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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Thanks for sharing the good news with us.
  2. You are definitely not ridiculous. Last month, I heard that grocery prices have done up 28% year to date, and this is only July. We have a few special dietary needs here, and I couldn't keep our family of four to $1000.00 either.
  3. Thanks for the heads-up... I've never heard the term Stone fruit before.
  4. :grouphug: I'm sorry, and don't understand why they are handling it this way. I guess CUs are different from traditional banks??? My mil didn't have to change her / their joint bank account number (as far as I know) when fil passed away; there was some red tape, but her attorney pretty much handled it with her.
  5. 100% Breakfast... I gave up all caffeine a few years ago.
  6. Oh, Faith...My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
  7. :iagree: Have her try the other test, and consider retesting again. Consider contacting the actual schools she wants to attend.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that about his wife, I hope she is at least ensuring his medications are being taken as prescribed. I know with my family member he will often miss or skip his meds and then he thinks he feels fine or better and maybe he does for a bit of time, but it quickly spirals and becomes very evident to everyone expect him. Without his consent or his wife's help, you and your mom will have little opportunities to help him. If it we me, I would consider asking his or another healthcare professional familiar with md/bp and ask how to best help and support him when his is going through a manic episode. I'm sorry your and your mom are in such a difficult place.
  9. Family members who are Manic and BP can be very difficult to understand and love at times, please encourage him to seek medical help. (I have an extended family member who is BP and has manic depressive times; when he is in the middle of one he needs others to ensure he recieves treatment, counseling and takes his medication correctly.) This may sound strange, but during those times he isn't himself; I don't know how else to explain it.
  10. Luanne, you have been on my mind and in my prayers; reading your update this morning was a joy. :grouphug:
  11. Doctor recommended All Free And Clear for ds years ago and no fabric softener except vinegar if necessary. We've used it for everyone for years and I hope they never stop making it. We also use California Baby wash or Dove Sensitive skin bars.
  12. No, no I would never force anyone to cut 10 inches off their hair. My dd had very long hair (still does) and wasn't really able to take care of it herself until she was almost twelve. Sometimes, I miss doing her hair... Cherish the time together, even through the tangles, because she won't be little forever.
  13. I think your solution is wonderful, and I agree that your neighbor was repeating himself due to anxiety over confronting you. I have a neighbor with a beagle that howls, brays, barks (sounds like a seal), and makes more noise than you can imagine when his family is away. They are window open kind of people and the dog will be heard non stop when they leave; I would love it, if they would close the windows or let him stay in the basement when they leave. In all honesty, the dog sounds like it's dying or in extreme distress and it's very unnerving to listen to.
  14. The family tried to give her a formal 30 day notice twice, but she refused to sign... Wow, it feels wrong to have a unrelated/unwanted adult living free at your expense. As another poster mentioned, I now have a better understanding (shock :confused1: ) of how some parents or relatives have moochers living off them and literally can't do anything about it. (I get the path of taking them to court, but wow...I've always thought your home was your castle etc.) The family needs to get an attorney asap. I don't think with the elder care liability claim, that they can with hold food, scare or turn off utilities etc...
  15. :grouphug: I'm glad she has the info and understand how you feel.
  16. My dream retirement would be some place warm, where snow-blowers, snow-shovels, and layers are never necessary. I'd enjoy living in a small gated community (not a retirement community persay all ages welcome, but where no one has the yard from #*&^ or is super noisy) with a pool, gym with all the outdoor maintence done by someone else; oh, and close enough to walk or bus to shopping and other city things. We rented one in Arizona for a week a few years ago and it was pretty awesome. Dh isn't planning to retire until after 67 or later. I'm of an age already, that our two story with a full basement home is a lot to maintain and my knees & back no longer love the stairs. I do want a place where my kids and any possible grandkids are welcome and nearby if possible. The local retirement centers are definitely not my idea of a place to spend my golden years.
  17. :hurray: Another voice cheering you on...It really does get better. I've been caffeine free for over three years, living proof it can be done.
  18. I'm relieved to hear you are being treated already. Scary stuff.
  19. Oh, Michelle...I'll pray for you and Heidi.
  20. (((Luanne))) Thanks for the update, you're in my prayers.
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