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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug:Texting can be irritating, obnoxious and in so many situations...plain old rude.:glare: They should be outlawed at parties, church, the movies and while driving.
  2. Good article. We do many of those, but I'm always looking for ideas. To save money, we're opting out of the weekly CSA and giving squarefoot gardening a try. I'll be up against an army of rabbits and more squirrels than imaginable. :glare: Homemade wine and beer sounds very interesting.
  3. I'd give the award to Colleen today. Didn't someone find a snake in theirs a while back? :willy_nilly: I've found a bottle of whiteout in mine yesterday. I almost had a moment of panic, but it wasn't open. Other odds and ends... Hair scrunchies scissors crayons (Yes, a laundry tragedy occurred.) pens markers hair brush combs barrettes small toys coins dollars...:DMy favorite find.:D
  4. :grouphug:A baby girl, how sweet. Both of my kids were true to their utlrasounds.
  5. Wow...everyone should read that. I'm one who does stay home or switches off with dh. I do it for my kids and the the rest of my city, church, classes and even the other Walmart or Target shoppers. And JO....I do warn my friends NOT to come when they are sick or I'll be mad because of the complications. Many just never thought about it, but are fine with my house policy of no sickies and you better warn me first or you'll need to pray for me. :grouphug:
  6. Oh, Kelli...thank you. This explains a lot of what was going on here. I need an old, inefficient dishwasher. LoL...No really, I may look for an old model that uses lots of hot water. Our repair man mentioned something comparable to what yours said. Our hot-water heater is in the basement. Thank you, Tammy aka The woman with dishpan hands. But...my dishes are done now with way less of my time and apparently money.
  7. Well, I'm in full planning mode here and it feels like walking a mine field. My plans are to go with an accredited private high school. The school is flexible and will allow us to use a number of local options like dual enrollment and cc.
  8. I've had occasional temporary bouts after using aspirin or products with aspirin in them. Hope you feel better soon.:grouphug:
  9. Saxon is not scripted after grade 3. I don't know if that helps, but from 5/4 it is written to the student and is significantly different from 3 down.
  10. Thank you for sharing it all with us. My family is looking into getting another dog and your honesty will help many of us. (Our Lady passed on a few years ago.) I think I'd love, love a puppy...but will get a dog ifykwim.
  11. The links don't work in my area either. I'll vote for the voyager too, because I like voyager.
  12. Last year my dd used the complete language arts program. I did follow the teacher guide with very little trimming, and imo it wasn't all that teacher intensive. It was basically go over the lesson instructions and grading on my part. This year she is using the A Beka DVD academy and simply loves it, and it's even even less work for me. Currently she is using the DVD classes for History, Grammar & Comp, Spelling Voc & Poetry Literature, and Science. (History is her absolute favorite.) She tested very well after last year. Some feel A Beka is a bit of drill and kill, but my dd is doing very well. I will say that at the beginning of this year, she was overwhelmed with the sheer volume of work and homework. It took a tremendous amount of effort on her part to handle the work load. The result has been a student who is very organized and uses her time wisely.
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