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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your encouraging experience.
  2. Daisy, I wanted to comment after reading your post, but have no experience with IEW, R&S or FFL. :001_unsure: One scheduling possibility is to plan a set time for each subject, and move onto the next one if she reaches the minute mark. Personally I like to naturally flow from one lesson to the next without feeling rushed. I also prefer to plan our schedule and add rather than drop a subject. I'm looking forward to hearing more voices sound in.
  3. Many people here call two-year-old toddler care pre-K. My opinion was not to consider us homeschooling until my child(ren) were of mandatory attendance age.
  4. Your local schools get your tax dollars for free, so you are doing more than your share anyway. Pass the dip...someone pass the bean dip.
  5. Good luck. I hope it sells for top dollars and in record time.
  6. Snort! Beltway traffic is what it is, and for the most part it stinks. (I don't miss it.) Don't begin your adventure with out eating, using the bathroom and a full tank of gas. We've endured numerous bridge openings, a helicopter landing, a man threatening to jump off the bridge and countless other delays. Kid entertainment is always a good idea along with snacks and diapers if you need em.
  7. My copy was just under $7 with shipping, and it was money well spent. I only wish it was available in large(er) print:001_smile:.
  8. We live in the Mid-west and my parents live in the South-west. There are literally thousands of snow-birds where they live, and one day I hope to be one or better yet...a local. (Dh's job is here and we are pretty much tied to the area and four seasons... for now.)
  9. We exceed 180 days per year, and only count days worked.
  10. Same here. I will attempt to read a long post if it's someone I know, but other wise...my eyes appreciate skipping it.
  11. Library reading programs help with incentives, you can even do your own home version. ***My night owl enjoyed and valued a little reading after bed time.
  12. Neither of my kids are nappers, so falling asleep would be unusual, I'd let them sleep away knowing they needed to rest.
  13. Basic math skills are much less complicated and necessary in the long run imo.
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