouldn't have to research a book or discuss the contents of upcoming films or classes, that they should be warned up front. I guess the House of Hades equivalent is that Riordan should have put a warning on the cover. Just an interesting juxtaposition. :D
  7. If I implied that people could not sue for anything right now, which I don't believe I did, I didn't mean to. I know that's the case. If the warning is peppered liberally on most syllabi at a university as a legal precaution (we'll assume it's not on the Calculus one!) how would one determine whether or not to ignore it for a particular class? I love the idea of common sense and that's why I stated I would put it on my on syllabus, were I to create one. I just think common sense doesn't always appear in legal CYA matters. I am currently munching from a container of almonds warning me it may contain nuts. I am just projecting into a future in which victims of trauma unfortunately are back where they started, which is speaking directly with a human to determine whether or not they will be able to handle the material because so many syllabi have generic precautionary warnings on them. "Warning: This class may introduce materials which can cause psychological harm to the participants. By enrolling in this class you agree, to the extent allowed by law, to hold the University harmless from any suits, claims, liens, damages...." I can churn this out because I have to sign one for each class (or even for some on-site birthday parties) my children attend, but in the end it doesn't tell me anything about the company, the competency of the employees, etc. For that I have to rely on my own research (Yelp, other parents, talking to teacher, etc) and gut feeling. I do understand we're talking about graphic depictions. It's just that one person's graphic depiction is not another's (see current House of Hades thread) and eventually universities could opt to protect their reputations and the bottom line by adding warnings to many things. Not to mention the reverse affect of people opting out of things they could have handled because there was a warning on it....
  8. I've been thinking all day about why the idea of a simple typed warning on a syllabus was bothering me. I finally realized that I can almost predict that one day someone will not put one on after it becomes the norm, and the expectation will be that they should have, and they'll be subject to a lawsuit or disciplinary action. Perhaps they will misjudge a situation or something they didn't think would be triggering will turn out to be for someone. Once it becomes the norm to have the warning, a professor will have to be overly cautious. To avoid punitive measures, a professor will add boilerplate to every syllabus and it will become meaningless to those who really need the information. If people seek out the information they need directly with their professors this may lead to better data. I love the idea that it is courteous and sensitive to add the warning and were I to write a syllabus, I would probably add one if I felt it were needed. It's a slippery slope, though.
  9. One time I forgot and got out of the car to pump gas. I knew, but I forgot. (I'm not from Oregon, so it was habit.) I put the pump in and the guy came to yell at me. When I told him I forgot he said he would call the police and I would get some large ticket (don't remember the amount.) I got back in the car and he called the police. The officer came out and talked to me but didn't write a ticket. This was in Enterprise; I love love love eastern Oregon and have spent lots of time/money there but that really turned me off and I haven't been back. I guess the police don't have enough to do, other than harass people who are apologetic and compliant and visiting their town. :001_rolleyes: Later when I asked my friend, a 4th generation Oregonian in her 70s, what was up with the infantilization, she shrugged and said, "Everyone's got a cousin snaggletooth who needs a job. What would they do with them if people pumped their own gas? Keeps 'em busy." :D She passed away earlier this year and I miss her.
  10. Online? Or in person? http://www.amazon.com/Bean-Bumps-Foam-Roller-Density/dp/B008AEU8IW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1400394743&sr=8-3&keywords=half+foam+roller
  11. This how I clean my hairbrush before washing it too. I think we should call this thread's participants "Heloises of the Hive!" I'm literally too tired to think of anything else.
  12. This just started working again in Chrome today. Thank you!
  13. We bought sorting bins and they are only allowed to play in that room. When they are done they have a choice of sorting the Lego right away (usually not done because we're on to something else) or dumping them all in a big unsorted bin. They then have to sort Lego out of that bin every weekend. As long as that bin doesn't overflow I'm fine. If I were finding them all over I would confine their play to one room with the caveat that any I find outside the room are mine.
  14. I don't have any advice but :grouphug: . The Oregon situation sounds nice....
  15. Thanks, that was an interesting thread in more than one way.
  16. I've heard this but I've never managed to find anything confirming it. I don't feel like we've covered topics a year ahead but I'm not super familiar with the local public school topics except by asking my neighbor.
  17. I wish we could just use BA but we would catch up to the predicted publishing schedule. My DD is in Singapore 1 and I may only do BA 3 with her when she gets there rather than both. DS enjoys BA and doesn't want to give it up. We're not doing it full speed. The lagging helps as deeper review of Singapore and also with the slow release schedule.
  18. Hmmm. Good question. Let me preface by saying I was coming at the question from 2 angles. --More personally, as I've watched my kid enjoy BA, I've wondered if we are moving too slowly though Singapore. He's not a math whiz, but I do think we could go possibly go faster. Right now it feels like we're running to stand still by doing 1.0-1.25/day,~ 225 days/year so we can keep pace with the program using what I thought were necessary components. I guess it's the difference between being where we are because that's where he needs to be, or if we're where we are because I'm doing something incorrect/unusual. --More generally, I am simply curious if people who are ahead are doing fewer things, working faster, working longer, or some combination. Given our pace/workload it seemed incredible to me that people have done 5 or 6 years' worth in the same time we've taken to do 4.
  19. I see. After I read your post I went to the Singapore web site and they say the same thing in the FAQ. I guess I got a different impression because the grid (TOC by week) in the front of the HIG includes the EP problems and the tests and where they belong in the sequence. I guess I took it very literally....
  20. I decided to try and be systematic about this. Yesterday when he came over I talked with him about imagining things while I read them. I asked him to close his eyes but he wouldn't, saying he didn't need to in order to imagine. I read it to him and asked him to describe what he was seeing. For example I said it was a warm summer day and he described sunshine, blooming flowers, and a hill in the distance. He was able to remember more of the story. He still struggled a bit but it was a definite improvement. Based on today's troubles, I plan to provide some definitions for words while I read, as if they were in parentheses after the word. The more I thought about it, I realized he doesn't do well at picking up meanings of unknown words from context and he doesn't ask. I expect my kids to ask if they don't grasp meaning from context (they often do) but perhaps he has been discouraged from doing so in a class of 30 kids. For those concerned, I haven't ruled out telling his mom to get an eval. She's just going through a lot right now and I figured I would wait a week or two, in the meantime generating more data for her about what works and what doesn't for when she goes to the school. That's my latest update.
  21. It's interesting that it doesn't seem anyone here has gotten ahead by only working during the school year, doing all the problems and components, and starting at a typical level. I don't really mind that we're not ahead as I feel we've got a really solid base, but somehow it sticks in my craw that we work all summer just to keep up. I like year-round school but it would be nice to do something advanced or different for summer math instead of continuing the same pattern all the time. I'd also like to be a bit ahead in case we do run into a topic that takes more of our time. Right now we're only caught up because DS hasn't really struggled with anything too much. If he did we would fall behind. There's no cushion, kwim? We do BA on weekends and I guess that will have to be enough for something different.
  22. No, this includes the summer. We don't have set breaks, but in a given year we take off about 6-7 weeks. The local school takes off 14.
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