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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Most of my ideas are already listed, but here are some other thoughts.... Dickens? Voyage of the Beagle (non-fiction, but adventurous) The Spirit of St Louis (ditto) The Sea Wolf (another London book not on your list) Maybe The Time Machine (Wells) but check the plot if he's sensitive. Ditto The War of the Worlds I would be careful with George's Julie of the Wolves if you decide to look into her.
  2. We had some relatives visiting recently from a country with no IKEA. My mom wanted me to take them there but I just stared at her (in real astonishment) and she dropped it. So I guess she thinks it's an attraction.
  3. "Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars!"
  4. Other threads on the chat boards will warn you not to use the "Comic Sans" font. It seems to be a deal killer for lots of folks. I'm really excited to see your curriculum. And the next few weeks is great timing.
  5. I didn't sign up because all the speakers I wanted to hear were on Friday. I did swing by today on an expo-only pass. Um_2_4, were you wearing a blue and white hijab? I may have been near you at the Beautiful Feet booth. I'd never been to a homeschool convention before. It was...interesting.
  6. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/485502-obnoxious-lab-science-requirements/ http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/510751-theflyingbunny-response-to-your-asu-requires-only-live-labs-thread/ Old threads but they might help.
  7. Wow, that's really terrible. She needs some serious training.
  8. I can see the value in having a data point as a checklist item so people are satisfied that it was recorded. That's said... I'm a person who is interested in what works. In that sense I am agnostic about many things, interested in actual outcomes. I think it's comforting for a patient to feel that a doctor knows certain things about them. I also think doctors like to get information and/or feel they need information for liability purposes or because it's always been done that way. I have known hundreds of doctors; both my parents have been training them for more almost 50 years and I've been involved in the medical field as well. I really don't believe that having a lot of the information normally collected in these intakes changes the actual actions of physicians, in the absence of any symptoms. Everyone feels better when the nurse (not the doctor) has recorded into a computer that a kid's parent smokes, but in the absence of symptoms, I doubt any action will be taken about that. Maybe a pamphlet, telling the parents what they already know: it's not a good idea. And if a child does develop symptoms, say asthma, any physician worth anything would ask about smoking in the home, regardless of whether it was mentioned at the initial intake or checkup. People quit smoking, people start smoking, people move into a home where a smoker used to live, a teen might start spending time with friends who smoke, etc. All of the actually relevant info will be regathered or taken for the first time when there are symptoms. I'd love to see a study about actual outcomes in which some physicians are aware a child's parent smokes and where some don't know. In the absence of any symptoms, what does the doctor "in the know" do differently? Are there statistically significant differences in the outcomes for the children? I think people are often surprised that having more information/action does not necessarily lead to better outcomes. Sometimes it can lead to worse outcomes. It's counterintuitive but often true. Anyway, sorry to get off topic. I probably should have picked a different example in the post you originally replied to. :)
  9. What a detailed and thorough response. Thanks. Maybe it would be helpful if the physician had a checklist of items people could use to indicate they would like more information. [ ] Bike safety and helmets [ ] Car seat laws and recommendations [ ] Pool safety [ ] Trampoline safety etc. and that's it. The checklist wouldn't even ask if someone is currently following a certain practice or owns a certain item. Specific questions ("Does anyone smoke in the home?") should be limited to possible diagnoses (e.g., asthma). Is anyone else wondering what will happen when this information becomes available to insurance companies? We already answer so many questions about medical histories. Would rates increase for gun or trampoline ownership? Our family has managed care, where our practitioners and our insurance company are one and the same (Kaiser) and I wouldn't want this info on my record, if I actually owned a gun or a trampoline.
  10. Complete BS. I'm glad you declined to answer. "Do you have a trampoline at home?" "Do you? I'm performing a Next Generation Physician's Assessment." :sneaky2:
  11. It's beautiful! I can tell you don't live in earthquake country, what with the microscope on the top shelf. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Thanks and sorry I disappeared after asking. I had a bit of a family emergency. Unfortunately our well-stocked library (5 stories!) doesn't have the books., which is surprising to me. I might get one and then put in a request with them for the set if I like it. I checked out the Pages from History link and they look great. Are there guides to go along with them? I didn't see any.
  13. Where do the people who say that the trickery is on the part of Satan fit into all this? (Let's call that option {d}, even though I personally would have considered in option {c} is I heard this option much earlier than OP's option {c}). If someone genuinely believes in the Bible, God, YE, and Satan, how does that person differentiate between Satan's trickery (he put fossils there to trick us) and God's "turnkey earth" model? Not that I believe in either of those things, but I just took a shower and I think of these things as "shower thoughts". :D
  14. I'm thinking about using OUP history starting in the fall for DS. I've searched on the forums but can't find these answers. Is there a place where I can see the whole series? Amazon is a bit scattershot and I can't find everything on the OUP web site. I can find individual titles of books if I search for them, but I'm also interested in finding which books have supplementary materials and what they are. Without the names of the supplements I'm not finding anything. Also, I have a rough idea of how late in history these go based upon the title of the last chapter (something about "heads rolling" and "democracy" :lol: ) but I'm not sure what to do for later periods. Are there other books of this caliber and style, aimed at middle school, not necessarily OUP, to carry me through ~1980s-1990s? Any idea if OUP is planning to continue with later periods in these series?
  15. Excuse my ignorance, but does the Bible explicitly say Adam and Eve were created as adults?
  16. I would hide in various places, moving into ones where you had already looked. I would magically reappear after you purchased and marked up a new copy, placing myself in a prominent location so as to cause you to question your very sanity. :leaving: But that's just me.
  17. In my former life I spent some time working in a genetics lab, extracting and taking photos of chromosomes and pasting them onto sheets, alerting counselors if something was out of place, most often an extra 21 chromosome but also sometimes chromosome 18 or Y or other variations. I was not involved in the counseling aspects when parents would come in, but I do know from working there with counselors that a fair number of parents kept their babies and brought them home. For some of them it was a difficult decision, for others, very clear. But it was not unusual and never did anyone think it was "nuts". It was one of several options, all valid, and in my time there I saw people avail themselves of all options with no judgement from us. :grouphug:
  18. Wait...isn't someone with your username banned from sunburn threads? :laugh:
  19. On the topic of free-ranging I'm really only concerned about the self-important and/or texting idiots who drive around here. The movie theatre actually solves that problem. :hurray:
  20. Yes, I would also let him go also. Caveat: friend has to be as responsible as my child.
  21. You're in my thoughts. :grouphug:
  22. I found it one day by scrolling to the bottom and clicking "Community Guidelines". I'm not sure if it's pinned anywhere.
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