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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Good for you! Great finds you can enjoy each and everyday. We purchased a snow-blower for $50...off Craig's list and man, this has been the winter we needed it.:tongue_smilie: Yesterday, a retired pampered chef lady was selling her stash....and I didn't check in time:crying:. Daily checking is very important!
  2. She is gorgeous...Her green eyes and coat are just beautiful. I've never heard of a cat enjoying water.:001_smile:
  3. Hope they can get it diagnosed and treated, it sounds like he's feeling miserable. I've known several people who had fibromyalgia or Lupus with similar symptoms. All were difficult to diagnose.:grouphug:
  4. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5723111&findingMethod=rr These sets are in my local Walmart and on-line.
  5. No, I don't. And I believe, those who have potentially deadly animals should be insured and liable.
  6. Those are gorgeous and I love, love my regular, thin set of corelle. In my experience, stone-wear chips easily, I'm not sure about those beauties. Walmart carries lots of corelle. You might check there and save with the return option if they aren't good quality. I'm on my second set of corelle (grew tired of the old pattern and stupidly gave it away.) I went with corelle again to avoid lead and I have been so pleased. My set is three years old and has no chips and it's all still here. I only shattered one piece of corelle that was taken steaming hot out of the dishwasher and boom. It was shattered. However, I drop and we drop this set all the time on our hardwood kitchen floor.
  7. I'm enjoying my first year of Practical Homeschooling. We've been homeschooling for...what is it eight years and never a magazine sub before. This was a a very nice gift.
  8. Enjoy settling into your new space.:grouphug:
  9. Jean...One word....Flylady:001_huh:. The library book or web site makes everything so easy and following most of it for a few days or weeks will work wonders in a home. Lots of creative storage organizing ideas there too. Now to go kick myself in the behind and begin again. I love her cleaning and decluttering lists. They're printable off the web site or following Kelly's 5-15 minute daily mission will shape a room/zone into room in 5 days. I like small bins for kids rooms vs. big dump toy bins. The 4 inch tall ones slide nicely under beds and hold a whole bunch of Lego's or other things.
  10. My less than two year old Kenmore dishwasher....The smart board doesn't tell the water intake valve to stop sending in more water...ie...flood city. Apparently, we need an electrician/plumber to fix it... I'm going to have to replace it according to my dh, but my hand-washing protest continues at present.:nopity:
  11. No... I didn't always and learned when I had my own kids...fever today...barfin tonight...and one moms common cold is another's croup. If I Luv em...yes, neighbors...no. Disclaimer....Extended family member with asthma and a regular cold can send him into the hospital.
  12. That's some list, I really feel for you. Food allergies stink and many people just don't get how difficult they are to eat around much less to cook for. :grouphug:
  13. :grouphug:Me.no way. I'm so sorry for your family, your sister sounds like she isn't dealing with reality. Has she always behaved like this or could she be mentally ill or on some sort of chemicals? (Drugs, alcohol or mental illness or some depressions can truly distort a persons judgment.) If she has always been completely self centered, it may just be her choice. Hugs and prayers that she gets some help and realizes what she is doing.
  14. :grouphug: How sweet. I'm trying to find the right dog for our family here. It does seem like the good ones go quickly.
  15. Shoes, flip flops are a must for us, while traveling.
  16. One according to http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/ ...I still automatically put two.
  17. Early Saturday or Sunday morning works best for me. The stores aren't crowded and now that my kids aren't littles, dh often comes with me. Breakfast/shopping date.;)
  18. If it could clean the floors, I'd want to keep it. I'm going to check back today and ask some more questions. Crate training is a new concept for me, but I'm going to read up on training and look into the obedience classes. Thanks for the Dog Whisper book/show suggestion that sounds like a good place to start. I think Netflix and my library have them.
  19. Would I be able to check her teeth just by looking in her mouth? The rescue league will not let us take her out of their sight for any reason even a vet check before we finalize the adoption. Thank you for so many thoughtful answers everyone:grouphug:. I really appreciate each and everyone of them. Grooming vs. shedding would be a definite plus. I'm going to call and check on grooming costs, but would likely give clipping her a try to save money in the long run. Now if I can just make up my mind. There are lots of baby poodles in the news paper, but my heart is committed to a rescue dog if at all possible. And I know who will really be taking care of this dog....me.:001_huh: My family is 100% there of course.
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