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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: I'll encourage you, but let you know that these types of parenting child issues won't go away on their own; and will be something you will have to deal with or accept for many years to come. Young children have a very difficult understanding differences in families and unlearning behaviors. I'm not a lover of confrontation, but stating your concern and having an announced plan in place can be an easy solution. Ex. I'm concerned that hitting, throwing toys etc. is dangerous. When B does this, he needs to be redirected & stopped immediately or we will leave. Then follow through.
  2. I would have been uncomfortable with my child(ren) being exposed to that at such a young age. When I say uncomfortable, I would have considered not participating and expressing my feelings to the director or who ever was in charge. It seems like the plays should have been more friendly towards children to participate in as both actors and audience members.
  3. That stinks, and I still can't understand the no post-it note thing myself, but I've had them insist it be removed or pay for a letter. I've also been told by my post office that enclosing a card with a package (such as a b-day) is also a no-no when mailing 1st class. I did argue that flat-rate was advertised as if it fits, it ships. At my local po, the person working the window can vary from lovely to dreadful; some are just plain nice and others seem to want to spread their misery around no matter how nice, patient or understanding you are. I'll close with the fact that I have issues with the po. My m-i-l worked for them for only 13 years and retired with a very nice retirement package :confused1: . Maybe my m-i-l clouds my judgment a little.
  4. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: (((prayers)))
  5. No help for that pan, but I've found non-stick much easier to clean,hot soapy water, green scrubbie, SoS, heck a knife and ta-da!
  6. Yes, on mine it would / does show up. I wouldn't think it was a real funny either. Every time she sends a mass e-mail you will be out there as that. So...personally I wouldn't put my stamp of approval on it and return the favor, but I'd speak to her and make sure she changed it to avoid future hurt and drama. Ooohhh, and I have to admit, I laughed until I cried after reading it; secretly I want to go in and edit my mil's contact.
  7. :grouphug: Prayers and hoping for a good update.
  8. How timely...Thank you, Liz. :thumbup: Although, I'm just dreaming, since we have plenty of snow on the ground and 5-10 more inches coming in tonight through tomorrow.
  9. Oh dear, prayers for Imp, the baby and those caring for the two of them.
  10. I wouldn't sign a petition for that. However, I do shop at places that charge for bags or give a credit if you bring your own.
  11. Not wanting to spend a fortune, I purchased a new Breadman on Amazon for under $50 with free shipping. It does different loaf sizes up to 2 lbs, the bread bakes into a loaf shape and you can choose a lot of different options including delay and crust. I prefer to make a 2 lbs dough and then split it into one raisin and a french loaf baked in the oven.
  12. :iagree: But, I'd also be interested in something if it's done.
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: My goodness, how terrifying.
  14. I love the wrap tops, and second them as an excellent option.
  15. Snort! :lol: This made me smile and remember my fil... He proudly proclaimed himself a white-bread connoisseur! (I miss him.) Hmmm, I'd probably buy the bread if I squished it; I detest when baggers do it. If the store offers to exchange it, I'd do it that too.
  16. :thumbdown: Sadly, raising my hand to join in on the forced furlough. :crying: Money was already tight enough, but this pay cut will hit our finances pretty hard.
  17. I didn't want to open your thread, because I knew it would bring me to tears. I can only imagine how your heart is breaking. :grouphug:
  18. Oh, I'm so sorry. I have no words, but offer my heart felt sympathies and prayers.
  19. I would hope there is room for a second sitting (free of charge) if the photos aren't good in the eyes of the client. I'd think, I'd rather pay a higher sitting fee, than know I had to purchase stinker pictures.
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