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Everything posted by idnib

  1. http://downloads.peacehillpress.com/samples/pdf/WWEandWWSexplanation.pdf?utm_source=Catalog&utm_medium=Print&utm_content=Page%2B9&utm_campaign=2014%2BCatalog&page=10 SWB's updated recommendations.
  2. Yeah, there's a LATCH weight limit. On my Honda it's only 45 lbs for both the child and the seat!
  3. It's hazy here so we can see it but blurry. I'm hoping the clouds blow off in the next few minutes. Waking the kids in 10.
  4. HajKatt posted this link to the Griffith Observatory livestream in the other thread: http://new.livestream.com/griffithobservatorytv
  5. I'm going to wake up DH and the kids a few minutes before the peak time. I hope the fog doesn't roll in too much.
  6. I also didn't enjoy the talk. He was referring to a lot of people by name so it felt like it was just him talking to people he already knew, instead of to a new audience with people who need actual guidance.
  7. Hmmm.... Connections Massage and Bodywork (Thinking of connections with the client, btwn emotional/mental/physical, and also of the muscles etc) Elemental Massage (sounds interesting and memorable, also breaks things down to the parts of the body) I like Elemental better. Connections may be overused. Good luck!
  8. A little different in that it involves Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir doing the camping. The Camping Trip That Changed America http://www.amazon.com/Camping-Trip-that-Changed-America/dp/0803737106
  9. A friend of mine who put her kids in school had them take a standardized test and then hired a tutor to help them with the weak spots before they enrolled. Having that data helped her focus. There are lots of threads around about testing services and such.
  10. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. This might be a place to start: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_100:_A_Ranking_of_the_Most_Influential_Persons_in_History I would put in a word for Muhammed (peace be upon him) and not just because I'm Muslim. :) In addition to his Islamic influence he also had a significant military career. Muslims are against visual depictions of all the prophets, lest the images (read: humans) be worshipped/prayed to in place of God. For this reason Islamic visual art revolves repeating geometric patterns and calligraphy. That could also make for some interesting discussion with kids, both cultural and artistic investigation.
  12. :drool5: I love it too. I just have some mental issue with getting both my coffee maker and blender dirty that early in the morning. :o
  13. I'd just be glad they didn't tell me I had a cow's behind.
  14. I went to a new dentist a few months ago while DH watched the kids. (Kids have been to the same dentist.) After my appointment I told the receptionist I would call her because I needed to check when DH could watch the kids and then I'd phone the office for the next appointment. She said she didn't know I had a little one and I said I just have the 5 and 9 year old. She looked at me like I had two heads and asked me why I wouldn't just bring them and leave them in the waiting room. And this was for a cleaning, so at least a 30 minute appointment. So I did bring them and they were fine. Now that the receptionist talked some sense into me I think if kids can read and are 6+ they should be fine. The 5 yo is a beginning reader and may become restless if left alone, but DS can read with her.
  15. Thanks for this. We got a beautiful view of both Mars and Jupiter.
  16. Obscure one: Indochine Catherine Deneuve plays a French rubber plantation owner in Vietnam during colonial times. I went to see it in a small cinema with a friend of mine who was evacuated from Vietnam around the time of the fall of Saigon. As soon as the footage started rolling of a funeral boat in a beautiful bay, accompanied to haunting music, she lost it. So I lost it. And we cried for the rest of the movie. Now I can't watch it without crying....
  17. All our libraries have an alarm that goes off if people try to take out unchecked books. One of our libraries has a check-in slot in the side of the building. You put in one book at a time and wait for a green light before putting in the next. It checks in books as you put them into the slot. It takes a bit longer but it feels safer.
  18. She's battled an eating disorder and even if it was manageable now, they can have long-term effects on the heart.
  19. Are you getting enough fat and protein? It depends on your weight, but if you're average and you're pregnant you should probably aim for about 100g of protein/day. Keep track on myfitnesspal and see.
  20. I would probably cut him loose for this year and invite him back for next season. That way he gets consequences and the parents don't bully you. But he's not completely cut out of this beneficial activity and he can look forward to trying again, which might help his state of mind.
  21. I taught manuscript first to DS and it took me way too long to get him to a place where I felt I could move on to cursive. (DS had fine motor control issues.) I was dreading cursive after our experience with manuscript. Lo and behold, his cursive is far better than his manuscript, he picked it up much more quickly, and somehow learning cursive improved his manuscript letters as well. :huh: My heretical suggestion might be to try a bit of both and see if one is more natural and start there.
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